NR | 22 March 2016 (USA)
Dickshark Trailers

Rachel Crow stars as the woman whose lover has been secretly using penis-enlargement cream. It has an unusual side effect that ultimately leads to an abomination. Erin Brown (also known as Misty Mundae) supports her boyfriend, Dick (played by Bill Zebub) who is a modern day Victor Frankenstein. The search for the rampaging monster intensifies as more victims fall prey.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Troma Freek It's pretty much just porn, except more talky and pretentious than regular porn. Despite the fun title and premise there is nothing to see here folks. Bill Zebub used to make entertaining movies but has apparently given up trying all together. Actors are either standing around talking about random stuff or they having sex. The only fragments of a script that exist involves some guy applying some cream to his genitalia and and shaping it into a shark.
Michael Ledo Just when you thought it was safe to enter the water....A man creates an enhancement cream with shark results. The titled shark becomes severed and freed. The shark is attracted to the scent of a woman and is growing larger.This is made by the same group who did, "Nightmare on Elmo Street" i.e. if you liked one you will like the other. The style is the same, naked women having sex with a puppet interrupted by long boring conversations. This time the dialogue was worse than their previous film as they whined about things like standardized school tests. This is listed as science fiction with a claim it is not porn. It is more porn than science fiction with 9 girls with full frontal close up nudity, including Misty Mundae this time. (She took a pass on nudity in Nightmare...) Guys got facial close-ups while women got torso close-ups.8 stars for the nudity (Misty Mundae as Erin Brown, Sheri Medulla, Rachel Crow, Scarlett Storm, Lydia Lael, Kathy Rice, Chrissy Lynn, Andrea Hall, Sarah Hunt....Bikini only-Kayla Browne, Barbir Kish) Guide: F-word, sex, and nudity Oh yea, women raped by sharks
dbs630-697-952794 There's no other way about it. You either love Bill's movies or you loathe them. I have had a soft spot for Bill's filmmaking style since I first saw one of his movies. It's not that they're bad because he doesn't know what he's doing. He knows exactly what he's doing. The best part of Bill's movies is his dialogue and awkward interactions with his actresses. He's comic gold. He knows what his viewers want and isn't afraid to give it to them. From the moment the dude pops his head out of the bathroom door and says his dick is "like clay" and calmly goes about "sculpting" it on the instructions of his girlfriend it's begun. NO man would be that calm about his dick being "clay-like"! It's too much! But I love it. Only a mind as obviously sharp as Bill Zebub's could imagine such an abomination. Just watch it because you like sarcasm and naked girls and you'll be in for a treat. Watch it and expect a masterpiece and you'll want to call a shrink after. Love it, hate it but just don't take it... seriously.
Misha "Big Boy Movie Man" Paykin Dickshark, despite what the director (Bill Zebub) said in his Q/A with fans said, this movie is very clearly a porno. I have no idea what this movie is about. The only parts of the plot that I remember is a guy putting some cream on his d*ck and it becoming a shark, which is later shot off, and about a 10 minute segment where a half-naked woman discusses peanut-butter and jelly sandwiches with some fat person in a forest. I can also remember the ending involving a shark with a dick awkwardly poking at a woman's vagina. Do not watch this movie, unless you like bad porn. It WILL give you nightmares. To be honest I skipped about three fourths of the movie, and even though it was absolutely ridiculous, I didn't laugh once. Just stared in horror.