High Art
High Art
| 30 October 1991 (USA)
High Art Trailers

Peter Mandrake, a North-American photojournalist becomes embroiled in South America's dangerous underworld of pimps, drug gangs and arms smugglers when he sets out to find the killer of a local call girl.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Linda_S Tchéky Karyo is frankly OUTSTANDING in his role as Hermes. The disturbing, quiet, intense, dangerous man, superb! I feel this is Peter Coyote at his best, a vulnerable, intelligent, humane man who comes face to face with the reality of life that previously he had only viewed through the lens of his camera.Again those remarkably talented Brazilian actors and actresses just continuously amaze me. As in another film I very much enjoyed that was shot in Brazil, BOCA, the Brazilian talent is immense. Previous comments have outlined the plot and so forth. I would only add that this film is tense and one comes away from it with a sense of discomfort, and that is something to be so affected by a film when all too often once the house lights come on there is no residual emotional connection.I noted on the main details page that the Spanish version is several minutes longer than the USA video version and that REALLY irks me. This should be available, as should Zalman King's BOCA, on DVD and in full length, unedited, uncut, uncensored.If one just wants to waste a couple of hours in amusement this is not the film to see, if one wants to have a visceral reaction and to be taken by one's collar and dragged into the frenetic and all too grim world of the invisible people of a great metropolis then by all means see EXPOSURE aka A GRANDE ARTE.
mhartley-1 The path of a pacifist photographer being seduced by the need for justice and the intrigue of a hitherto unknown world of professional assassins plying their trade via the intimate and all-too-personal death delivered by a knife is a very deep experience to watch unfold, and Peter Coyote does it to a tee.His inner revulsion to the horror of embracing this culture is offset by its fascination as well as the necessity of descending into it to find out the truth behind the killing of model/prostitutes. Slowly but surely you observe the influence of his gaining knowledge and confidence as he is tutored (by a master of the art he just happens to see and captures on camera one day plying his craft), all dragging him down to dive in completely.The plot thickens as characters are revealed and surprises are forthcoming, all leading to a fantastic final knife-fighting confrontation with the acknowledged master, someone he has known all along but not suspected.I saw this movie about 10 years ago, but never noted the title until I was trying to order it on-line, and now I have it in my collection. I highly recommend it for its combination of intense drama, revealing close analysis of the process of a sworn pacifist turned to embrace violence as a way of life, amazing fighting scenes, and an uplifting ending. Unforgettable.
risingson-2 I viewed this movie a few years ago and was impressed by the training scenes, however, I have always wondered where to get knives like the ones featured in the film, I cannot for the life of me remember their names even. Any help would be appreciated. I am a budding knife collector and follower of the art of knife fighting, I just wish there were more of it in the film. Anyone know of similar flicks out there I could check out? This is my first time ever submitting anything to this site and can't wait to start talking movies with people, they are after all, one of my greatest passions. Another reason for me to like this movie I guess is that I am in school to become a professional photographer!
mokus-2 A film that is extremely evocative - so many exciting nuances. It is unforgettable - a pity that the actor who played the "knife expert" is seen more. One of Peter Coyote's best.An unusual cast - many contrasts. The photography is outstanding. A haunting experience....