Grey Skies
Grey Skies
| 01 January 2010 (USA)
Grey Skies Trailers

A group of old college friends reunite to relive their glory days by renting a beautiful cabin in the woods. As the sun sets on their first day in the cabin, bright flashes of light announce the arrival of mysterious creatures. These friends will have to outwit a force that is both inhuman and extremely intelligent in order to survive. The outcome will shock and amaze you as we come to realize... we are not alone in the universe.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Mark Christopher What do you expect from a movie that was put out right before DARK SKIES? Its miserably low budget, horrible acting, horrendous camera work (even for a found footage movie), and the script between the characters are just bad bad bad. However, the only reason I give this a 6 is for the simple reason of the scare factor. This movie did make me jump a couple of times and that is hard to do. The 'you know its coming' doesn't happen in this movie and suddenly you are freaked out. Other than that, I wouldn't necessarily watch this unless if you have another movie to watch.Putting this movie against DARK SKIES, its about 2 notches lower, but the jump tactics are actually better in this one than DARK SKIES.
GnarfleTheGarthok I saw that this movie had only one good review. So, I wanted to know if that one person was a wacko, or not. Anyway, the movie was not as bad as the other reviews said it was. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't great! The characters are pretty flat, and the drama they tried to build with personal relationships didn't really work. That being said, there was a little creepiness as long as they weren't showing you anything. Then, they pulled an "Insidious" and showed you too much with regards to the alien abductions and the experimentations. And provided a bad ending, to boot. All in all, if you have no other movies to watch, you could do a lot worse.
tawlite First off I must mention the dialogue in this movie, which is bizarre. After a while I thought I may have been watching a comedy, but there wasn't anything really funny happening apart from the dodgy dialogue and some amazingly stupid reactions from the characters. For example a scene of strange footprints in the forest, and one of the characters exclaims 'what are they?' They are footprints you Dumbo!!! One of the characters throughout the movie taking photographs,captures an alien through the window when taking a shot in the house. The alien is plain as a pike staff in the photograph, with bug eyes, rubber body suit and quite plain to see arms and one of the characters says 'is that a Deer?' Don't know about you but I have never seen a deer with arms, and bug eyes wearing a rubbing suit, unless Deers in Clare, Michigan, USA wear S&M gear. After being tracked by an alien, that keeps bobbing about and showing itself one of the characters says 'I have just been followed by a Racoon'! The first hour nothing much happens, in fact it is really tedious, so I guess the dodgy dialogue keeps the viewer interested wondering if it could get any worse. Well it did get worse, the film is a bit of mess. First when the characters are alien abducted, when they come back they are physically sick and tired and bit zombified, but unless you are paying attention you're not likely to notice. The aliens try to get in the house to get the rest with the help of the abducted zombie victims, politely knocking at the front door :/ as the film progresses the writers must have gotten tired with that idea and opted to beam the aliens straight into the house, then... bored with that they must have thought what the heck, lets just turn them into alien zombies without any effort at all. When the last one is left, she says to the alien 'I don't care where you from you're not taking me' more daft dialogue, so they take her without any effort, do some alien abduction type probing, why? who cares by this stage you have seen it all before and done much better, so all in all, a half witted film, with an half witted script.
Flow But first, face it, clowns are scary, so a paper one could have an impact on someone who's not that familiarized with horror right? Or if you're 12 years old.Anyway, it's not a bad movie, acting was OK, nice characters, but it lacks any kind of jump scares even the simple thrills are completely missing. Not a curios fact that no one ever commented on this movie, it's as underground as a horror could get to be honest.I actually can't find a single reason to recommend it, again, it is NOT bad, but it's just dull, so so, dull. Final idea, avoid it, go play with your mouse cursor, much more fun trust me.