The Beast of Bray Road
The Beast of Bray Road
R | 01 September 2005 (USA)
The Beast of Bray Road Trailers

Based on actual accounts of werewolf sightings in Walworth County, Wisconsin, the film follows a local sheriff who is finally forced to accept that a string of horrifying deaths is linked to a predator which possesses DNA of both man and wolf.

Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
lastliberal I watched on the SyFy channel, so I was denied the nudity. That's a shame because the babes in this flick were smoking! Nudity bad for SyFy, but flowing guts are OK and we saw them in the first five minutes as the werewolf gobbled up the babe that ran out of gas in the woods.Now the second victim was a treat.The blond with the tat was a real loss. I hated to see her go.Lots of action and some quality acting from Jeff Denton and Sarah Lieving made this a direct-to-video film worth watching even if I was deprived of seeing the deputy's chest by Syfy.Werewolf is big surprise.
tdeladeriere So what happens when The Asylum veers away from their Hollywood cheap send-ups and puts their heart into something original ? Well, a damn good b-movie, that's what ! "The Beast of Bray Road" is apparently based on local Wisconsin lore, but do not think this "based on true events" tag line means your next Lindsay Wagner & Robert Urich TV movie of the week. It's probably based on a true story told around a campfire. What this is is a fun, fast werewolf movie like you haven't seen in a while, better than recent submissions like "War Wolves" or "Never Cry Werewolf", shot efficiently on a tight budget. It has blood, beasts and boobs (well, just one quick pair) and makes for the perfect midnight movie.The frequent and very clear views of the beast is a nice surprise for monster fans, and for the budget, I'll say it looks really good. The deaths are gruesome and plenty, sticking to a slasher template. All the actors make a good job and actually are given some basic development and dialogue to play with. I was completely taken aback when I burst out laughing at a one-liner delivered by a drunk bimbo just before her demise in a car. This is definitely not a comedy, but the joke was good and unexpected.All in all, very recommended for B-movie fans.
stumpmee77 Where are the parents who gave birth to these imbicles? Probably all dead from busted livers and car accidents? With as much sleeping and drinking and "couple action" depicted in this film, one or two itsy bitsy youngsters are bound to pop up sooner or later. It would have been a suspenseful scene if one of these oversexed morons brought the farm defending an infant instead of drinking and throwing themselves at the first attractive body. Where's the out of shape beer bellies by the way? The closest we come is a scene with a truly nasty TV-watching twit complaining about his wife who's taken out by "the beast", well in that scene I felt it was doing me public service. And in the following scene there's no realistic follow up to the loss emphasizing how much a jerk the guy was.I could cover one IMDb page with complaints about this flick if I turn to the depiction of the police so it's best that I stop the rant here.
Terminal Madness At the start of "Beast", a young bar patron drifts away from her friends after closing hours and is stalked and mauled to death by a werewolf. The beast grabs her, tears her apart, and howls into the sky. I enjoyed that. But, for no reason, director Scott feels that even though we had that good opening signaling grand things, we could have done without it for another thirty or forty minutes, which in common sense land is a large portion of a film that doesn't even hit the two hour mark, and that makes zero sense. There's also mainly vapid characterization, plenty of padding including sex scenes, particular focus on sister journalists who have a web log, and a comedic barroom brawl included for no other reason but to pad the movie. Meanwhile, you'll be wondering if the monster is still lurking about, or just fell asleep waiting for victims to get out of that bar that's featured quite prominently.Does anyone have a shop in that town, or is the main economic base that one small bar? You know that when a horror film is turned into "Roadhouse" for an instance just to keep the story going, it becomes painfully clear that you're not watching anything resembling entertainment. Also featured are a funeral that looks like it was held in a backyard, a town filled with an endless supply of women who look like they came off an open audition for "Hustler", the most inept inactive sheriff, and characters that constantly re-appear due to an obviously menial cast.So, it's been confirmed to me. Even when The Asylum isn't ripping off another movie, they still suck. "Beast of Bray Road" could have been a fun movie had they actually had creature action and not so much utter stupidity and poor storytelling. Otherwise, this isn't even a fun monster movie.