Hiding Out
Hiding Out
PG-13 | 06 November 1987 (USA)
Hiding Out Trailers

A very successful stock broker is called to court to testify against a mob boss who was into some inside trading. Andrew Morenski must become Max Hauser and go back to high school for protection from the mob.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
jai5012002 The 16 years old amateur photographer Charles accidentally takes a photo of Laura - and falls in love with her, when he develops the picture. He finds out that she works as singer in a bar, but is about to be thrown out. Although rejected at first by the 23 years old, he wants to help her and starts an ad campaign behind her back... with unexpected results. The film was shot in Wilmington NC where they used the local school and locals as extras. It was one of the first movies made there at the film studio.i worked in the wardrobe department. It was a lot of fun. Working with so many young actors. Hope you enjoy watching it as much as we enjoyed making it.
Spikeopath Andrew Morenski is successful stock broker who is called to court to testify against a mob boss who was into some rather dubious dealings. When one of his co-workers, who is also due to give evidence, is murdered, Andrew is called to be guarded by the police. But all thoughts of safety are blown away when an attempt on Andrew's life quickly follows. On the run, Andrew finds a safety haven in the form of his cousin's High School. Posing as a student, Andrew finds that High School has a whole different type of peril waiting to engulf him....again.Released just a year after Jon Cryer had become popular due to his turn as Duckie in John Hughes' Pretty In Pink-Hiding Out finds Cryer attempting to be leading man potential. That he isn't, is of no major harm to this charming and overlooked picture in the American teen comedy genre. When we first meet Cryer's Andrew Morenski, he's a successful business man with a beard you could lose a badger in. But we know it's a youthful Jon Cryer {he was 21 at the time of making the film but looking every inch like a teenager}, so it's kind of a murky start from which to hopefully entice the viewer fully into the premise. Yet it all quickly turns around as Morenski hits High School. Hair dyed two colours and dressed like some rockabilly rebel, this is where Cryer steps into his element.From here on in, save for the inevitable gun buffoonery show down at the end, the film is a delightful comedy about the perils of school. Love, rivals, school politics and witch like teachers all come in for a shiny going over in Bob Giraldi's film. Some of it's twee, and some of it is even morally questionable, but it wears its comedy and romantic heart on its sleeves. Hell the film even has something to say about the truth and how it's taught in schools {look out for a great sequence as Andrew/Max calls into question the teachers teaching of President Nixon}. So it's not all fluff for sure. But it's the fluff that drives the film to its conclusion, and if that fluff chiefly is decent enough to have met the viewers expectations?For me it most certainly did, I only asked one thing from this film, and that was for it to give me some chuckles and to leave me smiling come the end. It did both, so maybe, just maybe, you missed this in the late 80s and are now stuck for some 80s veneer comedy with a zippy 80s soundtrack. If so? This might just be the ticket for you. 7/10
moondancerx3 I know there are some people who did not like this show. I have to say I loved it and thought the ending to be perfectly suited! It ended in a romantic note and find it to be better than most other movies or shows today! You know, the movies that end in violence and no hope for happy a ending! I love his acting! I think he is adorable in most anything he has acted in! To see he is still acting warms my heart. I hope he continues on with his career for many more years to come! As a note to Jon keep up the excellent work! I would love to see this movie again! I wish for others to see and appreciate an all around lovely movie with a wonderful ending!
coachhound a great film a bit drematic for the most part but worth seeing all together. Done very well and in most cases very believable for the most part. However it seems that it was hard to beleive he was as old as he claimed to be but a great film