| 17 January 2009 (USA)
Grotesque Trailers

An unnamed doctor has always had everything he's ever wanted, but that has only made him develop more extreme and depraved needs. He kidnaps a young couple in the prime of their life together and forces them into a game of torment that slowly extinguishes their hopes for survival.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Maz Murdoch (asda-man) It's funny because if Grotesque wasn't banned in the UK then I don't think I would have bothered watching it. No one would probably have even heard of Grotesque if the BBFC slapped an 18 certificate on it, but because they refused it has turned into something of a cult hit. It's a curiosity piece for connoisseurs of carnage but those looking to get truly disturbed are likely to be disappointed. I don't quite understand the reasons for the ban as Grotesque shows us nothing that we haven't seen before. In fact, it's so over-the-top in its ideas and execution that it's more likely to illicit laughs from viewers more than anything.If you look at Kôji Shiraishi's earlier found footage horror, Noroi: The Curse then you'll find an expertly executed chiller that relies on atmosphere and imagery to produce genuine scares. Grotesque is pretty much the opposite to Noroi. I can't believe it's made by the same director as Noroi which is quite possibly the scariest film I have ever experienced. The only thing scary about Grotesque is how bad it is. To sum it up, it's two people in a room getting tortured by a psychopathic doctor. They were just walking back from their first date and a crazy man bops them on the head and they have to sexually excite him with their will to survive.It's a terribly thin plot which only the thick and the psychotic would appreciate. Somehow though it isn't as boring as it sounds. It's only 70 minutes long but even still, a film set in one room with only three characters could easily drag, but Grotesque zips along quite merrily. This is the only redeeming quality of the film, it's never boring. But maybe that's because I was just waiting to see how far my cringe threshold could take. I won't spoil anything, but I was thrashing about like a that's sheep about to get sheared in a scene which involved an eye. I hate eyes and this scene is almost up there with Zombie Flesh Eaters.It's just a series of gore scenes really and I have to say that the special effects are very good. The acting was also better than I was expecting, with the doctor being particularly menacing and convincing. It's also pretty well-made for the most part, although parts did look very amateur. In the end though Grotesque is just a pointless exercise in shock. It ends up being so melodramatic and ridiculous though that it just becomes funny. Grotesque is worth one watch if you're curious and a hardened horror nut. Most people will know what their getting themselves into and at least there's more entertainment value in this than seriously sick stuff like the Guinea Pig and Slaughtered Vomit Dolls films. This one does have a dark sense of humour but the plot is non-existent and the characters are un-investable. The amount of gore and depravity is quite shocking at times but even still it's almost instantly forgettable as soon as the credits roll.
redrobin62-321-207311 I first saw this movie about a year ago. The version I had back then was slightly blurry and lacked subtitles so, in essence, a silent horror movie. I thought at the time that the movie was "just" okay. I didn't bother looking for the subtitles online because I figured, "Eh, what could they be talking about? I'm sure it's pretty standard based on what was on screen." Wrong!The dialog was essential to the movie. The doctor, with his stoic presentation, was an absolute mind f*ck to those two lovebirds. It gave the film much more layers than I'd thought.As a student of extreme human behavior I try to understand what motivates people to do the things they do - go to war, torture people, burn down villages, convince one group of people that another group is worthless and annihilate them, genocide is in their best interest, etc. On one level it sucks that the innocent lovers were randomly chosen to be experimented on like that. No one has the right to perpetrate such discomfort and malice upon another, but the fact of the matter is, it does exist and we can't turn a blind eye to it.The second level is mankind is forever searching and experimenting and trying to discover different ways to live, survive and improve his way of life. Experiments on man and animal, as gruesome as they have been over the years, have occurred often for our benefit, from testing shampoo and mascara products on monkeys to getting mice high so they can test anti-narcotic drugs on them. No, that's not fair, but it is what it is. It does exist. We can protest all month long on the streets of every living metropolis in the world but mankind will still push on, some of his ways will be to our liking and some won't.I thought the acting was well done in this film, from the doctor's matter-of-fact stoicism to the genuine fear in the victims' faces. The music was eerily apropos, too - classical music playing while the most gruesome activity imaginable is going on. That contrastive idea worked in 'A Clockwork Orange' and it's also effective here. As a psychological thriller 'Grotesque' is a success. As a gorefest it also surpassed the expected.On a personal note, the playing of 'Pomp and Circumstance' at the end made me angry. It reminded me of high school, a time when I was bullied, neglected, made fun of and, for the first time, considered suicide. It's interesting, and probably fitting, that 'Pomp' would show up in a film like this. Maybe the director knew that the people who would see this film would themselves have been the victim of bullying and may even have PTSD. It's been said that victims of abuse who expose themselves to new images of violence is a phenomenon that does occur but this "repetitive compulsion" hasn't been fully explored. this film if you dare, not as entertainment, but as a cautionary tale. It explores the depths of man's depravity well, and you may as well see this version because Hollywood won't touch this subject matter with a ten foot pole.
videorama-759-859391 Grotesque is a challenge of the visual senses, horror for the visually challenged, where at one point at to stop, then resumed viewing it later. The plot is simple, yet from the doctor's crazed point of view, the premise is rather intriguing. A young innocent couple who are going steady, I guess, after dining out, are kidnapped by this brilliant maniacal surgeon, who has them tied up in his basement, what have you and tortures the living f..k out of them. His reasons are, for his own sick entertainment, to see how much they can endure or hold out, before they give up, and accept the inescapable fate of death. Also he wants to test their love against each other. I'm not gonna tell you what he does to em', but it's a lot to take. I'll leave that to the imagination of us sick ones to conjurer thoughts and images. For some of you, you'll be screaming for a re watch of Audition or even Hostel, which would come as a relief, as it would a comedy, after trying to get through this. This is a movie, you don't undermine for it's shocking violence, where each sick torturous act out shocks the last (some torturous methods, mirroring the ones in Daddy's Little Girl), and don't think for a second, cause of it's 73 minute running time, that it lessens the amount of horror you expect to see. You don't get away that easy. Actually in it's early part, I was actually disappointed as awaiting the real moments of shocking violence, where I guess my expectations were fading, or I was dubious, but with the buzz of that chainsaw sounding, I was quickly corrected. It's a film, really for the toughest of the senses. I'm not kidding. I'm never been so unnerved or discomforted by a film such as this, truly my heart was beating a lot through this intense view. This unsettling view isn't helped, when the actors don't overact. They put just the right amount of acting into their believable characters. One shocking tease to the film, involves a scene which at first, you don't think is a dream, which for one victim counts as a double whammy of a downer. This whole merciless film has nasty intentions, a lot of people will find it repellent, where the stronger ones will see the view through. The burial scene of our ill fated lovers at the end was memorably bizarre, it's actually the strongest image of the film, I can't get out of my head. But with all I've said, what it all boils down to is a movie almost wholly based on torture, saved for two scenes. This doesn't constitute for good horror, but for it's qualities to shock, unnerve and intensify, I must praise this nasty piece of horror, for what is, despite it's degrading or immoral themes, upon two human beings. God forbid, this one spawns a sequel, I for one, don't think I could stomach it.
vengeance20 Came across this film here, on IMDb a while back but never thought to check it out until now! I came across this film again & thought to check it out, I first learnt that it was banned in the UK so it got me very curious as to why it was looking in deeper & watching it!A VERY, VERY sick film! The name 'Grotesque' fits it perfectly! An unknown doctor snatches a couple off the street & rapes, humiliates & tortures them in the most depraved ways possible! Ranging from hammering nails into a guys balls to cutting off a woman's nipples! Just twisted!There ain't much of a story-line to this film to say the least! It's basically what I've just described above! The doctors basically does this for sexual stimulation! He wants the couple to survive & stops the torture if they pass out or to patch them back up so the can live for a long period of time! Weird parts involved where the doctors comes in to the basement & eats cake & drinks tea! What? Not to mention when he plays classical music when he tortures them! Among other random if not unnecessary parts involved the guys eye getting popped out & this woman's arm getting sawed off with a chainsaw! The ending however was f**ked up! He rips the guys intestines out, ties it to a chain & asks him to walk to the other end of the room to cut his girlfriend free as an act of 'love'. But he once again tricks him as the rope has metal wire running through it!(Ass)This is after he lied to them about setting them free, turning himself in & giving them a large, if not colossal amount of money as compensation for all the suffering he caused the couple!Though vengeance was there's when after he decapitates the woman's head off with an axe (after she insults him & says he stinks really badly!) & it lands on the doctors shoulder & bites/chews off a piece of his skin! The the guys stabs him in the foot with the scissors! Then they die facing each other! How sad!The evil b*****d doctor survives & bury's the couple! He then back in his van sprays deodorant on himself & goes after his next victim...Overall, a VERY, sick, nasty, evil, twisted film! Not or the faint hearted but it was good all the same! Gory & vile! 8/10
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