I Am Dina
I Am Dina
| 08 March 2002 (USA)
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In Northern Norway during the 1860s, a little girl named Dina accidentally causes her mother's death. Overcome with grief, her father refuses to raise her, leaving her in the care of the household servants. Dina grows up wild and unmanageable, with her only friend being the stable boy, Tomas. She summons her mother's ghost and develops a strange fascination with death as well as a passion for living.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
dawnsinbox Omgosh I LOVED this movie so much. Maria Bonnevie WAS Dina. I'd never seen her before. Now I want to see all ger work. She was AMAZING in this one. Everyone was. I'm ready to watch it again.
sound-31 I have no idea why this movie was ever made.The story is so bad that you wont believe it until you see it for yourself.The English language is extremely bad spoken.These actors use to be good (I am from Denmark) but the instructor Ole Bornedal made it possible to destroy their talent totally in this film.The music sucks.Ole Bornedal try to make a international film with actors from all over the world, but he did a very poor job.There's no soul in this movie.But the pictures of nature were nice, - maybe he could be used to make a tourist film from Norway. p.s. Ole Bornedal also made Nightwatch and I liked that one (danish version) Don't waste time on I am Dina.Its not worth it.
lprand I'm obsessed with this film. I've never seen it's equivalent in terms of sheer emotional intensity and the power of the acting,plot, scenery, everything. I'm very frustrated, because since I saw it at the Montreal film festival 2 or 3 years ago, I can find no trace of it in the USA. No DVD's, no local releases that I can find. I want to share this with all my friends. I particularly relate to Dina's fear of loss and abandonment, which fuels her frequent violent outbursts and influences all of her relationships. And her lover's final reassurance that he will leave her, but he will always come back to her. The only character (other than her tutor) who seemed able to both love and understand her, and who could potentially show her a way out of her tortured past. Her tutor's final letter to her was such a message of hope and love. I can't say enough about this film, I don't have the words. This film
cit013 It could also be based on a true story. I do not know. I did not expect very much when I saw it but it was just impossible to stop watching. The film starts with a terrible accident, realistic! It continues as a very beautiful film and then it starts to be very thrilling. It has many things and you are never bored watching it. Very good characters and also a historical touch which makes it even better. I see a lot of films but this is one of the best I ever seen. I really hope more people see this masterpiece. It is different but absolutely not hard to understand or strange in any way. Just brilliant. I will definitely try to find other films in this category but it is hard to believe I will ever find anything close to this.