Here Comes the Devil
Here Comes the Devil
R | 13 December 2013 (USA)
Here Comes the Devil Trailers

A married couple loses their children while on a family trip near some caves in Tijuana. The kids eventually reappear without explanation, but it becomes clear that they are not who they used to be, that something terrifying has changed them.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
hugofitch1 Two lesbians perform a sitting scissor to open the film. One is pretty, one is not. The pretty one dies from having her pinkie hacked off with a machete. And apparently some rough slapping."Kids, we're going out for a family day today... sand dune, truck stop gas station, and a hill. A HILL WITH BOULDERS AND CAVES!!1!!1! You may play there unsupervised for 90 minutes."Mommy is mildly attractive with a cute figure, but a complexion like coarse sandpaper. During the scene in which she is interrogating Marcia, the director shoots her at such an angle and in such light as to make her skin look like the surface of the moon. After murdering Lucio, the couple find a shower in which to wash off his blood. And screw. Daddy brings his briefcase with him up the hill and into the cave of doom. The family loves to wear brown. The children don their Party Clothes prior to being drugged.Watch the dubbed version just to hear the accent of the actor voicing the police sergeant. It's a hoot and a half. Rating: Two stars: One for each of Marcia's nipple piercings.
HumanoidOfFlesh The plot of "Here Comes the Devil" is fairly simple:a young couple are on a road trip with their two children(a brother and slightly older sister)and the two kids go off to explore a menacing hillside cave somewhere in rural Mexico(near Tijuana).They disappear and do not return until the following day.When they do reappear they are not the same.Something about them has changed.It seems that he kids became possessed."Here Comes the Devil" made by Adrián García Bogliano is obviously influenced by "The Picnic at the Hanging Rock" and "The Entity".It's quite bizarre supernatural ghost story with few moments of brutal violence and gore.The killing of Lucio is very vicious and bloody.The acting is decent and the film is genuinely unnerving during some scenes.The climax may depress some viewers,though.8 haunted rocks out of 10.
Sorpse this movie wont be for everyone. I'm sure im not the only one who has a hard time with sexual horror. There is a lot of uncomfortable sexual scenes in this movie that will make it hard for some people to watch. They even get pretty damn close to crossing the line when it comes to the children yet thankfully they showed some restraint. For such a smutty type movie it did however feel intelligent. The plot was gripping and very intense and had me wondering until the end when it concludes very nicely. I liked the ending a lot and thought it wrapped things up nicely. It also left room for a sequel which would be interesting because of the unique antagonist in this movie. There isn't a lot of gore but when it shows up it was very unnerving and brutal. Here Comes The Devil is a movie that is too raw for a mainstream audience but is smart enough that it will probably find cult appreciation.
projectk44 This movie is an amazing steaming pile and an unintentional comedy. Here's the start in a nutshell. Lesbians make out, one of them dies. Then there's like an amazing family scene. The young girl has her period. It begins to pan down. "Please don't show the goddamn period" said my room mate. They do. This is just weird. It's already spelled out, this wasn't particularly necessary. They show it and talk about it repeatedly. Anyway, they're changing in a rest room or something and lo and behold A PEDOPHILE SHOWS UP in the mirror and he spies the prize - sweet stained panties. I think they even did a zoom in on the panties or his face, and at this point everyone in the room laughed. He even looks like a real pedophile. I hope whoever played this part did not get credited. It can only go downhill from here if you did, man-MORE pedophile parts in movies! Then parents let their kids go up a hill without watching them (parents of the year) and they decide the kids are gone so they start performing sexual acts in a service station (parents of the year) and then fall asleep and forget about their kids (parents of the year). Nobody finds their kids. From this point, little to nothing will make sense to you. I think that's intended. The comedy is not.Here's a word about the shots and overall directing: it is so terrible, you will laugh. There is a schlocky B grade movie zoom in effect that happens all the time. This is supposed to make things tense, but it's done so poorly that every time everyone in the room started laughing when these came up. At one point in the movie, the camera zooms on a goddamn rock that is in no way important to the story. Actually, I think this zooming in on rocks happened multiple times. Also, everything is pretty much in focus all the time which makes it look like a daytime soap opera in terms of quality. The angles of shots are generally not dramatic and poorly chosen.Let's get to the lighting: it's bad. Really bad. There's a reason most horror movies take place at night: it's scarier. A valley of rocks shot in bright, harsh sunlight at what looks to be midday is not scary. Not in the slightest. The lighting also accentuates the skin tones of the actors and not in a flattering way - it makes them look terrible like they have acne and also because it's the wrong colour temperature. The daytime soap operas I mentioned before? They have better lighting than this. Early on, there is a scene where the pedophile dude is murdered. There is an incredible amount of blood and gore. My room mate yelled out "MORTAL KOMBAT!" when he had organs removed. It was hilarious. You expect just a throat cut but they go far beyond that -he explodes for over 10 seconds. Unfortunately, this is probably one of the 3 points in the movie that will stand out.My favorite part of the movie is that it's more than implied that said man that dies is not only a filthy pedophile that steals girl's underpants but has a thing in particular for period/blood soaked panties. Later, one of the lead characters questions that "maybe he wasn't such a bad guy" and they shouldn't have killed him for stealing their daughter's panties. Oh, that wacky pedophile- let's pat you on the head, and run along you little scamp and live to be a creep another day!The movie is entirely predictable in places, they'll introduce objects (the gun) or people for obvious intentions and come back to them later. That said, I have absolutely no idea what happened in this movie because the supernatural/horror elements are never explained particularly well. All this is a shame because there's 3 points in the movie where you may think "wow, this part is well directed." There's an incredibly intense flashing scene that I liked (despite me towards the end of it thinking "man, is that too much flicker?"), and a few other scenes but in general you'll just groan at the terrible cinematography throughout.