Get Out Your Handkerchiefs
Get Out Your Handkerchiefs
| 11 January 1978 (USA)
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Solange is depressed: she's stopped smiling, she eats little, she says less. She has fainting fits. Her husband Raoul seeks to save her by enlisting Stephane, a stranger, to be her lover. Although he listens to Mozart and has every Pocket Book arranged in alphabetical order, Stephane fails to cheer Solange. She knits. She does housework. Everyone, including their neighbor a vegetable vendor, agrees that she needs a child, yet she fails to get pregnant by either lover. The three take a job running a kids' summer camp where they meet Christian, the precocious 13-year-old son of the local factory manager. It is Christian who restores Solange to laughter

Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Konterr Brilliant and touching
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
runamokprods Complex, very funny, sad, very French look at love and sexual dynamics, with terrific acting all around. Gerard Depardieu plays a man who truly loves his wife, but can't understand her or her depression. So he decides to get her a lover to cheer her up. But it doesn't work, and now two men are bewitched and befuddled by the sad, repressed Solange. Ultimately only a love affair with a 13 year old boy – who in many ways is the most mature character in the film – gives her joy. Transgressive, uncomfortable, and tweaking both sides of the war of the sexes equally; men are fools who can only look at women through a narrow prism, and women are complex and weird to the point of absurdity, this is a film that makes me laugh and cringe (in a good way) in equal measure.
Varboro I saw this movie several times, as it's a classic we can see quite often on TV. I just watched it once more last night. What do we have here ? Les valseuses revisited. This time with Carol Laure instead of Miou Miou, but the same "ménage à trois", with the male ambiguous friendship, the frigid or depressive hysterical woman, and the outsider who reveals her. This time, the third guy is a young boy. A thin difference.The only good thing in this movie is the performance of the guys, Depardieu and Dewaere. They are even better than in les valseuses. The character played by Carole Laure is uninteresting, and the young boy is really awfully played and boring.Before reading the comments here I didn't know this little misogynist comedy won an important award in some foreign country, and I still don't understand what makes it a winner.Too bad, as Both B. Blier, Depardieu and Dewaere can be found together in better movies. Just watch Buffet Froid, Beau père and of course 'les valseuses'. 4/10
kdubieu This film is wonderful. Blier brings classic elements of French farce films into cuttings that remind me of Melville. He does a wonderful job of developing Solange, Raoul, and Stephane as the viewer great understanding of how these characters will react in future situation. The eratic behaviors are completely acceptable on the same terms that the wild cuts...from dinner table to summer camp, and opening in a restaurant with no frame of reference...forces one to become involved in the story. So many Hollywood films 'do the work for you' so to speak. This leaves the movie experience stale. I'm not going to get involved in a film unless the director invites me to do so. Blier certainly does that. And the Mozart concerto helps. Gervase de Brumer.
caspian1978 I was 8 years old when I first saw this. Yes, my parents were asleep and we we're the first kids on my block to get cable. So yes, I tip toed downstairs in the middle of the night to watch this movie. I don't know what the adults though of this film, but all I knew, was this woman got naked in front of a child. Not only that, but sex followed! For being the only eight year-old in the room, I wasn't about to change the channel to watch cartoons. I guess you can say this was a coming of age drama if not a sad black comedy about sex, relationship, and finding sex and a relationship in the most unlikely places. All in all, I remember the movie (at such a young age) because of the subject matter. The overall story of the movie? Couldn't tell you. I wasn't listening to anything the actors were saying. I was just watching.