Going Places
Going Places
R | 13 May 1974 (USA)
Going Places Trailers

Two whimsical, aimless thugs harass and assault women, steal, murder, and alternately charm, fight, or sprint their way out of trouble. They take whatever the bourgeoisie holds dear, whether it’s cars, peace of mind, or daughters. Marie-Ange, a jaded, passive hairdresser, joins them as lover, cook, and mother confessor. She’s on her own search for seemingly unattainable sexual pleasure.

FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
marac Pathetic. Repulsive. Stupid. Worthless. Pointless. It filled me with a strong urge for pissing on the director and defecating on the script writer. And no, I'm not particularly proud of that feeling.This is a movie for people who find pleasure in watching women getting beaten and raped, breast-feeding mothers getting molested, 16-year old girls getting their virginity taken and women's vaginas and underwear getting sniffed. And the perpetrators getting away with all of that with a flamboyant charm and not a trace of reflection.Oh, did I mention people keen on watching suicides committed by pistol shots to the vaginas? Yes, this is a movie for you, guys. Bon appétit.Yes, I have seen a lot of movies, where even more distasteful things were shown. But those movies had actual plots. They were filmed to tell some story or to send some message. Showing those awful things had some purpose. The purpose other than filming sick fantasies of the perverted script writer.I believe this was the most disgusting movie I have ever seen. I'd like to warn especially those people that are now thinking "Great, I love disgusting things, I love shocking value, I love Tarantino - this is a movie for me". Trust me - it is not. I was thinking the same and now I'm filled with disgust. I'm disgusted with the creators of this turd, I'm disgusted with people that praise this movie but also I'm disgusted with myself - for not being able to predict how terrible it is and for wasting two hours watching it till the end. Don't duplicate my mistake.
mikeolliffe A few reviewers have mentioned the word 'misogynist' in connection with this film. I'd say the makers don't just hate women, but all humankind. It's hard to understand why most of the reviews laud this, but as another reviewer pointed out, it is the kind that attracts those who drag their knuckles when they walk.It's obvious that the creator of this film not only hates but fears women.It is one of the sickest fantasies made, and if that attracts some sickos, let me add that it is not very well made. (Think of a spotty adolescent with an 8mm camera.)Please. Don't. waste. your. time.
christopher-underwood A wonderful, free flowing, often lyrical film that whisks you along, ever smiling, even if there are truly shocking incidents along the way. One gasps at the way the women are treated and yet ultimately they seem to come through very well and it is much credit to all concerned that so many potentially disastrous scenes all work so very well. This is possibly Depardieu's best performance, certainly his most natural. Jeanne Moreau performs outstandingly in what must have been a very difficult role to play and including vigorous sex scenes with a couple of guys at least half her age. Miou-Miou is lovely throughout and again has very difficult scenes to play. Initially this seems a down and dirty misogynist rant/romp but as the tale and characters unfold a much more tender and honest picture emerges. In the end this uncompromising and daring film demands respect.
Gammonoid I can remember seeing this movie as a kid in 1977 or 1978. HBO would show it late at night back when they were they one and only movie pay channel in existence. Back then it was UNRATED and was the only movie of its kind ever shown on pay television...especially back then. I would love to see it now as an adult where I would be more apt to understand the adult theme of it. It was probably the closest thing I had ever seen to pornography at the young age of 7 or 8. Luckily I had stupid babysitters and party-going parents on the weekends. Most of my memory of this movie was the completely erratic sexual behavior of these two guys. Breaking into houses to sniff underwear, feeding on a stranger's breast milk on a public bus, and fornicating in a cab at the request of one of their female subjects were just a few of the whacked escapades these guys were pulling off. A very racy film for the early '70s. Until I checked IMDb, I had no idea this movie had such a following. Most people I talk to have never heard of it.