The Conquest of Everest
The Conquest of Everest
| 09 December 1953 (USA)
The Conquest of Everest Trailers

A documentary of the first successful expedition to the summit of Mount Everest. New Zealand's Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay climb Mount Everest in 1953.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Hans_Bergenthal This documentary I and my sister saw it in Amsterdam, Holland 1953. It happened in a small theater named "Ceintuurtheater". Months ago every day publications about this unique adventure. I remember the preparations before the climb. The reaching of the top was not shot. We only saw a photo and a flag. No persons.
lindasfoley To know more about Griffith Pugh, the scientist who helped make the successful summit of Everest possible, read "Everest, The First Summit," written by his daughter, Harriet Tuckey. Not only will you learn about the science involved in studying physiology and the use of oxygen, you will also learn a lot about the psychology and personality of the men who participated in the historic 1953 climb.Another great resource is the book by Wade Davis, "Into the Silence,The Great War, Mallory and the Conquest of Everest."The mistakes made because of unwillingness to accept new ideas and scientific resources resulted in many failed attempts and deaths in the early attempts to climb Everest. This book is a GREAT history book and psychological review of the men involved.
jpr-23 I did not know this documentary existed until I found it at Kathmandu airport as I left Nepal recently. What fascinated me was the amazing changes that I noted, particularly on the West Buttress and some other places in the 56 years since this was filmed. It also amazed me how long it took them to find a way thru the Ice Fall. I was born a couple of weeks prior to Hillary's summit and I summited Everest myself on May 23, 2009 within a few days, give or take 56 years from the first summit. In fact, our climb was documented by Discovery Channel and will be aired in November, 2009. The experience is difficult to explain, but when I saw this video with the highest quality cinematography, all using presumably large, heavy cameras and 16 MM film or larger, it is truly amazing to watch. The music is typical of the 50s but that adds to its historic nature. The documentary is wonderfully accurate, is not overly dramatic as many of today's efforts are (such as Discovery's Everest series) so its really a pleasant review of an awesome achievement over 56 years ago.
d1494 This is indeed a remarkable story very well told with drama and emotion as well as great respect for the risks taken by all involved. In light of the 1996 disaster on the summit, with the mountain cluttered by unqualified rich people who seem only to be interested in self-glorification, this is a feat that all humanity can take pride in. The script and the music add a great deal to the story and the photography is terrific. It makes me wonder about the nearly lifeless documentary filmed by David Breshears in late May of 1996. Instead of concentrating on the mountain and the terrific feat of getting the equipment up to the increasingly high and potentially fatal altitudes, instead of concentrating on the terrible tragedy ( 8 people losing their lives needlessly) unfolding right in front of them, with Breshears and the whole team acting in a truly unselfish fashion, instead of this, they concentrated on the weak story of a female climber who in no way rated the spotlight. The Conquest of Everest not only shows the terrible sacrifices made to reach the summit, but it teaches the viewers that the mountain must only be attempted by those qualified by years of effort. Anything less is a travesty. This film is a must-see.