Fatal Deviation
Fatal Deviation
| 01 January 1998 (USA)
Fatal Deviation Trailers

A young kenpo karate martial artist returns home after ten years in reform school on a quest to find out who murdered his father. He is befriended by an old monk and a local Irish beauty. His search takes him to the prestigious Bealtaine Martial Arts Tournament. Together with his past, the good guy is drawn into conflict with the local drug baron and his son, and the conflict makes the young man face his father's death in a way he could never have imagined.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
andrew_williams1978 To celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the release of the only truly flawless movie released in the last fifty years, I have decided to share the following review of the classic awe-inspiring Fatal Deviation, Ireland's first and only Kung Fu movie. Set in the wondrously modern town of Trimm, the film is a timeless tale of revenge told from the perspective of the most three dimensional character ever portrayed in art. Jimmy Bennett as a child, witnessed his father decapitated by a local hoodlum, played by the ever versatile thespian Michael Regan. And so begins the beautifully crafted character arc, from helpless infant, to fearless lethal weapon told over 80 minutes of relentless action. Along the way there is the greatest love story between the ever persecuted Jimmy and the golden-era Hollywoodesque beauty Nicola. (the mesmerising dearly missed Nicola O'Sullivan) Legend has it that following this movie O'Sullivan was abducted by Aliens and currently is Queen of Mulletworld, the largest planet in the Sirius star system. Howqever, I would like to think she just gave up acting, knowing she could never top this epically glorious cinematic debut. Mikey Graham already world famous as member of the rock group Boyzone, gives a star-making turn as a drug dealing henchman, chewing so much scenery that they surely must have gone well beyond their initial £9000.00 budget. The film set the world alight in 1998, and it the embers can still be seen from space. You only ever see this film for the first time once, and those that haven't do not delay. Your life will never be the same.
jbarrystudent There weren't many things keeping me going just one hour and 30 minutes ago, in fact, you could possibly argue that the only reason I hadn't ended my life was because I was afraid people would look through my search history. But then I watched this movie, and suddenly, everything became.... better.... now now, I'm not a superstitious person, and I don't usually believe just anything the voices quietly whisper to me when the lights aren't on, but this movie is an exception, because after watching it, I was inexplicably happier than I had ever been in my entire life, even more so than I was when when Obama Left office. Hahahahaha, but in all seriousness watching this movie has became a sort of spiritual experience for me, and every time I slide my well worn but well loved signed his tape into my vcr, and look dead into the eyes of James Bennet on the poster with a crotch hole on my wall, I think to myself, , I sit and quietly and pity the souls who have not yet been blessed with the presence of James Bennett's muscular and toned body. This movie changed my life, and it'll change yours too. Go now in peace sibling of the eternal Bennett, and may you forever know, that James is watching over you, ready to help whenever you need an Orish Chuck Norris
The_Phantom_Projectionist I don't know how the Irish martial arts cinematic scene is doing, these days, but I would not be surprised if the last 17 years have not been enough time to recover from this debacle. To be certain, FATAL DEVIATION – apparently the first Irish martial arts film – is a no-budget feature that deserves some slack given its obvious limitations, but I just couldn't find any fun in it to justify a higher rating. This is a simple movie made with the most basic means, but unless you like "bad" films for the sake of badness, I can't recommend it to you.The story: A young martial artist (James Bennett) returns to his hometown to avenge the death of his father at the hands of a murderous drug lord (Michael Regan).The only substantial thing the film has to its credit is its lead star. James looks great and has some cool moves, and I was genuinely surprised to realize that he's had nothing resembling a solo career since this picture...but then I remembered that the world already has a Jean-Claude Van Damme. Admittedly, no Caucasian karate star can avoid being compared to Van Damme, but both Bennett and the filmmakers go out of their way to make this as much of a JCVD homage/knockoff as possible. Bennett's character (1) must avenge a family member, (2) enters a tournament, (3) is trained by a master, (4) performs the splits, (5) performs helicopter kicks, and (6) must topple an unbeatable opponent.* Aside from such general resemblances, there are several blatant lifts from HARD TARGET, and man! – does it ever look silly to see these guys trying to ape John Woo's style without a penny to their name.However, the vast majority of the film is unambitious to a fault. On one hand, I commend the filmmakers for knowing their limitations and keeping the plot as basic as possible, but on the other, it's disappointing that they did not exploit the creative freedom intrinsic to indie filmmaking a little more. But perhaps I am asking for too much, because these guys really don't have much to work with: there isn't a skilled actor among the cast and the technical limitations of the filming equipment are apparent in every poorly-lit and color-blinking shot. The fight scenes are the only aspect captured with anything resembling flair, but despite their quantity, few fights are filmed well enough to stand out and few fighters other than Bennett have enough screen time to make an impression.Despite its short runtime, FATAL DEVIATION has a meandering pace that makes it a chore to watch, and the odd pop-polka soundtrack certainly did not help me pass the time faster. Simply stated, this movie is no triumph. While I would be delighted to see James Bennett headline another feature, I desperately hope for any kind of a budget for the poor guy.*Credit to the original "Van Damme Checklist" belongs to Jason of Amazon.com.
Jahanpanah I cannot understand how everybody here is praising this movie. In fact I wouldn't even call it a movie at all. Looks like one fine day, some people got their hands on a camera in their basement and decided to shoot some scenes in their backyard to come up with a movie like this. Do not trust the reviewers here. Check the Wiki page for quick reference and it'll direct you to an article on cracked explaining why this is the worst film ever. I do not normally write reviews but I made an exception because almost every reviewer here is deluding the people into believing that it is one of the best movies ever. Trust me and do not waste your resources on this film. I wish I could have given it a zero but IMDb wouldn't allow it.