R | 10 August 2012 (USA)
Freelancers Trailers

The son of a slain NYPD officer joins the force, where he falls in with his father's former partner and a team of rogue cops. His new boss, Sarcone, will see if he has what it takes to be rogue through many trials and tribulations of loyalty, trust and respect. When the truth about his father's death is revealed revenge takes him over and he won't stop until justice has been truly served.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
robo8 Pros: Nice cast Cons: Horrible dialogue, incredibly stupid plot line, massively incoherent storytellingI'm sorry for the grammar, but running out of adjectives to enhance the poorness of this film. It is listed as a crime drama, but should be under Sci-Fi, because anything Star Trek is more probable than most of the stuff in this movie.I live in Sweden and don't have a clue how the Police Force in the states works, and much less about how the corrupt side of it would look. But I'm willing bet taking poison that it doesn't even remotely look anything like this. Rookies coming in and on the first day being offered to become dirty, through a "one way door". Basically saying become dirty with us or we will kill you!? That's just the beginning of the ludicrousness.You will not enjoy this movie, no matter how much you love any of the cast. Apart from the story being incredibly stupid, it is told in such an incoherent way that it's hard to understand what is going on. It feels like the actors know this, because most of them just come in and read their lines – some scenes literally sounds more like a read through of the script..I won't go on ranting, because there is no end to all the horrendousness I could pick on. 50 Cent – I understand you have some sort of liason with (director) Jesse Terrero, but please stop appearing in his horrible movies.
zardoz-13 Although I'm not a big fan of movies toplining Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson, "Freelancers" qualifies as an above-average, but formulaic crooked cop melodrama. Basically, director Jessy Terrero's thriller aspires to be "Training Day" multiplied by three. Robert De Niro, Forrest Whitaker, Dana Delany, Vinnie Jones, and Pedro Armendáriz Jr., co-star and provide a semblance of gravitas. Before its 96 minutes elapses, this amoral, complicated chronicle takes some sordid turns with one of the three biting the dust and "50 Cent" getting his hands dirty along the way. "50 Cent" casts himself as the son of a murdered N.Y.P.D. Detective Daniel Maldonado (Andre Royo of "Red Tails") who died in an explosion before his eyes. Talk about a traumatic experience to live down! Eventually, the fatherless Maldonado ("50 Cent") and his two chums, A.D. (Malcolm Goodwin of "Leatherheads") and Lucas (Ryan O'Nan of "Eat, Pray, Love"), wind up behind bars as adolescents but they are released.Years afterward, an official, Lydia Vecchio (Dana Delany of "Tombstone") makes it possible to the trio to enter the Police Academy. No sooner have the threesome graduated than Malo finds himself up to his ears in police corruption with Captain Joe Sarcone (Robert De Niro of "Midnight Run") collecting payoffs and scamming criminals. Things turn sour quickly for our single black hero and his one white buddy Lucas goes berserk with his new-found power as a cop. The three of them learn about life as it is when Sarcone dispatches them to deal with a tough guy named Sully (Vinnie Jones of "Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels"), but he doesn't get much screen time. He informs our heroic trio about Sarcone's boss, Gabriel Baez (Pedro Armendáriz Jr. of "License to Kill"), who have been importing product into the Big Apple for 20 years. The farther that they go, the deeper our heroes find themselves in the shadow of the proverbial 8-ball. Happily, "Freelancers" doesn't wear out its welcome. Nothing in it is particularly original, but Terrero generates some suspense. He also tosses in a surprise or two. The stand-off scene is top-notch with the men in blue intervening in a showdown between gang bangers. As the chief protagonist, "50 Cent" generates little charisma as the son of the slain detective. De Niro is appropriately slimy, and Whitaker is believably belligerent. Delany has fewer than five scenes and Jones isn't give enough time to make a solid impression. Interestingly enough, "Freelancers" was lensed on location in Louisiana!
radhrh In a clash of the Stella thespian talents that are Vinnie Jones and 50 Cent, Vinnie comes out with top acting honours. At the Oscars after party Vinnie, still clutching his golden statue said, " Its been a long time coming, but at last my 'ard work and talents has been recognised by The Academy" he went on to have high praise for his co-star " Yeah, 50 Cent is a diamond geezer, I knew I 'ad to be on top form to even be on set with a guy like him" He was less generous with two of his other co-stars however " I was well disappointed with that De Niro bloke and whatsisname, that Forest geezer. Complete Muppets the pair of 'em" So what is next for the Vinster? Was there any truth in the rumour he and 50 cent were going to cut an album together? "I fink I got sumit to tell to the yoofs of today" he commented. Meanwhile I asked a disappointed 50 Cent if he had any movies in the pipeline " 'might 'av a part in dis seminal short. Its set in a fast food joint and my agent says it "condenses contemporary urban angst into an ostensibly glossy 30 seconds of intense action" He continued " And I've got a speaking part, I say "I'm loving it!"" In a rare moment of self doubt 50 Cent added "But it might be a bit of a stretch for me"
Turtle Heart The apparent star of this improbable film, Curtis 50 Cents Jackson, mumbles his way through his lines, making me desperately wish for subtitles. How he landed this role is a question, because acting is not something he knows how to do at all. So they stuff the cast with gems like DeNiro and Whitaker, trying to trick us into believing there is actually a film here...but there is not. It starts off promising enough but half-way through we find out what happened to 50 Cent's father in the film, and so this one detail has the whole film fall apart and it is all downhill after that. It is interesting to see DiNiro and Whitaker and a cast of "bad" cops, there could have been a great little dark film here. But the story has so many holes and 50 Cents is such a terrible actor is just begs the question as to why this film was made. In recent years DiNiro has made some really bad films, and this should be cause for worry. Is DiNiro becoming like Jack Nicholson who is no longer capable of making a film anyone would ever want to watch? If so, why? What has happened? I have no idea who Curtis 50 Cents Jackson is, but he is not an actor; he is nearly unwatchable in this flat, dull film.