My Trip Back to the Dark Side
My Trip Back to the Dark Side
| 14 May 2014 (USA)
My Trip Back to the Dark Side Trailers

Shawn Stone is having a bad day. The funding for his film project is not there, his personal life is in shambles, he's out of time and money. He sees only one way to solve his problems - he must turn to the dark side and ask the King of Porn for some cash

Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Ron Silvey What can I say?! I feel sorry for Sean Young having to take a paycheck on this stinker. High school drama class acting, no budget, another home movie shot with one camera by untalented people with the right Hollywood connections to get this stink pile even made and released. They will seriously release ANYTHING that doesn't cost money to make. I hope the people that invested the $200 to make this are forced to watch it over and over. Just like The Gallows. Anything that they can try an turn a profit on regardless of quality. Now that cameras are cheap and everywhere, every little high school kid wants to make a home movie and have it released. What's worse is the studios fall for it. Avoid at ALL COST
quincytheodore It seems that any hint of crime thriller here is only a pretext for showing naked ladies. My Trip Back to the Dark Side is one of the movies which has pointless plot, yet takes much too long to build up. Expect lots of ranting and nagging conversations before even the faintest of noir story takes place. It's definitely not worth investing time even for thriller fans, in fact the movie's only good point is its promiscuous scenes.Story follows Shawn (Jason Pace) who is down on his luck. The movie he worked so hard on was canceled, and now he is given the chance to make porn for dubious characters for high sum of money. For the casting and script, the movie aims to be humorous and it does seem bizarre enough to be authentic, but it wastes so much time rehearsing unnecessary plot. It's boorish and tedious, especially with the crime drama toned down.There's not much presentation to be had, you can delve further into technical aspect like cinematography, although everything here is mediocre at best. It doesn't have comedy or thrill, in fact for one and half hour runtime it's incredibly shallow and empty.The movie almost like an inside joke on how to make porn looks much grandeur that it really is. The most time this movie captures audience's attention would be when attractive ladies perform flexible motions with their unclothed bodies.
MartinHafer Currently this film has a score of 8.2. I will make no accusations but cannot understand how anyone could score this film with an 8, 9 or 10.Who is the audience for this movie?! After all, My Trip Back to the Dark Side is filled with gratuitous nudity from start to finish…yet it's hardly sexy. On the other hand, it wants to be a serious suspense film….but it has gratuitous nudity from start to finish! And, to make it even worse, just about everyone in the film is a low-life. My advice is that if you wanna watch porn, watch something that is sexy…not this film. And, you really cannot take this poorly written and unintentionally silly film very seriously, so it's not at all suspenseful.Shortly after the film begins, you see Sean Young (yes, THAT Sean Young) working on a movie. She's playing herself and you rightfully assume it's a Sean Young film. Well, that is NOT the case and Miss Young only appears here briefly and at the end….again, very briefly. However, during these small scenes, she easily has the best moments in the film. She's crude but quite funny when she plays herself.As for the rest of the film, the plot often makes little sense and, if you think about it, the leading man and his part in the film is really unnecessary to the plot!! I have never seen this in a movie before and I doubt if I'll see it again, but Shawn (Jason Pace) really does nothing during the film but whine about a movie he wants to create as the plot unfolds all around him—and doesn't really involve him at all! It's weird and rather sloppy. And, it's not interesting.Much of the film is like porn. Huge portions are filmed in a strip club where there is lots of nudity and there are a few sex scenes. However, none of it seemed very interesting or even necessary. This is especially the case because it's supposed to be a film about a mob killing—and it takes a very, very long time for that to occur. Frankly, the film seemed sloppy and poor throughout and I cannot see the typical porn lover to be the least bit satisfied. And, as far as suspense goes, the film is less suspenseful than deciding whether or not to have toast or a bagel for breakfast. My feeling is that the film only worked in the Sean Young scenes because these parts didn't take themselves very seriously…other than that, I cannot see anything to recommend this film. I know it sounds like I am being rough on this one, but I lost 92 minutes of my life with My Trip Back to the Dark Side!