Candles on Bay Street
Candles on Bay Street
| 26 November 2006 (USA)
Candles on Bay Street Trailers

DeeDee returns to her hometown with her 11 year old son, Trooper, 13 years after she ran off with her boyfriend. Her childhood best friend, Sam, is now married and he and his wife, Lydia, are the town's veterinarians. Lydia is a little wary about DeeDee after Sam tells her that they were best friends growing up and DeeDee was his first crush. But DeeDee and Trooper find their way into many hearts of the townspeople with their sweet helpfulness and friendships. DeeDee sets up a candle making business in town square and invites many of the ladies of the town to weekly candle making parties, and through these parties she and Lydia become good friends. One evening after dinner with Lydia and Sam, DeeDee tells Sam she's very sick and she doesn't have much longer to live and she needs his help to find a good family in town to adopt Trooper. Sam later tells Lydia everything and they decide to adopt Trooper themselves if/when something happens to DeeDee.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
teri-55 "There are many who will appreciate the lovely setting in Maine."Not actually set in Maine. Many scenes were filmed in Mahone Bay NS, and "Bay Street" is actually Water Street in Chester, Nova Scotia. The house used is at the corner of Water and Regent. I thought it was a lovely film. Yes, a bit formulaic but still, a good family movie which is EXACTLY what it was intended to be.I watched it for the location at first ( I actually live two doors down) because it's fun to see your hometown on TV (I loved the TV show "Haven" for the same reason) but I did enjoy the movie. Word of warning....keep the tissues handy.
koko-10 The only reason I watched the first half-hour or so was because it was filmed in beautiful Nova Scotia. This site only mentions Halifax as a filming site, but the scene with the ferry at the beginning was the very striking Mahone Bay, with its three waterfront churches. Otherwise, it did seem pretty formulaic, and though I like Alicia Silverstone, she was just a little TOO self-consciously upbeat and there wasn't enough to hold my interest longer. So I'm guessing that her big secret was that she had a terminal illness. It's too bad, Hallmark Hall of Fame used to signify a special TV event, one that would be memorable and moving with great acting. But too often in the last few years, many of them have been very predictable pull-on-the-heartstrings productions
mrwiseman The story centers around four main characters a vet and his wife, and his returning childhood friend and her son.After leaving 13 years ago without warning Dee-Dee, a free spirit who ran off with another boy, returns to her childhood home. She brings he son along, hoping to find magic in the community of her youth. Dee Dee's life how ever intersects with the local vet, who used to be her childhood best friend, and his wife. At first their is hurt feeling, because Dee-Dee ran away 13 years ago, on the same night the vet was to give her his class ring. Soon the vet has other problems and he realizes no amount of planning can protect those he loves from bad things.The vet's wife(also a veterinarian) is at first jealous of the reaction of her husband, since the return of this old friend, but worries are soon put to rest when she too finds magic in the personality of the candle making Dee-Dee. Soon Dee-Dee's son begins to work with the veterinarians and finds a love of animals. He becomes closer to the couple, which may be for the best, because his mother has a secret...Soon the magic of a community is needed to help this returning family. *****************************************************************I expected more twists then I got in this movie, but I will say the story had heart and was well acted. I thought the lesson of how we all need each other as friends, as "family", as a community was nicely told. A Hallmark quality tear jerker...
mrs_P It's hard to watch good actors in bad movies. Too bad Annabeth Gish and Alicia Silverstone got talked into making this one. Within 15 minutes I had already figured out the "secret" Alicia Silverstone's character was keeping and by 30 minutes in, I had plotted out the rest of the movie. Yes, all Hallmark Hall of Fame specials are a bit treacly, but they usually keep one's interest. This one did not.Aside from the corny plot, the lip syncing in the musical numbers was worse than that in a Japanese Godzilla film and the blurry cinematography that was probably meant to be artsy really got on my nerves.