R | 13 March 2010 (USA)
Giallo Trailers

In Italy, a woman fears her sister has been kidnapped; Inspector Enzo Avolfi fears it's worse. They team up to rescue her from a sadistic killer known only as Yellow.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
GazerRise Fantastic!
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Lovecraft Movies Giallo is a movie directed by the Italian master Dario Argento, a guy whose movies seem to be getting a lot of hate recently. I really can't explain the phenomenon because his movies haven't changed a bit. He still uses the same clichés, the same type of colors, the same type of angles and the same type of nonsensical plots. One can like his style as much as one can hate it. Giallo movies are not for everyone. His recent movies inexplicably seem to be getting a lot of hate. Now, I understand that he shoots films in a pace and in a fashion that reminds us of old movies. And the reason to why he is getting so much hate is because the audience can't adapt to old-fashioned movies, and he too. But the thing is not that. Because people who claim to love his older movies, claim to hate his newer movies. I guess it will always be a mystery in my head. However, let's get the review going... "Giallo", ironically is not a giallo movie. It doesn't feature the mysterious gloved killer, neither the super fake blood, and the non-sensical plot twist. This time Dario Argento decided to make a movie grounded to reality, that is, it doesn't feature an absurd plot twist. It's a regular crime drama. With blood. Lots and lots of blood. It's an above average crime drama, but a below average giallo film. The movie is really well shot, and the acting (for the most part) is really good. The movie keeps you invested until the finale, which is great by the way. The soundtrack is great too, and it's clearly inspired by the Tintin TV Show Opening Theme. My final grade is a B- or a 7/10
TdSmth5 Some Japanese girls visit an Opera in Italy. Afterward, one of them hails a cab. The cab driver takes her through unexpected streets and when she protests, he abducts her.Later, a beautiful model hails the same cab and the same thing happens to her. The cabbie takes her to some basement. The Japanese girl is also there. But she is in bad shape, covered in blood and agonizing. The cabbie tortures her some more and then dumps her body.The model's sister contacts the police and meets some reluctant and rude detective. There's been a string of these crimes and he's tasked with the investigation. He also has flashbacks of when he was a child and saw his mother brutally killed by some guy. The sister basically gets to shadow him as the investigation proceeds. And we do learn more about the killer and the cop as well.When the body of Japanese woman is found they arrive in time. She's barely alive and utters some words which the cop records. It's a Buddhist prayer and also the word "yellow." The woman concludes that "yellow" could be a reference to the killer. He's yellow, he's got jaundice. Off they go to a clinic to demand to see patient files. That's when they see him running away. He escapes. The cop gets his address and goes to the killer's house and finds evidence, but no girls.The model in the meantime has escaped, but she doesn't make it far. The killer visits her sister and she tries to help him in exchange for the model but then the cop shows up and a shootout ensues. But the girl is still missing.Giallo, as other Argento and Italian movies made for the international market, doesn't convince. The movie looks like they're using 80s equipment. Audio, dubbing, are a disaster. The script is full of goofy lines, and acting overall doesn't convince. It does have some of the Giallo style, especially the beginning and the end. Elsa Pataky is lovely of course and the only thing truly enjoyable about Giallo. There's a bit of violence, a bit of gore, but not enough. We needed more victims and a stronger movie overall. There's no sense of dread. It's not the same to grab a girl that's already in a cab as opposed to seeing the villain stalk her, chase her, etc. Still, Giallo could have been worse. As always with Argento's recent movies, they don't fulfill one's unrealistic expectations but it's still worth a watch.
HumanoidOfFlesh Torino in Italy.Serial killer called Yellow is killing beautiful foreign women because he is ugly as hell.He kidnaps them first in his taxicab and proceeds to drug them.Then he mutilates his victims and photographs his deeds before each gruesome kill.Linda(Polanski's wife Emmanuelle Seigner)teams up with detective Enzo(Adrien Brody)and they both try to stop elusive killer before he kills Linda's captured sister.Being a fan of Dario Argento's gialli I was a bit disappointed with "Giallo".Actually I avoided watching this film for some time.First of all the killer called Yellow looks truly stupid.Still the cinematography of "Giallo" is truly beautiful and the acting is quite good.There are also some unpleasant scenes of gore and carnal mutilations,but the film lacks suspense and truly engaging story.7 slashings out of 10.
trashgang On the part of promotion this title couldn't been better. Dario Argento, the master of old school giallo's made a flick called, Giallo. For all those who think that he isn't softened they will be disappointed by this thriller, Yes, this is definitely not a giallo. "Giallo" films are characterized by extended murder sequences featuring excessive bloodletting, stylish camera-work and unusual musical arrangements. The literary whodunit element is retained, but combined with modern slasher horror, while being filtered through Italy's longstanding tradition of opera and staged grand guignol drama. They also generally include liberal amounts of nudity and sex.None of this is included here. Why it is called Giallo, which means yellow is because once the killer is revealed, in the first part, you can see that his face is yellow due hepatitis. I didn't had any difficulty with the flick itself which do has a few typical gory Argento shots but the acting of Emmanuelle Seigner (Linda) couldn't convince me. Adrian Brody (Inspector Enzo Avolfi) did look like those typical smoking Italian detectives and reminded me of a Tom Savini look-a-like.I understand that Argento geeks will hate this but it's worth watching. A mediocre flick.Gore 2/5 Nudity 0,5/5 Effects 3/5 Story 3/5 Comedy 0/5