R | 30 July 2010 (USA)
Gun Trailers

The Detroit Police launches a full-scale war against gun runners with the cooperation of the Feds and target a criminal named Rich. When a gun exchange goes bad and Rich’s old friend Angel, steps up big time and saves his life, they form a bond that makes his supplier and lover, Gabriella paranoid. But there is a snitch in the group and Gabriella’s biggest deal goes bad only to have an even bigger secret revealed, one that rocks Rich to his core.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Organnall Too much about the plot just didn't add up, the writing was bad, some of the scenes were cringey and awkward,
pointyfilippa The movie runs out of plot and jokes well before the end of a two-hour running time, long for a light comedy.
Seth_Rogue_One 50 Cent's movies tend to have very low ratings, but I tend to enjoy a lot of them still (for instance 'GET RICH OR DIE Trying' is IMO really good and 'SETUP (2011)' plus 'STREETS OF BLOOD (2009)' provides fairly good entertainment despite their flaws).So even though this had a 3.8/10 I thought it could still be decent.But no, this one actually deserves it.Poor writing (by 50 Cent himself) and unfocused story with too many scenes of the police (which wouldn't be a problem if 50 knew how to write for cops, which he clearly doesn't and gives them extremely redundant dialog to work with) and the acting is not very good.AnnaLynne McCord I usually like but her role is fairly pointless (basically in it just to be a girl for 50 to seduce), but then I suppose most characters in it are, none of the characters feel real and it just doesn't really quite work on any level.Danny Trejo is in it for just one scene, but that's something I've come to get used to when his name is attached to something.James Remar has a fairly big role, and he doesn't pull a bad performance but he's just not given much to work with.And Val Kilmer... I don't feel like kicking someone who's already lying down.Not much more to say about it really. I mean the end does show that their were some decent intentions with the script but it just got lost in the way of trying to make 50 look as gangsta as possible.Even 'BEFORE I SELF DESTRUCT (2009)' was better than this.
Ed Ward Let's be clear about what this movie is not: It's not intended to appeal to a wide diverse audience spanning across all age-brackets whereby a family might all harmoniously view together, it won't be released to a Red Carpet opening lit up by hordes of media cameras, or a film intended to garner critical acclaim for an Oscars run.No, on the contrary it's a very realistic portrayal of the criminal element plaguing our cities today. Surprisingly, the script was written by Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson and one would be hard-pressed to mock his effort here as the movie simply "works" for its intended purpose, namely, to illustrate the very difficult environment cities face like Detroit which is depicted in this film.Bottom line, if you are a "man-cave" like guy, interested in the dynamic that is the gun-running underground-world and or just looking for a drama that speaks to many of the troubling different variables that add up to today's beleaguered urban America, then this film is one to definitely check out.
ajfurness I thought wow, Val Kilmer, an aggressive rapper playing the gangster, a gritty Detroit story line... this looks great... but to put it simply there are TV shows that are produced better than this, and i'm not even talking about Mad Men quality either.Shame. Could have been on the Training Day level, even with a smaller budget. But no, it's boring, lame, poorly casted and ironically lacks any "bang" for the buck. The group of detectives are the worst.Fair play to fifty cent for exploring the acting game. With a real production crew and proper budget the two of them could have killed it. But i'm sorry 'fiddy' I want my five dollars back for renting it. This was horrible.Great example of why people say don't do things by half.
Paul Magne Haakonsen Though I have no clue how the gun trade works on the streets, and I have no real insight in the world of this kind of crime, the movie proved somewhat interesting.The movie did, however, move forward in a somewhat slow pace. There wasn't a lot of drive to the movie, but it was bearable. And the moments that there was action, it was direct and to the point.As for the cast, well I am not a fan of musicians turning to acting, and I believe this is actually the first movie I have seen with that '50 cents' guy in it, and I wasn't impressed with his acting. However, Val Kilmer put on a really good performance in this movie. He was very well casted for his role, and he carried this movie, though he had some help by James Remar who played the lead detective.The ending part of the movie with Val Kilmer was actually quite good, not predictable and it was sort of a good way to close off the movie.The movie had a lot of really nice camera angles, and I liked the way that it showed off a lot of really good city shots, where you got to see the alleys, worn down houses and such everyday stuff from the street-life.However, now that I have watched the movie, I sit here with a somewhat empty feeling and the thought "was that really it?". There was something missing from the movie to make it grand and unique. It came off as an ordinary run of the mill semi-action movie, which was sort of a shame, because I think it could have been much more. I guess that I wasn't perhaps in the target audience for this particular type of movie. Perhaps you need to be from a certain aspect of society and life? Who knows...