Food of the Gods II
Food of the Gods II
R | 19 May 1989 (USA)
Food of the Gods II Trailers

A growth hormone experiment gets out of hand, when the the resulting giant man-eating rats escape, reaking havoc on the unsuspecting campus. Much blood-letting follows.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
HumanoidOfFlesh Biologist Neil Hamilton succeeds in synthesizing a growth hormone and uses it to create giant tomatoes.Unfortunately the tomatoes are eaten by caged rats which then grow until they become the size of dogs.When animal rights activists break into the lab,they accidentally succeed in freeing the rats which escape down into the tunnels beneath the campus and start preying on people."Food of the Gods II" is one hell of a bad movie.The acting is lousy,the characters are painfully stupid and there is plenty of gore with ripped-out throats and severed limbs to boot.The film has its share of riotously unintentionally funny sequences too.In spite of its New York setting this amusing crap was actually made in Canada.So grab some beer,invite a couple of friends and laugh how stunningly bad "Food of the Gods II" is!
Paul Andrews At a small American University, Professor Edmund Delhurst and his assistant Brett (Robert Kennedy) are performing experiments on rats to try and create a cure for both cancer and as a sort of hobby baldness. Animal rights activists Mark (Real Andrews), Alex (Lisa Schrage), Al (Stuart Hughes) and Angie (Karen Hines) break into Delhurst's lab and destroy his equipment and notes. Meanwhile fellow research scientist Neil Hamilton (Paul Coufos), who conducts his experiments on fruit and vegetables, is asked for help by one of his old teachers, Dr. Kate Treger (Jackie Burroughs). Kate has been trying to halt the growth pattern of a young boy named Bobby (Sean Mitchell) with a drug named 1-92. However, instead of reducing his height and growth the drug in fact actually increases it. She asks Hamilton for help, he agrees but tells Dr. Treger he needs samples to work with. So everything he asks for is sent over to his lab back on campus. Hamilton experiments long into the night and creates a serum that accelerates growth in tomato's, now he figures all he has to do is create an antidote. Hamilton's assistant Joshua (Frank Pellegrino) convinces him he must test any serum he develops on rats first, claiming that he's potentially gambling with Bobby's life, he agrees and some rats are taken from the biology department. Before he knows whats happening his girlfriend and animal rights activist Alex turns up at his lab, not wanting to get into an argument over the rats with Alex, Neil and Joshua hide the rats behind the giant tomato plant. The inevitable happens and the rats start to eat the giant tomato's through the bars on their cage. Later that night animal rights activists Mark, Al and Angie break into Hamilton's lab and in an accident all the infected rats escape. Before long there are loads of giant mutant rats running around the campus and feeding on the staff and students. Hamilton wants Dean White (David B.Nichols) to evacuate but is told that he doesn't want a scandal, and cannot cancel a party for the opening of a new Olympic standard swimming pool, which a lot of rich and influential people will be attending. Lieutenant Wetzel (Micheal Copeman) claims since it's private property that his hands are tied. As the bodies mount up Hamilton must find a way to locate and destroy the killer rats and save Bobby before it's too late. Directed by Damien Lee I liked this, even though the way it's filmed is very flat, the production design and photography screams made for T.V. It certainly kept me entertained me for an hour and twenty odd minutes. The script by Richard Bennett and E.Kim Brewster keeps moving at a fair pace and is entertaining enough. But I still don't understand why Hamilton develops a serum that increases growth when he needs to develop a serum for Bobby to reverse his growth. The gore effects look OK with various ripped off faces, limbless torsos, decapitated heads, bitten off arms and torn out backs, but the stand out scene is where one of Hamilton's fellow scientists tries to steal his growth serum and cuts his finger on a glass slide and becomes infected with the serum, he starts to bubble up and melt in a pretty gross looking scene that boasts good make up effects, just ignore the crew member you can see in the bottom left hand corner of the picture with a syringe pumping the white goo that comes out of his bubbling skin. The giant rat effects weren't as bad as some say, a mixture of normal rats and miniature surroundings plus basic puppets, their only seen in quick flashes and didn't look that bad to my eyes. The giant hand effect at the end looks terrible, though. There is only one scene of nudity. The simplistic music sounds at times like it was composed on a children's electric keyboard. Overall I quite liked it and think it's at least worth a watch.
kita117 This movie was actually good. A bit boring at times though. Great gorefest. The rats had great scary appearances. I wonder is this movie out on dvd yet because I have it on VHS. My rating of this movie is 3.5 stars out of 5 stars.
Mr Parker This movie stinks but I'd like to bring up a scene that comes to mind. The climactic set piece involves giant rats terrorizing a synchronized swimming display commemorating the grand opening of the college swimming pool (that was a mouthful!). The rats come out, people start freaking out and all hell breaks loose. At some point, an armed guard (or a cop, I can't remember) loses his gun and one of the spectators picks it up and starts firing blindly into the crowd, trying to hit the rats but hitting people instead. This scene stands out because it leaves you slack-jawed with disbelief at just how ridiculous this movie can get. The rest of the movie itself is just plain stupid. I don't recommend this movie but I wont give it a complete zero. Rating 1/2* out of *****.