Payton Collins: Serial Rapist
Payton Collins: Serial Rapist
| 10 May 2011 (USA)
Payton Collins: Serial Rapist Trailers

Payton Collins’ life is being played out in his mind – his teenage years, his failed marriage, scenes violent sex, and the debauchery and decadence of his adult years. His sexy demeanor and bi-polar personality lead him through a series of victims that he seduced and tortures in this sexually-charged erotic thriller.

CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
Bereamic Awesome Movie
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.