He Knows You're Alone
He Knows You're Alone
R | 29 August 1980 (USA)
He Knows You're Alone Trailers

A reluctant bride-to-be is stalked by a serial killer who only kills brides and the people around them. While her friends get whacked one by one, a hard-boiled renegade cop whose bride had been killed years before tries to hunt the killer down before it is too late.

SunnyHello Nice effects though.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Sober-Friend I remember when this film was released theatrically in 1980. My sister and group of our friends would venture to the drive-in whenever these slasher films were released. We saw all them but this was one of the that we missed. I remember seeing the coming attraction as kid and thinking "This film looks stupid". I was very young and I was correct.I saw this first on HBO around 1981. I do not remember to much about the film but only that Tom Hanks was in it. At the time he was on the Television Show "Bosoms Buddies". Now 35 years later I don't remember too much about the film so I decided to watch it. What a waist of time.The film is slow. The body count is low. The lighting is bad. Tghe acting is bad. The story "Stupid". he plot follows a soon-to-be bride who is stalked by a killer the weekend before her wedding.Shot in Staten Island, New York in 1979, He Knows You're Alone has been credited as one of the first horror films inspired by the success of 1978's Halloween and shares a number of similarities with the previous hit. 17 years after the initial release of this film "Scream 2" was released. Horror Fan and screenwriter Kevin Williamson & director Wes Craven stole the opening of this film. However they did do a better job. A curious film to watch because there are faces you will recognize.
Wizard-8 It's kind of hard to believe that Metro Goldwyn Mayer, even in 1980, would get involved with a slasher movie. But MGM was really on the skids around this time, so maybe they thought they good grab some of that box office gold the slasher movie genre was generating then. I don't know if the movie made a profit or not, but I imagine that audiences who saw the movie back then were quite disappointed. It's fairly well produced for this genre, and director Armand Mastroianni does occasionally during the stalk/slash sequences put in a little zing. But the movie for the most part is surprisingly boring. Part of the reason for that is that there is little of the essential staples found in other examples of the genre, namely gore and sexual elements. But a larger reason is that the movie is relentlessly padded. Scene after scene goes by that moves the (thin) plot little to no advance at all. The characters are also bland and uninteresting, especially the antagonist, who is given almost no personality at all. The icing on the cake is that the antagonist's fate at the end is left kind of unexplained. While some viewers may find the movie of some interest to see an early role by Tom Hanks, I much preferred seeing an early role by Steve James of the "American Ninja" franchise instead.
Scott LeBrun The producers of "Squirm" went on to make this decent slasher, which ended up being MGMs' sole contribution to the slasher film cycle of the 70s and 80s. It's fairly imitative, with "Halloween" being an obvious inspiration - all the way down to a similar main theme. But director Armand Mastroianni gives it a few nice touches and good moments. The presence of engaging actors (including a couple of familiar faces) helps a great deal. With the able assistance of editor George T. Norris, Mastroianni actually keeps this story moving along quite well.A serial killer (Tom Rolfing) who targets brides-to-be sets his sights on Amy Jensen (played by the very pretty Caitlin O'Heaney). Amy is having her doubts about getting married, especially as she can't erase her feelings for her goofy, annoying, but lovable ex-boyfriend Marvin ("Squirm" hero Don Scardino). Unfortunately, nobody will believe Amy that this stranger is following her. Meanwhile, a somewhat unhinged detective, Len Gamble (Lewis Arlt) who lost his bride to the killer realizes that the maniac is once again on the loose, and is hellbent on catching him."He Knows You're Alone" admittedly gets off to a great start. Its opening is better than most other things in the movie, as we learn that what we're seeing is actually a movie within the movie. Mastroianni is able to generate some enjoyable suspense, although fans of this genre may very well bemoan the de-emphasis on gore (one very unconvincing decapitated head notwithstanding). The killer does get a back story, but like the psycho in "Final Exam", he's kind of lacking in the personality department (maybe that's why he got dumped in the first place?). While the movie isn't 100% predictable, the ending falls short of really being satisfying.What has given "He Knows You're Alone" some stature is the fact that it was future superstar Tom Hanks's film debut, as he plays a psychology major. He doesn't show up until almost an hour into the story, and has only one big scene as he muses on the idea of fear and why people enjoy the feeling of being scared. From day one, he displayed that likability and charisma that has served him well for over 30 years. Also appearing are Patsy Pease, James Rebhorn, Dana Barron, Joseph Leon, Paul Gleason, Russell Todd, and Steve James.This may not appeal to all fans of the genre but it's worth a look for completions' sake.Seven out of 10.
Avinash Shukla 'He Knows You're Alone' is one of the movies that I love to watch on Friday nights. The film is creepy, stylish and a genuine homage to John Carpenter's 1978 horror-classic Halloween. The film is heavy on atmosphere but less on gore. The killer here has a body of the Tall Man from 'Phantasm', and you may also mistake him for Michael Myers from a distance. The film is known for its ending, where it ensures the viewers that the killings won't stop and 'women' play a vital role in the making of a serial killer.The film begins with Amy (Caitlin O'Heaney) bidding goodbye to her boyfriend Phil (James Carroll). Amy is planning for a good time with her mates and we are soon introduced to a bunch of irresponsible, alcoholic and fun-loving girls, who are all set to enjoy life to its fullest. It looks Amy has now changed her mind about Phil and is now planning to wed Marvin (Don Scardino) instead. Marvin works at a local mortuary. Amy begins to suspect that someone is stalking her. The stalker follows Amy relentlessly and it seems that the stalker had a bad past. The viewers come to know that our stalker had killed the girl he ever loved, because she was planning to ditch him and marry someone else. And now, the killer is stalking every bride-to-be and Amy is his next target. How Amy, Marvin and a dare devil detective decide to face the vengeful stalker forms rest of the story.Armand Mastroianni has directed the movie with a nice approach. The cinematography is great and some of the locations are fairly creepy. I mean it seems that the killer may jump out of nowhere. This stalker may look like Michael Myers but has his own attributes. He IS where you NEVER expect him to be! The acting is good and nudity is almost missing. The lovers of gore and nudity may be disappointed a bit, but I am sure they'll enjoy the story. One of the assault sequences has also been copied in an Indian C-grader 'Khooni Mahal', directed by Mohan Bhakri. The tale has been well-played by the actors as they hold the script tightly and give slick performances. This film is an all-in-all entertainment and a perfect treat for the die hard fans of the slasher genre. This surely deserves an equally engaging sequel.