Final Examination
Final Examination
| 21 October 2003 (USA)
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A burned out L.A. detective moves to Hawaii, where he stumbles upon a murder at a college sorority reunion.

ShangLuda Admirable film.
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
insomniac_rod Before watching "Final Examination" I thought it would be a porno movie; the cinematography and cast truly looked like were taken out from a porno. But when I saw Fred Olen Ray's name, I knew I was going to have a great time.This movie deals with a serial killer (is it?) that is after a group of hot ex-graduates. The first victim, the hot Amy Lindsay is murdered in a jacuzzi; then her other friends are killed in different ways. Even one of the boyfriends is killed.So it's up for two detectives and a forensic doctor to find who is behind the murders. By the way, one of the detectives is the always beautiful and sexy Kari Wuhrer who looks really pretty.Well this movie has the occasional sex scenes; not very steamy or great but still deliver. The hot tub sex scene, and some bedroom sex sequences are the highlight. But don't expect a straight soft core sex movie.Watch this for what it is : an entertaining but cheap b-movie with beautiful women and an easy to follow plot.Delivers expectations.
Fekket Cantenel Sometimes when you're watching a movie, you see or hear something - a badly-said line, a stupid joke, a predictable plot "twist" - and think to yourself, "Now is time to consider hitting 'stop'/walking out". Three flags in the first few minutes of this movie that will tell you all you need to hear about Final Examination.1) "Hugh Janus." The main plot of the movie is a cop (Brent Huff) being transferred to Hawaii as punishment (huh?) for reckless work. In the scene where he's being chewed out by his boss and informed of his transfer, a phone rings. His boss, Hugh Janus, picks it up and answers with his name. Only at this moment to I realize that, as an incredibly sophomoric and pointlessly tasteless jab at humor, he pronounces it 'huge a*us'. Flag 1 goes up.2) The shower scene.Meanwhile in Hawaii, a sorority is holding its 5-year reunion at a lovely, extra-expensive-looking hotel (complete with hula girls lounging idly as part of the scenery... I wonder if they get paid to do that...). The movie focuses on several of the girls, whom we meet as they arrive in clumps. Either we never learn their names or they are so forgettable that this is impossible.So after following a young couple around for a few minutes, during which they strike the viewer as depressingly irritating, we cut to a shower room with a lady about to take a shower. Now, I'm not a hoity toity person at all. I don't mind nudity in movies at all. But let me be frank here: this woman was supposed to be 22 in the movie, but from the gross sagging bags (and I don't mean under her eyes) and the lines on her face, I would place her at 35 or 40, at the YOUNGEST.So now let's have a shower scene with her rubbing herself in the shower as the camera pans up and down her, er, luscious frame. At first I'm tolerant, just waiting for it to end. By the third straight minute I'm getting uncomfortable. I wind up fast-forwarding, and estimate the whole scene was 10-14 minutes long.A beautiful girl for one or two minutes? I can deal with that. Heck, I can enjoy it. But an ugly old lady for fifteen minutes? If you're into that sort of thing, check out this movie. Flag number two went up about the time I started fast-forwarding.3) I yawn three times in the same minute.So we cut to a boring sex scene with the irritating couple I mentioned earlier. I didn't count this as a flag since it would be redundant after flag 2. Now to her credit, the girl in this scene has nicer breasts than the one in the previous one. But then the scene stretches on. And on. And on. And on. I fast forwarded here, too, and my estimate is also 14-20 minutes. Guy goes to get post-coital bottled water, girl lounges in the pool. Girl is killed. At this point I was so irritated with this girl and this movie that I cheered.Enter cop from the beginning, with a partner. A few conversations between the cops and the boyfriend, the owner of the hotel, and other girls in the sorority. The 'conversations' are actually hollow droning of insipid lines written by the same hack who had the brilliant idea to have these two 'detectives' wander around the hotel aimlessly, playing boring-cop/boring-cop with sorority girls, rather than split up to cover more ground.Right about the time I realize this, I also realize I just yawned three times in the same minute. Flag numero tres goes up, and I hit 'stop'. Well, so much for that.If you want a good movie out of Artisan Entertainment... you're out of luck, as it seems their only skill is promoting the worst directors on the market. If you must watch something from them, see "House of the Dead", directed by Uwe Boll. It's on my top ten list of "funny movies that were actually MEANT to be horror", along with "Jeepers Creepers". This one might have made that list, if it hadn't bored me to tears before I could get through the first twenty minutes.
Dr. Gore *SPOILER ALERT* *SPOILER ALERT*So a bunch of sorority girls head to Hawaii for a reunion. There is a killer hunting them down. It all sounds good doesn't it? So why is this flick so dull and monotonous? Perhaps it's because they didn't have any idea as to what kind of movie they wanted to make. "Final Examination" starts off with a prolonged sex sequence in a hot tub. OK. So. It's a softcore flick. Works for me! Then the killer strikes and its back to slasher movie land. Softcore sex and slashers? Great! My kind of movie. Then Kari Wuhrer shows up as a cop and ruins the movie as "Final Examination" segues into a tedious cop movie. Kari and her partner hunt for clues as the viewer yawns and rewinds the movie to see that hot tub sex scene again.The one good thing about this one is the abundant nudity. The sorority chicks like to get it on. Plenty of sorority girl's bras fly off. So that's good. Debbie Rochon shows up near the end and lets the Rochons come out to play. So that's real good. The Rochons save the movie from total destruction. Well, at least for me it did.
BigHardcoreRed A hard-nosed cop gets punished by being sent to a Hawaii police department. While there, a group of sorority sisters start being killed one by one, with the killer leaving what looks to be a term paper marked "Failed Examination" with the victim's name on it near the body. This seemed like a cool concept at first, until they dropped it after the second death. In a way, it reminded me of Identity where they were all being left the room keys in order of their death, which made it unique, but I guess the writers on this one couldn't find an interesting way to go with this, which is a shame.Overall, not too bad a movie. Seemed like it borrowed from Scream a little bit. The T & A was nice, mostly quality, which many people look for in a film of this caliber. Amy Lindsay and Debbie Rochon were my favorite actresses in this movie. I give it a 6 of 10.
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