Hair High
Hair High
NR | 17 April 2004 (USA)
Hair High Trailers

Bill Plympton's gothic '50s high-school comedy about a love-triangle that goes terribly wrong. Two murdered teens return from the grave, then go to their prom to get revenge.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
Charles Herold (cherold) Hair High is a take-off of retro high school dramas, as a mild-mannered student finds himself being tortured by the top echelon at his new school. The story is little more than a frame for a series of insane set pieces that range from flies having sex to a crazed car battle. This episodic, gag-first approach keeps one from caring much about the characters or events, but it's pretty consistently funny.Bill Plympton has a weird sense of humor, but his mix of surreal cleverness and outrageous is always lots of fun. Hair High isn't quite as good as his shorts, but it is thoroughly enjoyable.
tommyg I viewed HIGH HAIR today in Los Angeles -- perhaps three years after it was originally screened. Comments on IMDb said it was a retro 50's style high school story line which drew my attention.I am a child of such an era having graduated in 1959 (at the cusp of the next decade of the 50's) from high school.I entered the theater with an invited friend. I was a bit anxious whether my experience would be the same as another person's opinion as we left the screening and talked. We both had the same movie experience: It took about 20 minutes to get into it and at one moment in time, there was a hook that carried the film into its conclusion and enjoyment. I suppose this is a cult film, but it works well with those who were in high school in the era of the film despite the fact that this was not my own experience.My enjoyment was the fusion of Japanese anime into contemporary American animation as a borrowed skill with a true technique honed by Bill Plimpton.He pulled it off without a finger print of evidence that would tie him to such a cinematic crime of imitating Japanese Anime and not his own invention.It worked. Just fine. Pure fusion.
guyhome While the story is pretty good (although very used), this kind of animation just blows. it looks like the animator is down right lazy. instead of 10 frames he uses the same 2 over and over. i've seen better animation by first year art student. i mean it. And the dubbing synchronization (and voices characterization all-in-all) is poor: when someone looks (visually) like he's shouting, their voice is dry and in normal volume. there is way too much silence and lack of sound effects to make the scenes work and be coherent, instead of just frames flickering around with big random pauses.There are so many great storytellers and animators out there. I really can't figure out why Plympton is considered such a great one.A sheer disappointment.
downwardhope Bill Pympton's "Hair High" is everything an animated feature should be. It features some of the funniest comedy you will ever see in a film, animated or live action. This comedy is combined with excellent, unique animation that sets the film apart from other animated features. The rough feeling of it is a much needed break from the perfection that is Disney and Dreamworks. Plympton really proves that you don't need expensive fancy 3D graphics to make an amazing film; all you truly need is talent and ambition. The plot ties everything together; giving some meaning to the crazy world that is Plympton's animation style.One of the best parts of "Hair High" is the cast of voices. Kill Bill's David Carradine lends his vocal talent, along with Beverly D'Angelo, and Animators Don Hertzfeldt and Matt Groening. Each voice fits the character perfectly, which really adds to the already excellent animation and story. Overall, the incredibly weird, yet extremely funny, antics of "Hair High" are sure to entertain. Laugh after laugh, this film takes the fun of Plympton's shorts and allows the audience to enjoy the fun for over an hour.