| 30 January 2007 (USA)
Freakshow Trailers

In a modern retelling of Tod Browning's "Freaks" (1932), "Freakshow" tells the story of a group of criminals who chose to hide out by working security at a traveling circus. At first, they plot with an insider to steal the ticket sales, but the wily Lucy has bigger plans. She convinces the gang to let her seduce and marry the aging circus owner, Lon, in order to secure the entire circus fortune after he "suffers an accident". "People die all the time," Lucy says. The freaks are on to their scheme, however, and when the youngest of them is caught by the ruthless gang, they show no mercy to ensure her silence. When the circus folk find the child's remains, they swear vengeance, and no one is safe from their fury--least of all, the wily Lucy.

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
cryptic_non_sequitur Anyone going into this movie expecting a 21st century gore-fest is going to be disappointed, but that is because they don't understand what this movie IS: it is an update to the controversial Freaks, staying true to the original while taking advantage of modern cinematography and special effects and recognizing its modern audience. As a faithful update, Freakshow hits all the marks, while being explicit about some of the elements of the movie that had to be left to the imagination in the 1930's--most notably, nudity and gore.This is a horror movie because it is horrifying in its implications and resolution, not because it features the usual bunch of attractive young people being stalked and slaughtered by some 'horror'. The horror here is psychological, and shows the extremes that an 'extended family' will go to in order to avenge and protect itself. The most horrific aspect of this movie was the fate of Little Kimmie, who wasn't intelligent enough to quit laughing in the face of death. Kimmie was the most innocent of all, and certainly did not deserve her fate any more than she understood her situation.As for the villains: yes, they met terrible fates, but only one of them was particularly gory. The camera did not focus on the gore so much as it did on the swift and purposeful justice that was being meted out. Gore-hounds will feel cheated, of course, but the gore was not the point of the movie.The fate of Lucy was virtually identical to the fate of the scheming woman in the original. The difference was simply that we had to imagine the process in Freaks, while we could see it in Freakshow. Even so, it could have been much more graphic and exploitative, but that, again, was not the point. The point was that these people had genuinely accepted Lucy as one of them, and her punishment for deluding and rejecting them was appropriate. And as Sherri said, she had to earn her keep ...Freakshow is a period piece, and the cinematography and soundtrack successfully expressed the setting. The acting, like the story and the gore, were intentionally understated (and better than the original, in my opinion). The drama was human drama, not freak drama, because the characters were human beings.If you haven't seen Freaks, and especially if you haven't seen it because it is 'in black-and-white', then you can't really appreciate this movie for what it is. Put into the proper perspective as an update to Freaks, it is hard for me to imagine how it could have been better ...
drnrg31 My summery title might seem negative, but it's really quite positive. I read all reviews to see if someone might mention it, but no one did. The 1970's movie called "Snuff". I'll get back to that later.Freakshow is a supposed remake of Tod Brownings cult classic "Freaks" I can't recall seeing that movie, but it's plot seems familiar. Freakshow borrows from that storyline, but of course in a much more gruesome and vindictive way. There are no good and bad people in this movie and here is why. While the group of criminals working as hired help at the circus were clearly conniving individuals with horrid intentions; they never actually killed anyone up until they felt threatened by the presence of a young mongoloid. The Freaks on the other hand; really got pleasure out of murder.Now while the last 10 minutes do merit the actions taken against Rebeka Cochan; it still baffles me as to why the Freaks ; who were supposed to be the "good" ones had to do it? I often compare movies to other ones in certain parts. This one has a bit of Ruggero Deodato's "Cannibal.." in it. You have the group of explorers who find the young natives and torture and humiliate them for kicks. Here two of the hired hand find the young mongoloid girl in the tent while they are looting it and decide to shut her up by killing her and leaving her on the ferris wheel for the others to find. First off; this is really stupid. I mean who else are the Freaks gonna think did it? The same kind of revengeful action is taken on the criminals as was in Deodato's film. The Freaks hunt down each criminal and murder them in Circus fashion. Sledghammer to the head, knife thrown at the gut. Lee;played by Mark Preston Miller even has one more fling with the cannibal girl before she rips at his throat.The one who gets it the worst is poor Rebekah. Though, she was the one who plotted the whole thing and pardon the expression "used" Lon for her own get rich scheme; she still didn't kill anyone.So far the movie has been very enjoyable. There is vintage music in the soundtrack, giving it a real old circus feeling. The way it's filmed also had a slight orange hue to it. Giving it a classic look and the majority of the "Freaks" were actually real oddities. This might be the only reason the movie was banned in 43 countries, but read on....The last 10 or so minutes are what caught me off guard in every sense of the word. When the group finally discloses Rebekah and her scheme; Lon's partner or wife, we never really know, tells him that he can keep his trophy wife, but she needs to become part of the family. What follows next is one of the most gruesome transformations of a human being into a freak I have ever seen. You can best compare these scene to the now underground cult classic "Snuff" or maybe even "Maniac" The poor Rebekah is sliced diced and sewn together to literally become the show's newest attraction...."Worm Girl" Horror fans should definitely get a jolt out of this scene. While it might repulse those who are squeamish it is definitely sweet revenge and the unexpected finale to the movie Freakshow. Appalling, gory and shocking. That makes a good Horror film.
niteowel2684 The movie was great. What's wrong with you people? I loved the movie! You people say you are such horror freaks but that is complete bullshit! A real horror buff would enjoy every movie that comes out no matter how corny or bloody it is. I seriously think Asylum Studios has some awesome stuff. I am a definite fan of them since I have seen Freakshow and I hope they come up with some more movies. To those who enjoyed it e-mail me at if you are horror freaks and could send me some scary movie recommendations or maybe a website that gets people like me together. Now a movie I would recommend is Reincarnation by some Chinese Asian people or whatever. But that's not the point. It's an amazing film that will just get to you and want to see all over again.
bnjmn87-1 This movie is awful. The plot is shallow and underdeveloped and the "horror" is just useless violence. The costumes of the "freaks" are obvious and not made well. There was random information thrown in that led to nowhere. The movie was utter crap. My friends and I feel like we wasted and hour and a half of our lives watching this "movie" don't waste your time. Below are some choice words describing this movie. Nonsense, Pointless, Unnecessary. Reading the cover of this movie is even wasting time. Milking a cow would be more entertaining. The producer of this movie should be shot on the spot for even thinking about this piece of trash. If you want some slasher movie just watch Saw.