Hostage for a Day
Hostage for a Day
| 25 April 1994 (USA)
Hostage for a Day Trailers

Warren Kooey is a man who's tired of his current life; a witch of a wife, a boss who complains about everything he does and looses his lifesavings (stolen by the wife). He has only one thing on his mind: Alaska

Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
james676 I was a senior in high school when HOSTAGE FOR A DAY premiered on television. I was excited, because I was such a John Candy fan and this film premiered after his death. I thought it was good. Not great. I enjoyed the fact that John was loyal to his Second City family. Great comedic character actors appear in this film. The story was by no means great, but the ensemble worked well. I was taken by surprise when the thugs (led by John Candy) actually take George Wendt's character hostage. I remember asking myself "Where did they come from?" But still, it was a sweet story with a nice ensemble of actors. I remember following the film, there was a tribute to John Candy. You can't see a project with John Candy and not smile.
Lee Eisenberg The year that John Candy left this life, he starred in one of the most atrocious movies that I've ever seen ("Wagons East"), but also directed - and appeared in - this light, interesting TV movie. George Wendt plays a suburban everyman completely fed up with his life. So, he pretends that he's been taken hostage in his house, leading to a media frenzy and the police surrounding everything. Only then, some real thugs take him hostage (Candy plays one of them)."Hostage for a Day" makes neat use of Wendt's mannerisms, and is a fairly perceptive look at apparent satisfaction in the suburbs masking deeper frustration (along with media hype). Then again, maybe I'm the only person who interpreted it as such. For all that I know, it might have just been intended as a silly comedy. But I still assert that it's worth seeing. Also starring John Vernon.
René Riva The first time I saw this movie, around 1996, I was very disappointed. After nine years I gave this movie a second try. This time I enjoyed the movie. John Candy's small cameo as Yuri Petrovich is funny, although I wonder how it would have been if John had played George Wendt's part. Don't get me wrong, George Wendt is a great actor but he hasn't got much chance to be funny, because you feel sorry for his character all the time. Christopher Templeton is really terrific as Wendt's childhood sweetheart Diane St. Clair. I think the big problem is that the movie's sensitivity doesn't match with the silliness and vice versa. Sadly, when this movie premiered on television John Candy had already passed away.
honesty Why on earth John Candy let himself be associated with this loser of a picture is beyond me. The plot is simple and it is rife with possibilities for great humour but it doesn't take advantage of them. George Wendt is not the greatest actor that ever hit the screen but his years at Cheers should have taught him how to create a laugh...apparently they did not. He is so un-funny at times it hurts. I wanted to get up and deliver the line the way it could have been but...well. At any rate if you're looking for a good sit-down to watch a good comedy and maybe have a beer...don't drink the beer too fast, I suspect you'll be on your way out to the store for another movie and you shouldn't drive intoxicated!