| 13 June 2016 (USA)
HoneyBee Trailers

A quiet town is jumpstarted by the arrival of an enigmatic family; a statuesque mother named Louisa and her gorgeous teenage sons. Sixteen Year-Old Hilary is working hard to get good grades, hoping to escape the small town life a long line of relatives lived before her. With the arrival of the mysterious family just weeks before school is to let out, life suddenly becomes appealing. Hilary's father is instantly charmed by Louisa, while she herself finds a strong connection to middle son Kadin, ignoring her dubious instincts. As the town falls under the hypnotic spell of the young men, no one but Hilary sees the peculiar loyalty that holds them together and the lengths they will go to give their mother what she needs until it's far too late.

Wordiezett So much average
GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
lawnboy-89652 Just full disclosure, I know two people who worked on this and one of the them is the Director/Writer whom I have read other work from as she did some script doctoring and another is a crew member. That being said I told them I would give an honest review and I couldn't just give it 10 stars unless I felt that way. However, I loved it, I just loved it... But it has flaws and I could not give it 10 stars. It does deserve 7 though. If you are someone that needs all of the answers and doesn't like to imagine things then no, this will bug you. If you like to chat with your friends about a movie afterward or you loved the Sopranos Finale then you will love this. The acting is so good, I just couldn't believe it. They rose the bar way high for other indie films - way way high. Great directing, great acting, and great fight scenes. But come on, you have to give us some more answers! That is my only let down and enough to take 3 stars away. The camera work - perfection. The sound was fine, could have been better, but editing was really good and I don't even know how they made this on this small budget. Seriously, that takes talent alone. So if you like movies like "It Follow" or "Lights Out" or "Lost Boys" or "Bullet Proof" or "SleepWalkers" you will eat this up.
tatrsantos Please ignore all the good reviews about this piece of trash! The reason why I just created my account with IMDb was to give this friendly and honest advise! Do not watch this crap! I really can't understand the positive rates! They all must be from relatives of the actors or something like that.... or people are just really stupid..
destinygem OK so this was actually really good and I even made an IMDb account just to write a review for this because I am HOPING someone on the movie sees it and can answer my questions or at least like make a wiki page that tells the whole plot so I can see if I'm missing stuff. So my sister and I rented it on amazon and we didn't even pause it, it was so good. Right away I was like omg something crazy is gonna happen, I know it, and is Kadin bad? Is he good? Is he lying to Hilarie to get her to his mom? Is his mom a witch? What is happening! It was so good. And the acting was so much better than so many movies we watch. There was like some corny stuff that annoyed me, like the high school felt so sad and boring and like who would want to be in high school there it's so lame and my high school people are always screaming and getting in trouble so that wasn't realistic. But I like the ending a lot even though it was so sad it was gooooood. My question is though WHAT exactly ARE THEY!!???? I think I figured it out but I am not sure. Also I would like to know about some of the guy actors in real life....
hatemlinkinpark This movie is so bad that i had to create an account on IMDb to give a clear warning to others about how much i hated that movie and plus i see that it's rating was 8/10 so that give me a push to watch it but i can't even begin to describe how i was disappointed . Right from the beginning i knew that is a disaster and i was not wrong by any means it's like half an hour passed and you could not think other than how they spent money on this and then ask your self the real question why am i watching this . So to be brief it's not a horror movie if they were trying to make one and you will be a hero if you could go on and complete it.