Ichi the Killer: Episode Zero
Ichi the Killer: Episode Zero
NC-17 | 27 September 2002 (USA)
Ichi the Killer: Episode Zero Trailers

A masochistic mobster meets his match in the dark streets of Tokyo. His nemesis, Ichi, is a psychopathic killer with an unrelenting thirst for bloodshed. A horrifying secret burns in his mind, and his hands deal death without mercy. At last, the shrouds of mystery are parted to reveal the origin of the monster. The city will know its greatest fear at the unveiling of Ichi the Killer.

Interesteg What makes it different from others?
Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
MonsterPerfect Good idea lost in the noise
maxyg18 Do not be confused because ICHI THE KILLER: THE ANIMATION EPISODE 0 is not the prequel to Takashi Miike's 'live-action' version of Hideo Yamamoto's infamous manga, it is the prequel to Hideo Yamamoto's infamous manga.It's about Ichi when he was a student in high school and how he was bullied, what he was like when he was with his family and friends and how he became a twisted and sadistic assassin.This prequel is really cool: good animation, a well-written script and a hardcore soundtrack make this film worth a watch. Although some people may find this film too short or too much like a big music video. Other than that, it's worth watching, but read the comic book before watching it.
lunarsong I saw this anime as an add on to the sensory overload that was ichi the killer. I have to say i did not like the anime. As well as i believe it has been done it seems like just another way of squeezing another drop of crimson fluid from a franchise that is already swimming in it.The takeshi miike voiced kakihara is just not even worth mentioning as he hardly even manages any lines. The same set of animation occurs several times in the cartoon which isnt a good sign as the animation is only 45 minutes long.the dub is in an english accent which means no self respecting fan of the live action could sit through it. A must see for ichi fans but a must not buy.
jsangspar Koroshiya-1, Ichi the Killer, is a great movie; probably among the best, most vibrant and entertaining movies ever made. It's serious, and takes itself seriously- as it should.This terrible release does not. It takes Ichi's story and essentially adds parts that don't exist in either the manga or the film for entertainment value- there are several pointless sex scenes (such as Ichi's parents engaging in S&M), and the entire thing is melodramatic and absolutely horrible. This is amateur writing at best- it's like something a high-school student would write in an attempt to shock; the cause-and-effect relationships are basic and tenuous at best.Technically, the animation and art is among the worst I've ever seen; ugly characters with absolutely broken anatomy and about three frames of movement each. I watch a lot of anime; the problem is not the style, but this release in particular. The music is perhaps suitable, but still dull; nothing like the film's wonderful primal sounds.As it's mostly unwatchable and physically painful to sit through, I gave it a 2- some very minor redeeming values (like the novelty of Miike being Kakihara's voice- pretty neat), but as a whole, completely worthless.
Toxie2000 This animation is actually based on the manga origins of Ichi the Killer but could still plausibly coincide with the movie. It's well made and VERY GORY. Even worse than the live action because it's animated. Currently this is the only Ichi animation made but more should be coming soon. If you liked the live action movie diffenetly pick this up.