R | 15 July 1990 (USA)
Fear Trailers

Psychic Ally Sheedy helps police solve murders by mentally linking with the murderer. Then she discovers a murderer with the same talent - who wants to share the fear of his victims with her!

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Bereamic Awesome Movie
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Uriah43 This movie begins with a psychic named "Cacye Bridges" (Ally Sheedy) helping police catch a serial killer before he can murder yet another victim. Four years later Cacye and her agent, "Jessica Moreau" (Lauren Hutton) are in the process of marketing her new book when Cayce suddenly gets a vision of yet another serial killer at work. Known as "the Shadow Man" (played by Pruitt Taylor Vince) this homicidal maniac is extremely clever and elusive for a good reason—he is also psychic. Not only that but he has tapped into Cayce's psychic wavelength and communicates with her while he is in the act of killing his next victim. And he feeds on her fear as well as everybody else. Now rather than reveal any more of this movie I will just say that, while it didn't have much horror, it had some good suspense and mystery here and there which kept things interesting for the most part. I also liked the performance of Ally Sheedy who played her part rather well. In any case, this was a solid thriller which I believe those interested in a film of this sort might find entertaining. I have rated it accordingly. Slightly above average.
efshaff This is an awesome suspense/thriller from 1990. I remembered seeing it when it first came out and found the VHS for it about 6 months ago. My kids are all in their 20's now and they were blown away when we watched this together. They need to release it on Blu-Ray or at least DVD format.The action and suspense will keep you on the edge of your seat. What's great about this film is the content and storyline are relevant even today. The acting was pretty good, some cheesy parts that remind you of a 70's disaster film. But for the most part really good.Ally Sheedy plays her role well as does Lauren Hutton. Even the villain, who I'd never heard of did a great job. There are a few twists in the movie that will have you saying "No Way"!
sol1218 **SPOILERS** Interesting but uneven thriller that has to do with full-time writer and author and part-time psychic detective young Cayce Bridges, Ally Sheedy,tapping in on a serial killer on the looses in L.A that the local newspaper dubbed "The Shadowman", Pruitt Taylor Vince.At First getting strange visions at a TV talk show where she's pushing her latest book ,about her psychic powers,Cayce cuts the interview short and goes to the police to prevent the killer's latest atrocity. Cayce is snickered at by Det. Webber, Stan Shaw, but when she reveals things about him and his family that only he knows.Det.Webber and his partner Det. Wu, Keone Young, go to the house, that Cayce directs them to, not only finding out that she was right but that they got there too late to save the Shadowmans latest victim."Fear" goes one a step beyond the usual psychic detective movie when it turns out that the Shadowman is himself psychic and knows that Cayce is watching him. Besides killing his victims, which he likes to instill enormous fear into before he murders them, the Shadowman taunts Cayce to try and catch him knowing that she's able to watch him.This weird game of cat and mouse that the Shadowman plays with both Cayce and the police gets very personal when he shows Det. Webber that he not only knows where he lives but that he'll murder his entire family if he and the LAPD dare to apprehend him. Cayce for her part gets crank calls late at night from the Shadowman who by scaring her gives him a high almost as good as the one he gets from his terrifying and murdering his victims.Cayce tries to keep the Shadowman from knowing that she's watching him and when she unknowingly slips up, watching him when he's doing his laundry, he becomes very enraged. Changing from an in-control killer to an out of control psycho almost getting himself caught by he police, that Cayce tipped off on his whereabouts. As Cayce tries to leave L.A for New York City the Shadowman, now strangely hooked on her, murders her booking agent Jessica Mareau, Laura Hutton,and makes her psychically watch the whole grizzly scene threatening to kill one person an hour if she leaves. Cayce has no choice but to stay in L.A and be held hostage, like everyone else in the city, by him. The ending of the movie is it's weakest part when the Shadowman reveals himself to Cayce in a fun-house hall of mirrors,obviously copied from the 1947 Orson Wells movie " Lady from Shanghi", with the killer ending up acting more like a scared slobbering wimp then the brutal cunning and almost omnipresent psycho that he was up until then.
d_bezer This is a film that has you on the edge of your seat from the first moment. You at times wonder to yourself wait a moment who is good and who is bad here. a very well done guessing game at the same time boo scare you film.One reason I say it is so well done is because it is a made for t.v. movie and in my opinion not many made for t.v. movies are that well produced. However this is done in great theatre style well worth checking out if you are a horror/thriller genre fan. Ally Sheedy gives a great preformances going away from comedy and into serious here