If I Die Before I Wake
If I Die Before I Wake
R | 01 January 1998 (USA)
If I Die Before I Wake Trailers

A suburban family is held hostage and terrorized by three intruders while their sixteen year-old daughter first hides, then exacts her own brand of terror on the assailants.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
sccrwsmr Mg, i cant explain how good this movie is.... while it may not be perfect, it makes up for it in ways....*spoilers* the movie starts off on a happy way, everyones sleeping cep't the son, And there's cheery music playing, then, then the chaos begins, I am only 14 and i have watched this movie, which with average 14 year olds can be a bit, ehhh... mainly because it is very violent, I'm talking, skull bashings ,eye stabbings, rape, and there's even a bit of pedophile mixed in.Now don't get me wrong this isn't a gore filled massacre but, I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone who cant watch a Friday the 13th movie.The dialog/acting is pretty good in this movie considering it is a low-budget movie. i was really surprised by the girl who plays Lori Beth she is very convincible, which adds to the chill. also the main thug is very frightening, mainly cuz he is so vulgar.If u like low budget movies and u want to be scared...RENT THIS but if ur expecting a gore fest rent- something else.
huggy_bear I have to admit, I had second thoughts after renting this one, but I said what the hell. I was really surprised at how this movie turned out. The drama picked up really early on, and didn't let up at all until the very end. You don't have to sit through a bunch of love scenes or stupid s**t like that, just jumps right into the action. Yeah, some might call this a "girl power" movie, but who's complaining? Nothing wrong with that to me. Some of LoriBeth's actions I question, being in that situation, but hey, it's a movie for crying out loud!! Really good flick.
Jack the Ripper1888 This is one freaky movie that tells the story of three intruders breaking into a family's home and holding them hostage. It also shows pretty graphically what some people might actually do in this sort of situation. It is intense and over all frightening. Although some of my family members found it too violent for them to stomach, if you can put up with a lot of violence, then you're in for one scary ride of a movie. 5/5
spooky-1 This movie was creepy. In a day and age where most movies fall short on charactor, or plot, this basic one location, small cast film surpasses most big-budget films. It involves a family taken hostage by 3 convicts(one looks like a Micky Rourke\Tully Blanchard hybrid). They proceed to tourture the family while the daughter and little girl hide. Its worth the rental if you can find it. It is creepy.