Hell's Highway
Hell's Highway
NR | 12 February 2002 (USA)
Hell's Highway Trailers

Four college friends take a fateful road trip. The road, Hell's Highway--a direct route to terror. They pick up Lucinda: A hot young hitchiker, full of sexual deviance and lust for the bloody kill. After being terrorized and nearly killed, the group manages to turn the tables. They thought they killed her, but around the next ben--around every ben-- she appears like a mirage ready to murder again. Is she the devil? Can anyone stop her killing spree?

Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Scarecrow-88 Lucinda is evil incarnate, a demon masquerading as a young female hitchhiker. The film opens with a priest picking her up. We believe she's just a young woman, and he's a psychopath about to make her his eventual victim. Instead we realize that he seems to be on a mission to rid the highway of a demonic spirit terrorizing motorists, and, lets just say he's unsuccessful. A group of four, two couples, from Pennsylvania, are on their way to a beach in California to party and have some fun when they have the misfortune of picking up Lucinda. Lucinda almost immediately goes Rutger Hauer on them, pulling a gun and threatening to kill them. Ron Jeremy has an amusing cameo as a movie-maker who becomes a castration victim at the hands of Lucinda! Low, low, low production values, tacky gore, non-acting from a mostly porn cast(including Beverly Lynn who is actually a better actress in sex flicks directed by Fred Olen Ray under the pseudonym Nicholas Medina), crappy sound, and cringe-worthy dialogue sink this Bismarck. Lynn's naked body doesn't hurt, although you can see her in lots of pornographic material with better budgets than this turkey! Funniest scene could be when Sarah(whose crotch was fondled by Lucinda at gunpoint)has a nightmare of being attacked by a hideous demon. "Where's her head?! Where's her *bleeping* head?!" HELL'S HIGHWAY might be notable for the one scene where Lucinda's body is dragged down the road by her intestines! Jeff Leroy does get to homage Blair Witch Project with one camcorder scene where a girl's face is emphasized while running from danger and Texas CHAINSAW when Lucinda wields a chainsaw after severing an arm with the sun in the background. A corny toy satellite, stare downs and silence, and even some hogwash about cloning experiments using a serum which causes insanity are injected into this goofy horror movie. With Phoebe Dollar as Lucinda and Kiren David as heroine Sarah.
Dr. Gore *SPOILER ALERT* *SPOILER ALERT* I bought this video for four bucks. Four friends hit the devil's interstate. They pick up a female hitchhiker with funky eyes. Those eyes bewitch the travelers and the viewer. She may be the devil, or psychotic, or both. Much blood will be spilled to find the truth.I bought this video because I saw that Ron Jeremy was in it. For some reason, I thought he would be the devil but the hedgehog only stays around for one scene. If you know what Jeremy is famous for, you'll know what to expect. He's a pretty good actor. I always like to see him in other kinds of flicks. I was not disappointed."Hell's Highway" is gory stuff. Not scary, but nice and gory. I was laughing my head off at some of the nastiness. The funniest thing in this one is watching Lucinda, (Phoebe Dollar), attack. She is not athletic at all so watching her run at a moving car with a shovel was quite amusing. It put the SPLAT in splatter. Her carcass being dragged behind the car was also humorous. In other good news, Beverly Lynne provides all of the abundant nudity. What a trooper she is.Overall, I was entertained. Isn't that what it's all about? The blood, the guts, the eyes...it's all ours...
gothfuqqinzilla another bad movie, from another bad movie company...but, this is not a bad thing, i love bad movies. this one though, i would love to see on mst3k...with joel, he's funnier than mike, but, anyway. good amusement, enough blood to keep one entertained for awhile. and, surprisingly, had an ending i did not expect.
Flushey2000 *SPOILERS*What drives a person to do such horrible things, no I am not talking about the evil Lucindia, but the makers of this film, how could they sink so low. The movie is about a bunch of wild crazy teens who are driving through the desert, when they pick up a mysterious girl who later attacks them. When they finally escape from the crazed killer, they do what all crazy teens do after being attacked, have sex. some other stuff happens like a guy getting his penis cut off and the finding of a tape which explains the mysterious Lucindia. later the crazy teens drive off but unfortunatly run into Lucinda again. But this time she has a chainsaw that she uses to attack and kill one of the teens which is a extrimly strange scene. the survivors run off for what seems to be forever untill it cuts to a night scene and a man dressed up like a sniper pops up and kills one of the guys and brings the other one to a secret government base. It ended up that Lucidia is not satan but instead is a clone of one of the nurses, in fact there are a few clones, 4 total thats how it seemed like she could appear evrywhere as well as the fact that she died a few times, and for some reason two of them have a scary tattoo on the side of there faces. some other stuff happens which i dont care to mention because I cant belive I typed more than 12 words for this review.