Frankenstein vs. The Mummy
Frankenstein vs. The Mummy
| 10 February 2015 (USA)
Frankenstein vs. The Mummy Trailers

The mummy of a cursed pharaoh and a reanimated corpse terrorize a medical university. Only an Egyptologist and a college professor, the deranged Dr. Frankenstein, may be able to stop the creatures before it's too late.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
TheLittleSongbird Was drawn into seeing 'Frankenstein vs. The Mummy' with a cool poster/cover, a very intriguing if not creative premise and as someone with a general appreciation for horror. That it was low-budget, which from frequent personal experience is rarely a good sign due to that there are so many poor ones out there, made me though apprehensive. From the title, one would understandably think that 'Frankenstein vs. The Mummy' would be an affectionate homage to the Universal and Hammer House of Horror films, have a lot of fondness for them mostly and there are a lot of classics. That cannot be said for 'Frankenstein vs. The Mummy' and an affectionate homage or a well-made and well-put-together film it is not. As has been said already, the title is very misleading, the two monsters are mostly apart and their one "battle", or one scene together, is far too brief and neither creepy or exciting. It's actually treated rather indifferently.It's not an appealing film to look at. The limitations in budget shows throughout in almost every area, it all looks drab and hastily put together in particularly the editing and effects look like they were constructed on the small remains of the small budget having been neglected. The two monsters, especially the lumbering Frankenstein monster, are not that creepy and their scenes individually are not suspenseful or that atmospheric at all. None of the rest of the characters engage or endear, with the lead character frustratingly characterised as a complete idiot. The acting is weak at best, with Max Rhyser and Ashton Leigh lacking charisma, Boomer Tibbs reduced to pantomime and Brandon deSpain and Constantin Tripes failing to bring menace to the titular characters. Stefanie Merola comes off least badly, at least having some allure and spots of charm. The script is a cheesy, awkward and limp mess and the story takes too long to get going and never properly comes to life. Suspense and creepiness are nowhere in sight and some of it is insultingly ridiculous. Only one other thing, the other being Merola's allure, redeems the film from an irredeemable film to a very bad one and that is the make-up. It looked as though a lot of effort went into it, looking like most of the budget was dedicated to it in fact, and provides some eeriness. Sad that it deserved a much better film.All in all, very bad with a misleading title. 2/10 Bethany Cox
gavin6942 The mummy of a cursed pharaoh and a reanimated corpse terrorize a medical university. Only an Egyptologist and a college professor, the deranged Dr. Frankenstein, may be able to stop the creatures before it's too late.First off, I really despised the actor who played Dr. Frankenstein. He seemed like he was supposed to be charming, but he came off as being an ignoramus and a complete tool. Oh, and the poor script of philosophy jibber-jabber. Whoever wrote the "philosophy of medicine" speech is not very knowledgeable on philosophy.Tal Zimerman dismisses this film as a "clunker", though the makeup of Damien Leone is rightly praised. Zimerman is right. The film is a clunker, bland, and not particularly memorable. The makeup is above average in quality, though, and hopefully someone notices. But the good-looking bad guys are not enough reason to watch this.
JoeB131 "That Bella chick gets shiny vampires and hunky werewolves, and I get a couple of reanimated corpses? What is up with that." The lead actress, by the way, is the only thing worth watching in this film. She's easy on the eyes.The film starts with the university with the most lax research rules, ever. While Doctor Victor F. is on one side of the campus reanimating corpses and paying the janitor for body parts, his whacky Egyptologist girlfriend brings back a cursed mummy from Egypt. after 140 minutes of plodding dialog, gory special effects and more contrivances than you can shake a test tube at, we get the fight between the two titular monsters.I give the actor credit for trying. The special effects artists also did a good job given what must have been a low budget. The direction and writing are the problems here.
Ryan Prince -Frankenstein Vs. The Mummy (2015) movie review: -Frankenstein Vs. The Mummy is a modern telling of the classic story my Mary Shelley which is just how it sounds. There's Frankenstein's monster. And there's a mummy. And they fight.-A few problems with this overall Syfy original quality film right off the bat: The monster is not called Frankenstein. The story is not modern. And once you get those two wrong, you have a generic vs movie that makes Freddy Vs. Jason look good.-The story is poorly adapted to modern times, and therefor lacks any sort of motivation. Things just happen for the sake of happening. And nothing that happens is any sort or believable.-The pace is sloppy, jumping unevenly between making Frankenstein's monster to awakening a mummy, and then 45 minutes of mummy to 45 minutes of freaking Frankenstein's monster. Also trying to fit a love story between Victor Frankenstein and the girl who knows things about mummies drags the film even more. Also, we get to finally see Frankenstein's monster fight the mummy! Literally 9 minutes before the end INCLUDING credits. And they fight for about as long as the Dinobots from Transformers 4 do, about 2 minutes.-The acting is meh. They try, with little success, to act.-The characters are all inconsistent and lack motivation. And Frankenstein's monster should not have a character change to a dislikable jerk when his brain kicks in or whatever, but he does. So nobody in the film is likable or is available to root for.-The music is all the same and not good.-I will go ahead and give a shout-out to a few elements that make the film not garbage: The makeup and effect were noticeable. There was not a lot-to-no CGI in the film, meaning everything was makeup and practical effects, which were over-the-top but impressive. -The film had a few moments that I did not expect either. I was like 'Woah!' or 'Oh, I hope it ends like this!' Problem is it literally ruined every good moment with a bad follow-up.-It is not so bad it is good, it is just bad, and the modern update kills any chances of it being entertainingly cheesy. So without any further adieu, Frankenstein Vs. The Mummy is not worth seeing. Ever.