House of the Living Dead
House of the Living Dead
PG | 23 July 1976 (USA)
House of the Living Dead Trailers

On a South African plantation, a maniac is on the loose, first killing the estate's animals, then starting on the human members.

Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Woodyanders Mad scientist Dr. Breckinridge Brattling (robustly overplayed with eye-rolling histrionic glee by Mark Burns) who resides in a colonial vineyard in South Africa plots to steal people's souls and puts them in jars. Brattling embarks on a bloody murderous rampage in order to achieve his nefarious goal.While director Roy Austin manages to create a decent amount of reasonably spooky atmosphere and makes nice use of the desolate South African countryside, this movie nonetheless proves to be a pretty tedious chore to sit through due to the sluggish pace, a meandering narrative, Lionel Friedberg's flat cinematography, and the overly talky script by Marc Marais. Fortunately, the solid acting from a competent cast keeps this picture watchable, with especially praiseworthy work from Shirley Anne Field as the sweet Mary Anne Carew, Margaret Inglis as stern matriarch Lady Brattling, Dia Sydow as timid servant Lina, and, in an especially lively turn, Lynn Maree as creepy old hag Annie. Moreover, this film does finally come to exciting life during the thrilling climax, but it's a classic example of too little too late. An okay diversion.
Aaron1375 I got this film in a twelve pack of films that are zombie themed. This one should not have been included as there is nothing about this film that is zombie oriented. It is more mystery, but that is not very true either as it is not very difficult to see where this film is going if one has seen more than a couple of horror films during their lifetime. It was somewhat interesting at first though as I was wondering what was going to be happening as I still held out hope there would be zombies or something within the film. Not so late in the film, though, it became apparently clear how it would end so I spent a good portion of the film continually looking at the clock counter on the DVD player hoping it would hurry up and finish. Suffice to say, it was worth one look so I could properly review, but not a film I would ever care to pop in the player again during my lifetime.The story has a plantation in Africa experiencing some problems. It is occupied by a mother and her two sons. One of the sons seems to be experimenting on animals while the other tries to keep the plantation together as a couple of people end up dead. This brother also has a fiancé coming in from London and his mother does not approve at all. More strange things happens as the film races to its somewhat bizarre, but thoroughly predictable ending.The movie was just dull, as I said it started out interestingly enough as a man works on a monkey, but then there are just a lot of dead scenes that really add nothing to the plot. As the movie progresses it becomes less and less interesting as it is so obvious what is going on so all you are waiting for at this point is the ending to pop up. Thankfully, it did finally come on screen and I was more than happy to eject it and put it away. That being said, it is not terrible as the acting is decent, just to dull and predictable a story for my tastes.
Chase_Witherspoon While the title isn't strictly a misnomer as some reviewers have remarked, it remains misleading - this isn't a zombie movie per se but concerns a wealthy scientist, demented following a brain injury caused by a fall from an apparently primeval steed, conducting experiments on creatures in an attempt to capture their soul and transplant it into other beings. His aristocratic family run a farm in South Africa where the other son (Burns) is set to marry his English lass (Field), much to the chagrin of his fiercely protective mother (Inglis). A series of strange murders and rituals force Field to re-consider her commitment, as the enigma of the demented brother (locked away in the upper floor of the family mansion), becomes too much for her to ignore.It's pure tripe wasting Field's considerable talents, and those of supporting actor Oxley as a concerned doctor whom Field befriends on the journey from England. Initially an affable character, Burns quickly becomes an arrogant aristocrat and borderline Oedipus complex to mother Inglis, who plays the family matriarch with all the usual pomp you'd expect. It's a relatively small cast lacking depth and familiarity beyond the three leads (Burns, Field and Oxley).While the twist ending might leave some surprised, the revelations are lost potential, poorly executed and lacking suspense or thrills. Austin's movie relies on old-fashioned motifs like the club footed nut jobs who only come out at night and play the pipe organ, witch-doctors proffering sinister incantations that no one believes and chemical experiments that involve dozens of test tubes filled with colourful, smoky potions that make monkeys go berserk. Worse than dull, it promises a great revelation, then fails to deliver.
Hitchcoc You know, this had some potential. The plot is out of that Baskerville, Pyncheon mode, where a family has had a history of horrible personages who have died unnatural deaths. There seems to be an almost satanic element at work. In the old days they would have felt that there was a curse because of some ancestor's evil actions. A man who is "cursed" and has an evil brother, brings his young fiancée to his home. His mother tries to drive her away because she wants to see the lineage end. The brother is apparently deformed and mad and stares from the window upstairs. This sound like a lot of fun. The down side is a rambling, endless story that goes on and on. There are a number of chases that contribute little to the events. The young woman is continuously roaming the mansion and it takes two or three minutes to get to a destination. The upside is that there is lots of suspense and some excellent surprises (not that it hasn't been done before). See this. It's OK.
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