I Am Love
I Am Love
R | 18 June 2010 (USA)
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Emma has left Russia to live with her husband in Italy. Now a member of a powerful industrial family, she is the respected mother of three, but feels unfulfilled. One day, Antonio, a talented chef and her son's friend, makes her senses kindle.

Console best movie i've ever seen.
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Charles Camp Checked this out on the merit of Luca Guadagnino's breakthrough film, Call Me By Your Name, in the interest of exploring some his past work. In some ways, I Am Love feels like a dry run for the former, particularly in its second act which is by far its strongest. It captures that same windswept, naturalistic intimacy shared between two characters who are hopelessly drawn to one another despite the social pressures that would pull them apart. Guadagnino displays the same eye for the beauty of the Italian countryside which again acts as a backdrop, and he too adorns the romance with plentiful images of the natural world.But these similarities to Call Me By Your Name are also somewhat detrimental to the film as they draw just as much attention to the ways in which it doesn't quite reach those same heights. The characters here don't feel as rounded and full-bodied which distanced me a bit from the proceedings. There are also many more plot elements revolving around the more numerous supporting characters that fail to be as compelling as the central romance. Additionally, I took some issue with the third act of the film which veers into melodrama and results in a finale that feels forced compared to the breezy, airy quality of its earlier sections. Still, there's plenty of beauty to behold here and it's worth seeing as a formative work in Guadagnino's career, as well as on the strength of its best moments.3.5/5
TRlNITY This movie is so great. I'll skip everything you've already read about the cinematography and the acting - all so well done. It really felt like a book on screen not a movie. ie much more depth than you usually get. More subtleties.The only thing I didn't like was how they make the main character "heroic" (via the music). While she is so beautiful on the outside - she's so ugly on the inside; letting her son die to keep her selfish secret safe. She treats her husband poorly when he's done nothing but love and provide for her. Yet the movie portrays her as this bird trying to get air.... I dunno. A little more like a selfish beauty who is actually monstrous - complete with teeth and talons ripping her family apart to get what she fancies.... this year. You do get the impression she'll want something else in a few yrs and she'll rip her "new stable life" apart when she does. That twisted morality aside... :-) this movie is worth every minute. I did not find anything distracting about the camera angles or the music. Every part of it had purpose. And a lot of the images, in my view, were symbolic.
Rich Wright Oh, the beautiousness of True Love! You're a middle aged woman who lives a boring life, with a stoic husband and tedious friends. You're quite well off, but you're not happy. Everyday is an endless procession of parties and dull, dull conversations. I would have sympathy for you, but we, the viewers, have to experience it too. What better way to improve your mood about your shallow existence, than to make sure your misery is shared.Then you meet... HIM. He's a chef. Much younger than you. And a DREAMBOAT. And like most nice guys in the movies, completely devoid of any interesting character quirks at all. Still, having your best years behind you, you fall for him. THE SEX IS GREAT!! You do it inside. You do it outside. Look, the camera is lingering on the close-up of a cricket! A wardrobe! A cloudless sky! It's all so arty! I can just picture the cinematographer and director doing a high-five, while I count the patches of damp on my ceiling.Rarely how I seen such a long film, and not be able to recall almost anything about it after it was over. It was like eavesdropping on the most pretentious bunch of snobs this side of Chelsea, who have Shirley Valentine as their matriarch. Apparently, Tilda Swinton learned Russian and Italian, just for this one role. That's like learning how to disassemble and reassemble a car... so you can clean them for a living. It's just not worth it.The synopsis may refer to it as a 'tragic love story', but I would snip the last two words off there. GREAT DVD front cover, though. That's what made me want to see it in the first place. Boy, do I regret that decision now..... 3/10
filmalamosa I was afraid this film was going to be soap opera fluff with the luscious rich setting but it turned out quite a bit better.The story line: Beautiful rich mother has affair with her son's best friend a cook. Frankly Edo the cook got the better deal. It ends tragically.The 30s mansion where this takes place some how doesn't look lived in--it looks like a museum but what a house! and smack in the middle of Milan.At first I thought Edo had a relationship going on with the son Antonio...that would have made the story even better--but then again maybe not.Emma the mother is an unforgettable role and the movie is definitely worth watching and you won't forget her. Let the soap opera part of it be pleasant fluff--after all we all like to imagine living such a life in such a house.Italians are second to none with style--from clothes to cars to the people they are riveting.