Help for the Holidays
Help for the Holidays
G | 09 December 2012 (USA)
Help for the Holidays Trailers

Although she loves Christmas, Santa’s elf Christine (Summer Glau) wonders if there could be more to life than making toys in the North Pole. When Santa receives an emergency wish from a little boy in Los Angeles, he puts Christine on a special assignment, sending her to L.A. to give the VanCamp family—mom Sara (Eva La Rue), dad Scott (Dan Gauthier), and their two kids Ally (Izabela Vidovic) and Will (Mason Cook)—a holiday wake-up call. Will Christine fail her assignment and be sent back to the North Pole for good, or will the VanCamps come to their senses about the meaning of Christmas?

Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
briah-1 this is a very heart warming Christmas movie starring summer Glau! (The Sarah Connor chronicles) Great family Christmas movie!!! I'm only disappointed I can't find any where to buy it!Great movie tho!!! 🎅 The whole movie from beginning to end is enthralling - I love the updated idea of Father Christmas and his family as well as helping out with other families for the Christmas holidays - bringing back that all too often lost Christmas spirit! Along with that lovely romantic twist! Since we in the UK no longer have Hallmark Channel - I'm hoping that this will soon be available to buy!!!
itsjoan With all the reruns and infomercials of late and my personal intentions of avoiding stores until after the Christmas 'feeding frenzy' has ended....the Hallmark Channel's Christmas movies are a welcome refuge. Albeit predictable at times...most offerings are definitely 'feel good' and a spoonful-of-sugar antidote to the ills of an otherwise wonderful season.The storyline fits so many families today with parents so involved in making a living, that family life isn't as warm and closely woven as it could be. Many could use the assistance of one of Santa's magical elves.P.S. I'd like to see more of Steve Larkin. So believable as Santa and anyone else as well.
Zoooma I have this odd semi-obsession with seeing, about once-a-week, another Christmas... and this happens year round no matter what month it is. My obsession continued with this Made-for-TV movie from the Hallmark Channel. Santa sends an Elf to bring the spirit of Christmas back to a family who has lost it. Summer Glau stars and as she brings Christmas to the screen she is simply a delight to watch. Overall, an average, but still one of the better, Made-for-TV Christmas movies from the past several years, methinks. Definitely worth it for those who love that Christmasy feeling... even if it does take place in Southern California.5.6 / 10 stars--Zoooma, a Kat Pirate Screener
hellraiser7 I'll admit I'm normally not a person that watches anything from "Hallmark" mainly because there simply not my movies, however this film is probably the only exception I'll make for them.It's not exactly one of my favorite Christmas films nor a classic in my book, but all the same I like it because it has a fun charm to it as well as surprisingly made me care and feel good, but of course has an actress I really like is in it which makes it even better.I like the story, it's a typical fish out of water story but it's one of those ones done right; it's almost a bit similar to the story in the claymation special "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" since that was about a Christmas character coming into contemporary reality and giving cheer where needed.I really love the character Christine whom of course is played by Summer Glau. I'll admit what drawn me to the film is her since I've seen and a fan of "Firefly" and "Serenity", she is just fraking hot and a capable/underrated actress to boot. I really love her performance in this film, I bought she was an elf. Her character has charisma, has just this infectious charm that could just win anyone even by just a mere smile which on a side note is a great one, she's selfless, energetic and cheerful.Two of the things I really like are how disoriented she is with real world customs, which makes sense since she is an Elf from the North Pole; and it funny how she tries to fit in which of course doesn't entirely work, from the way she behaves and certain things she does the supporting characters know she's a little strange. But just simply the humanity of her character which makes her three dimensional, the fact that she wants more in her life, which is a normal human trait with anyone. And of course she experiences both the ups and even the downs, when things are really down for her, you can't help but feel for her but that all the more makes us want her to win.Supporting characters are solid, Eva La Rue also hot and yeah watched a little of "CSI Miami" her character Sara VanCamp is a mom whom is unfortunately all business, she is plenty successful in her career but shamefully doesn't equal toward her family life. She not a bad person the problem is her head is in the wrong place. She does care about her family but she doesn't spend enough time with them even when she should. And of course that mistake soon catches up with her. Her character also has humanity once this begins, she starts to let Christine in a little realizing she isn't happy and needs some help.Another supporting is Dave Gariel (John Brotherton), I like that he doesn't look like a typical pretty boy, but handsome all the same. He's got a sort of rough charm to him, has some charisma, like that he's likes Chrismas just as much as Christine which is one thing they have in common. I do like the chemistry between both of them, it's not the greatest romance I've ever seen but I take it over any crap fest romance comedy/soap anytime. But both have a solid back and forth, I bought the developing relationship between the two sparks were flying, but I love the fact that he accepts her for what she is, sure Christine seems a bit strange but in a good way let alone she's not boring.The film of course does have good messages about the importance of putting family first and also how everyone does deserve happiness.Overall it's a solid simple Christmas film that's worth a watch.Rating: 3 stars