England Is Mine
England Is Mine
| 25 August 2017 (USA)
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A portrait of Steven Patrick Morrissey and his early life in 1970s Manchester before he went on to become lead singer of seminal 1980s band The Smiths.

Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
parrisjim The thought of a Morrissey film sounded good,but after the film ended very open ended and lacked any Smiths music..I was disappointed,There is always more to any persons life then being one dimentional and this film shows him that way..flat paper thin...there was much to how scenes were presented or framed..shot straight forwardly and simple....It wasenrt very introspective on the workings of a young artists mind..his sexuality, his place wintin the world he was born...i hope someone comes along has a sense of art and makes a film with more smiths music...Not focus on fame or money or sucess the artist mind his place in the world..
simon-75049 What a disappointing pile of garbage. This film could have been so much more but all it did was take a few key events from wikipedia and make a movie. "If you have five seconds to spare, then I'll tell you the story of my life / Sixteen, clumsy and shy / That's the story of my life." The film was Clumsy in the making, shy in the facts and was a waste of more than 5 seconds of my life.
lukethewannabemoviecritic to start off with, if you're going into this film hoping to see plenty of smiths songs and smiths related stuff, you're going to be disappointed. however this film is a realistic, enlightening and well made insight into a young, socially awkward yet likable Stephen Patrick Morrissey, trying to get his voice heard in the cramped music scene of the 1970/80s. Jack Lowden (Morrissey) who may not really look a lot like Morrissey, does a excellent job of portraying all of his unique characteristics and making him likable in the processes.as a massive smiths fan I was of course disappointed at the absence of any smiths songs, however the music was still very good, using a lot of mid 70s tracks, which is sure to give a lot of older fans nostalgia. the only problem I found was that I originally knew this would obviously be a dramatization like most film biographies, but I then found out later that this is an unauthorized film, meaning that all of this could of possibly been false information, which is a bit of a waste of an hour and a half if it is.altogether though it was a very well made film with lots of style and memorable performances. hopefully a follow-up will be made in the future which focuses more on the smiths and their road to becoming one of the most recognizable bands ever made.
Ingy Everything you would expect of a pre-Smiths life of Morrissey, dank, a depressing struggle with life, rain, poetry, a little humour, some nice philosophy, a typewriter, a box bedroom wannabe/soon to be, a record player and records set in some 70's and 80's nostalgia. It felt like a cute calm film before a storm of a Smiths film to follow,hopefully.No spoilers from me here other than he doesn't die at the end but in the next film (please) goes on to create the Smiths.