Frankenstein Reborn
Frankenstein Reborn
NR | 28 August 2005 (USA)
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The latest psychiatrist assigned to assess whether inmate Victor Frank is mentally fit to stand trial for murder gives up in frustration and so the asylum head Dr Robert Walton steps in to do the job. Frank tells Walton his story. He was a scientist experimenting in the field of nanotechnology. Using nanobots that were capable of rebuilding the human body, Frank and his team had great success in helping the crippled, wheelchair-ridden Bryce Daniels regain use of his faculties. But then Bryce started to become unstable...

SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Ogosmith Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Yash Wade Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.
redhead9898 Where to begin? First off, most of the film is flashbacks. Second, the beginning was stupid, and third, a lot of boring dialog and bad actors. The monster is quite disturbing and so is his roar. They had small parts like when a woman is shown for 2 minutes and is killed. There was parts when i felt like turning it off but I had nothing else to do. After the credits end, there is a minute of the screen pitch black and the music still going. I bet it was to make the movie a minute longer. I gave it a 3, because I like b-horror films,i like Frankenstein movies and you have to give Leigh some credit. My recommendation: if you see it at the video store, tell a person working there that it is a waste of money for you to rent that. So stay away as far as possible. Don't say I didn't warn you.
pharris-15 when i see a movie review with such polarized opinion, i want to give it a chance. i bought this as a previously viewed DVD from a national video rental chain and only paid $5. not worth the $5. all the bad has been said already.the acting is about on the par of a softcore film on cinemax. bleh. the only thing i liked about it (maybe didn't dislike is more appropriate) is that the actresses in this movie are pleasing to look at.i didn't think i would be getting a great movie here and biy was i right. the worst movie i have seen a quite sometime.this one's going in the garage sale pile.
Paul Andrews Frankenstein Reborn starts with a woman named Jessica Halverson (Sarah Lieving) arranging to meet Victor Franks (Rhett Giles) at an old warehouse/factory which he uses as a makeshift laboratory, inside Jessica is attacked by something which chains her to a table & rips both of her legs off... A one Victor Franks has been arrested in connection with multiple murder & the disappearance of two people associated with him, since Victor keeps on rambling about his bizarre experiments & a hideous creature he has been institutionalised where Dr. Emily Hertz (Amanda Barton) & Dr. Robert Walton (Thomas Downey) are analysing his mental state to determine whether he can stand trial. In various lengthy interviews Victor begins to tell the terrible tales that will supposedly explain everything & prove his innocence. Victor says he was working on various experiments in the field of 'biological nanotechnology' in an attempt to cure spinal injuries & to ultimately re-animate the dead. He talks of being addicted to cocaine & having threesomes with his two female lab assistants Elizabeth Weatherly (Eliza Swenson) & Rebekkah Clarke (Christina Rosenberg), he recalls how the experiments with a patient named Bryce Daniels (Joel Hebner) took a turn for the worse & how he convinced his brain surgeon friend Dr. Hank Clerval (Jeff Denton) to help him continue them illegally & how they lead to betrayal, murder & the creation of a monster...Co-edited, written & directed by Leigh Slawner who also has a role in the film as Dr. Cadaverella I personally thought Frankenstein Reborn was a decent film. The script plays more like a contemporary Re-Animator (1985) film rather than Mary Shelly's classic novel which is no bad thing as we get a modern day tale of a mad scientist dabbling with bizarre experiments with the hope of re-animating the dead & all the problems that would bring. His friendships suffer as nothing will stop him in pursuit of his ultimate goal, the woman he loves ends up dead & he will do just about anything to further his experiments. The way Frankenstein Reborn tells it's fairly entertaining story is both an asset & a disadvantage, just about the entire film is told in numerous flash-backs. The flash-backs are sometimes hard to follow as they show the same ones but from different angles or mix them up so their not in chronological order or repeat them but in a slightly extended version to reveal a bit more of the story that wasn't present before. While this approach gives the film a nice originality & it plays out like a mystery it can become a bit annoying & confusing as it jumps back & forth in both time & location without much regard for the viewer. The character's are better drawn & fleshed out than usual for these ultra low-budget independent films which makes a nice change with various affairs, rivalry & personal angst amongst the carnage. This particular version of Frankenstein offers up plenty of blood & gore with ripped of legs & arms, heads being sawed off, surgical scenes with bodies being sliced up with scalpels, a woman has her breast sliced open with a razor, someone is impaled on a huge shard of glass, hearts are ripped from chests, someone has their brains blown out plus there are lots of intestines, internal organs, body parts & blood splattered across the screen to keep most horror fans quiet for it's duration. There is also a pleasing amount of nudity, sex, swearing & drug usage. According to the IMDb Frankenstein Reborn was shot between 22nd April & 2nd May (less than 2 weeks!?) 2005 on a minuscule budget of about $500,000 & when you take that into consideration this is a surprisingly good & competent film. The cinematography is actually quite good, the special effects are very good with the Frankenstein monster itself looking very impressive & pretty gross as well, music, the sets & overall production design give the impression of a better funded film & it is generally well made throughout with director Slawner obviously using his budget with good effect & he luckily resists the temptation to use annoying fast editing techniques & keeps the gimmicky tricks down to a minimum. The acting was also quite strong for a film with these low budget origins. Don't get me wrong as Frankenstein Reborn is far from the best horror film ever made, far from it in fact, but as a way to pass 84 minutes I found it a surprisingly enjoyable & well made little film. Persoanally I think it's well worth a watch especially if your a horror fan but then that's just my opinion.
Chris Mackey (guestar57) You think you've seen it, Then they re-invent Mary Shelley's Monster Wheel. I should start with the cast: RHETT GILES as Victor Franks/The Doctor, He has this Alan Rickman-Snape from Harry Potter twist. JOEL HEBNER (Need to interview) plays the reborn creature,I can't exactly say as Bernie Wrightson would draw him---But, Close. The editing was challenging to watch at first, Kind of like "Memento". A lot of scenes will make you feel all squishy for tributes- There is the Babysitter scene from first "Halloween", The interrogation moment from "Silence Of The Lambs", I loved the "Kolchak" moment the shrink had with a microphone at end. This would have been a Great Ending, Not the teaser throwaway that smacks sequel