Hope Lost
Hope Lost
| 01 February 2015 (USA)
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A Romanian girl dreams of living the glamorous life she sees in Italian soap operas.

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Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
Michael Ledo Sophia (Francesca Agostini) hoping to be a film star travels to Rome where she is forced to work for Manol (Michael Madsen) a pimp. She becomes one of Rome's Campfire Girls. The story then turns weird at the end.This is one of the worst films I have seen with Madsen and Trejo. The plot went nowhere. The film is mostly shot at night with Sophia being tested and confronting a number of fetishes. The dialogue wasn't great .Guide: F-bomb, sex, rape, minimum nudity, mostly from the back although I understand there may be versions with more nudity.
leonblackwood Review: I thought I would give this movie a chance, because I haven't seen a film with Michael Madsen for ages, and I can totally understand why! I won't blame him for this badly written "straight to DVD" movie, because his weird but wonderful acting skills were OK but it really seemed like everyone wasn't fully committed to the project. Its basically about a woman who goes away with a popular director, leaving her kid behind, to translate for him but the director ends up taking her to a prostitutes den, so she can work for a brutal pimp, played by Michael Madsen. As the director owes Madsen money, she has to work the debt off, against her own will, and she tries to escape but Madsen's henchmen always stop her in her tracks. They then try to use her in a snuff movie but she takes matters into her own hands and tries to escape from the disturbed weirdos. The acting is quite poor from the whole cast and the ending just didn't make any sense, whatsoever. Not that I was bothered! Madsen has really hit rock bottom and I doubt that a good Taratino movie will bring him out of this slump. Disappointing!Round-Up: This movie was directed by David Patricia, 37, whose previous movies, have all been for an Italian audience. I don't really know what the moral of this storyline was, or what point he was trying to get across, so it just seemed like a waste of time, in my opinion. The lady who ended up in those terrible circumstances, just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and the graphic scenes just showed how sick and perverted those individuals were. Anyway, I think you can tell that I didn't really warm to this movie, so it has to get the thumbs down from me.I recommend this movie to people who are into their drama/thrillers starring Danny Trejo, Michael Madsen, Daniel Baldwin and Mischa Barton. 1/10
kosmasp If she answers I hope she does so in her regular voice. Her Romanian accent thing is not really working. Thankfully she is not the main star of this movie, though she might feel different about that. And only adds to the downfall she has taken. We are used to Danny Trejo playing in anything (and I'm not blaming him), even Michael Madsen, though he is a special case and only seems to "work" under Tarantino (no pun intended of course).The theme the movie has is a real problem, but the way it gets handled is poor to say the least. There are worse movies out there of course and there is a couple of neat moments this has, even though we never actually get into the head of the characters
viridel With one overwhelmingly positive and overwhelmingly negative review on the books, I will take the middle ground on this polarizing film - much like the * ratings so far, there is very little consistency. As the 1-Star reviewer indicated, there is very little positive in this movie. Where I disagree with them is that the world isn't all sunshine and lollipops - therefore why should our cinema? Hostel and Saw are in no way pleasant movies, yet are highly regarded in their genre.While calling this "entertainment" is an extremely debatable and subjective, the fact is that the movie accomplishes what it sets out to achieve. I don't know the reality of what's in here - which makes me quite happy (sometimes ignorance is indeed bliss) - but it's portrayed in an extremely viable way, with acting that is quite strong, and actually far above expectations given the B-list lineup. And in all fairness, there are many things this movie could have done to push the torture-porn boundary, but it is really quite scaled back with more effort paid to character and motivation.While certainly not a masterpiece in any sense of the word, but if you're a fan of the genre, it is a quality addition to the group. If you're not, then simply avoid.