Hanna D: The Girl from Vondel Park
Hanna D: The Girl from Vondel Park
| 02 November 1984 (USA)
Hanna D: The Girl from Vondel Park Trailers

Hanna is a girl completely abandoned to herself, is not at all inhibited sexually, and is attracted to the attention of unscrupulous people like Miguel, who takes advantage of Hanna, turning her to prostitution to obtain her drug fix. Until she meets Alex, a young man with a sincere affection for Hanna.

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Softwing Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??
Helllins It is both painfully honest and laugh-out-loud funny at the same time.
Myron Clemons A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.
Michael_Elliott Hanna D: The Girl from Vondel Park (1984)** 1/2 (out of 4)Italian trash is pretty much a remake of CHRISTIANE F. Teenager Hanna (Ann-Gisel Glass) shows old men her body for some quick cash but after hitting the streets to get away from her alcoholic mother, she soon finds herself with an even bigger creep who gets her hooked on heroin and forcing her into prostitution. If you shy away from trash that takes a serious subject and exploits it just to show off some T&A then you'll certainly want to stay far away from this movie, which is certainly one of the sleaziest that I've seen. It's not that the film is overly graphic but exploiting a subject matter like this is going to raise a few eyes and there's enough over-the-top moments here to make fans of the genre happy. We get outrageous dialogue between the hookers and their clients, silly cat fights between the woman, a drug dealer getting beat up by two men on motorcycles, the drunk mother wanting her daughter to sleep with her boyfriend so that he'll stick around and all of this happens in the first twenty-minutes! The sleaze level is pretty high from start to finish as the main reason for this movie being around is so that various women can take their clothes off. Glass does a pretty good job in her role as she manages to handle the sleaze as well as the more serious moments that the film offers. She was apparently twenty-years-old when this was released but her body looks much younger and this here really adds to the creepy nature of the subject matter. The supporting cast are the types you'd expect to see in something like this and that includes the really bad dubbing. The 84-minute running time gets to feel a bit long after the first hour due in large part to the movie turning way too serious in the second half. I'm not sure about others but I hate when an exploitation film tries to switch gears and put across some sort of message. Another problem is that the story itself is so choppy that it just seems to bounce from one situation to the next without too much thought or reason. Bruno Mattei was in charge of editing and some might think this is the reason for the film being so choppy but I'd guess it had more to do with the screenplay not offering more. So, in the end, if you're a fan of Euro-sleaze then eat up as this here offers enough for two movies.
apuleius15 This is beyond a shadow of a doubt one of the most ridiculous (yet ridiculously-entertaining) B-movies ever lensed. SEE- the female star blow-dry her hair after removing her shower cap! SEE- the female star lock her mom's boyfriend INSIDE her bedroom! SEE- her vomit on every single item of furniture in a room, including its small dorm-size refrigerator! SEE- two curly-haired guys beat the crap out of a third curly-haired guy! SEE- a dope-sick junkie suck on a prison sink faucet! SEE- a container of heroin removed from a smugglerette's hairy European rectum (no CGI here, unfortunately)! HEAR- priceless lines such as "She's under the bridge-up to her eyes in dope and syphilis-good luck!" I wish every 90 minutes of my life were this much fun.
Torstein Karlsen Hanna D is an Italian take on the German movie Christiane F. It resolves around the young girl Hanna who come from an abusive home and have to turn to the street to support her mother and herself.The movie is not a very well made one. There's actually a lot of parts in it where you just have to assume what's happened. Maybe some reels ended up missing since after all it was cult legend Bruno Mattei who edited this thing together. It also seems like they either had extremely short time to make this or just very small patience to get things right.Even though it has it's errors if you look at how it's made it still is about the darker side of life for lost youngsters and becomes an interesting movie if you can look past it's many flaws.The movie is also very exploitative and sleazy, so if that's not something you think you can enjoy then pass up on this movie.
lazarillo This hilariously inept Italian movie was obviously, uh, inspired by the German art film "Christiane F", which was about a young teenage junkie and prostitute. If you like "Christiane F.", you will probably hate this though because it's almost an unintentional parody of that film. On the other hand, if you find the German film rather heavy-handed, moralistic, and depressing, this is frankly a lot more fun."Hanna D." is played by Ana-Gisel Glass, who looks too old to be a young teenager (she was actually about twenty) and too healthy to be a junkie. This is no doubt for the best, however, since she spends a lot of her screen-time butt-naked and/or engaged in various sexual situations. Glass surprisingly went on to a long career in Germany, but her only previous credit was as one of David Hamilton's barely-legal model/actresses in "First Desires". 'Hannah's" booze-soaked mother meanwhile is played by veteran European sex star Karin Schubert (who ironically later dove into hardcore porn to support her own drug habit). Schubert, and the woman who dubbed her here, should have shared some kind of special alternate Academy Award for this hilariously overwrought performance. There's plenty of sordid stuff here--prostitution, anal drug smuggling, murders, gratuitous sex, gratuitous showers, topless dancing, prison scenes, shooting up, ad infinitum--but it's hard to take any of this seriously. From the opening scene featuring a school-uniform-seduction-on-a-commuter-train (which I imagine went over like gang-busters in Japan), to a ridiculous scene where "Hanna" gets in a fight with her pimp and then goes into the next room and takes all her clothes off for no apparent reason, to the laughable finale containing the most unconvincing drowning in the history of the dramatic arts, it's 90 minutes of sheer cinematic ineptitude.The incredibly generic plot has "Hanna" torn between her brutal pimp and a nice guy she falls in love with. Although credited to "Axel Berg" this was actually written and directed by the infamous Italian Rino DiSivestri, who gave the world "Werewolf Woman" and "Deported Women of the SS". I actually liked his first film "Woman in Cellblock 7", however, and I understand he actually received letters of thanks from real prostitutes for his movie "Red Light Girls". I can't imagine ANYBODY recognizing themselves in this movie though even if it was allegedly inspired by "real events". But what a hoot!