| 22 May 2003 (USA)
Horseplay Trailers

A small-time horse trainer has successfully screwed up his life. His wife hates him, hie mistress loathes him and his father-in-law wants to kill him. With nothing to lose, he enlists the help of his best friend and concocts a plan to rig the biggest horse race in Australia.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Mark M So terrible it is embarrassing that this is an Australian production. I took my elderly father to see this when it was in the theater and there was only 3 others there!! Tushka Bergen was awful her acting was so wooden, terrible and Jason Donovan was shocking. These people are an insult to the Australian acting community. Thank goodness Tushka Bergen, Jason Donovan and Marcus Graham NO longer act because they can't! Do yourself a favor and don't bother. You probably won't be able to find this movie but don't waste your time to even look - it was complete rubbish and if I could give it a 0 I would. The story line is poor, not funny and didn't make any sense, and is just appaulling!
conan-2 This movie has the makings of what could be a good movie but is misses trying to juggle too many balls in the air. This is shown by the way they needed 10 minutes of Hugo Weaving's great voice-over work just to try and set the scene. Way too complicated for what is a farce. Jason Donovan is the best thing in it.
Paulfarrel I absolutley loved this flick! Fast paced, good script, great actors, good looking girls- what more could u want?! The setting for this film is great, the colourful world of the race track definitely provides a lot of scope to be explored and Kazanzidis definitely did this! From the sleazy old guys to the young, bitchy but beautiful girls, all characters that could be covered were! Thoroughly entertaining!
em-13 Why do all contemporary Australian moviemakers suddenly want to make the next Pulp Fiction? Here's another example that brings to mind You Can't Stop The Murders from a few months back. It had a great premise (all the characters from the Village People - Indian, cowboy, bike rider etc. getting bumped off with the policeman next unless he solves the case) but the script and direction were, well, appalling. Here the direction is better, but the script is still heavy-handed, plodding and instead of being zappy is just plain dumb. The premise - a loser who wants to prove he's somebody by throwing the Melbourne Cup horse race - had potential. The acting isn't too bad either. But once again there's all this unnecessary nasty violence (it's cool! it's now! it's groovy kids!) and teen girls with wigs and guns (how very Tarantino) mashed in and the film just stalls at the gate. It's hard to imagine who this will appeal to, but one thing is for sure - there's unlikely to be a sequel.