| 22 October 2010 (USA)
Hisss Trailers

Based on the Far Eastern myth of the snake woman who is able to take on human form.

Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
bobbysing First of all let me clear the buzz of HISSS being a foreign flick. No, its not a Hollywood film from any angle. Yes, it's reportedly been directed by a western name, Jennifer Lynch. But the name remains the only foreign touch in an otherwise totally Indian movie, which is more like a B class Bollywood film packaged and promoted well.Secondly, yes the film is based on a HIT and interesting topic of an Ichhadhari Nagin but the overall result on the screen is not even close to what we have already seen in Reena Roy's NAGIN (1976) and Sridevi's NAGINA (1986) or even in its not so successful sequel NIGAHEN (1989). The film is just a collage of various graphical scenes without any good story build up or enjoyable musical soundtrack. Moreover the erratic background score further reduces the impact of its engrossing theme to the least.Thirdly, if you are expecting a great computer graphics show in the movie displaying a human body's transformation into and out of a snake, then you are going to get disappointed in that section of the film too. The graphics used in HISSS are not bad but at the same time they also don't offer anything great or exceptional to enjoy. In fact watching ANACONDA once again would be a far better choice to opt, if you are really interested in watching the big snake movements in front of you.In the acting arena, I was simply stunned to see two highly talented actors Irrfan Khan and Divya Dutta agreeing to do such strange kind of roles where they simply have nothing to do except showing their known faces on the screen. Especially, Why Irrfan opted for such kind of LOW in his otherwise famous career is simply beyond any logical explanation.So after pulling down the movie in almost all its departments……what can be a possible merit of watching HISSS? That's the pleasure of watching the Sky-High Confidence of the girl called Mallika Sherawat. The conviction with which she portrays her role of a Ichhadhari Nagin is indeed commendable even when she is not speaking a single dialogue in the film. And further her amazingly daring GUTS to opt for all those nude body scenes and love-making scene with the snake is undoubtedly applaudable.Truly speaking, even when the movie was completely a wash out for me in all aspects, still the girl managed to keep me hooked somehow with her unbelievable kind of confidence and a passionate performance. So if you are really interested in watching Mallika in the most daring act of her entire career then HISSS may work for you. Otherwise it would be better to watch the movie only after its DVD release.Rating : 1.5 / 5 (0.5 more only for the confidence level of Mallika).
rukshi_g this is just another example where Indian movies try to copy Hollywood aspects into their movies, and result in total mismatches and failures... can't they use their own brains and do some creativity without a Western influence yet..?this is just another example where Indian movies try to copy Hollywood aspects into their movies, and result in total mismatches and failures... can't they use their own brains and do some creativity without a Western influence yet..?this is just another example where Indian movies try to copy Hollywood aspects into their movies, and result in total mismatches and failures... can't they use their own brains and do some creativity without a Western influence yet..?
harshad-d The movie tries hard--but falls flat on its face, right into a pile of rotten guts, like one particularly sick and unnecessary scene in the movie.The premise is familiar, dated and even banal--a man (a desperate Jeff Doucette) suffering from a life-threatening disease and having only 6 months to live decides to find the 'nagmani' and gain immortality.So he 'kidnaps' a cobra while it is engaged in an act of procreation and locks it up in a glass box, torturing it constantly by electrocution. The aim? Somehow the cobra would communicate with the nagin telepathically and bring her to it, thus allowing the man to force her to give up the nagmani for her lover snake's life. Mallika Sherawat plays the nagin, and I have the impression that the movie was made solely considering the fact that a shape-shifting Nagin would allow ample opportunities for the director to show Mallika with little or no clothes-and the whole film seems to be made to cater to this premise. And the director leaves no stone unturned to achieve this aim. The fact that Mallika has not a single line of dialog just confirms this view.The remaining cast of characters is wasted--Irrfan Khan though manages to be respectable in his role as a police officer-very understated and elegant. A good actor who took up this role needlessly.The story follows a linear path--and the dialog is so straightforward its laughable at times. A case in point would be the goons hired by Jeff Doucette at his hideout-it seems the director knew the audience would wonder why the goons would decide to stay even after knowing of the impending danger and Doucette's maniacal ways--so they engage in a dialog justifying their decision--'we are doing it for the money. anything for money.' Its a very lame way to rationalize the story, and its very obvious.The movie has nothing to offer, so it relies on shocking and disgusting the audience. Like the aforementioned scene with the guts, or a scene with a kid shitting, or a scene with a dead man with stained pants. It wouldn't have been a problem if these scenes had added to the story, but they do not and seem pointless.The movie has a few elements which should have been clarified-like the fact that whenever the Nagin shape-shifts or is reborn to a woman form, any woman who is pregnant has a miscarriage. The director has tried to weave this into the story, but it is not easily inferred, and adds to the confusion.The special effects are bad and seem cheap. and for people who are now used to the quality of Avatar, the effects would sorely disappoint. The snakes look fake, the transformation scenes look fake. All in all, the movie has only one USP--an almost fully nude Mallika Sherawat.
sree_raman The opening was great, the motivation behind each character is clearly defined, but the imagination is dull and characterization is poor. India has been portrayed like a land of snake charmers and poverty stricken land, some scenes make you feel sick, (a bunch of girls walked out of cinema after first 30 minutes!). Many question are left unanswered such as why was Irfan Khan's wife infertile? Why did any one not notice a double murder at the women's help center till the body was rotten? what takes so long for the autopsy guy to figure out a snake bite? Whys is nagin chasing the snake charmer and why is the snake charmer still running after seeing Irfan Khan? oops! A more dramatic end would have been a redemption at least.