Bloodsport III
Bloodsport III
R | 13 May 1997 (USA)
Bloodsport III Trailers

Bloodsport III brings us back to the world of Alex Cardo. This time he must battle in a fight to end all fights - The Kumite, the most vicious warrior alive - Beast. He must not only battle for his own honor, but also avenge the death of Sun, his mentor, teacher, and spiritual "father", when Sun is spitefully killed by crime boss Duvalier. In order to defeat Beast, destroy Duvalier, and avenge Sun's death, Alex turns to Leung to whom he was indebted in Bloodsport II. Leung directs him to the great shaman, Makato "the Judge", to whom Alex must turn for guidance. The judge teaches him to fully channel the energy in his mind and body in order to rout the Beast in the Kumite...

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
swedzin There isn't much to say about this film, except that slowly goes down... This is just one of those bad martial arts films... with classic story about Alex Cardo who's taking a revenge upon a rich mobster and his "monster" fighter called the Beast. Again with Daniel Bernhardt in leading role and his Van Damme face expressions. He travels on Thailand to another master to train him for next Kumite. But, this time... it IS personal! We get to see John Rhys Davies as the leading bad guy, the mobster, who is doing nothing but walking around with a large cigar in his mouth and look menacing, just like in "Cyborg Cop", James Hong and Pat Morita are there again... The fights are good, no complaints there... This is strictly for martial arts fans.
disdressed12 at first,it looked like this movie was going down the crapper and quickly.somehow, though,it turns out not too bad.unlike,number two,which isn't really a sequel,this one is.the main character returns,and learns more lessons.i liked the training me,they were better than the ones in the second times,i could swear it was Van Damme on screen.Daniel Bernhardt really looks like at times.the plot is quite ridiculous,but the action is better,i think.the fight scenes are better at times. the ending could have been a bit better,as the climax seemed to short.however,overall,this movie is no better or worse than the previous entry, and it's not a complete waste of fact,it's quite i'll give it a 6/10
Frank Markland Daniel Bernhardt returns as Alex Cardo as he tells in flashback to his son, how his mentor James Hong was killed, how he wins the kumite against "The Beast" who is a titan and along the way discusses how he met the lad's mother. Also on how the kid's grandfather was a no good scumbag, in other words it is Bloodsport for a younger generation. Bloodsport II wasn't exactly great (In fact far from good) but when compared to this boring dud of a sequel, it almost feels as if you can sense how bored the movie is with itself. The fight sequences this time are terribly staged, with martial artistry so sloppy, you'd swear you walked in on a drunken fight. The movie starts off reasonably well enough but once the training montage begins, you'll be so bored that your only excitement in the fight sequences, will be getting closer to the ending. The movie is just so lame. Also the singing in which Amber van Lynt does, is quite positively more damaging to the human body, then any harm "The Beast" inflicts. (I'm not sure if i'm the first to bring that up, but how nobody remembers such awful singing is mind boggling.) * out of 4-(Bad)
SZM I saw Bloodsport, sadly one of Van Damme's best films, and could say it wasn't all that stupid. Number 2 was far more entertaining, mostly because they cast Daniel Bernhardt as the lead, (a basically taller, better acting, better looking and better fighting version of JCVD). Now comes lucky number 3. For the love of your sanity, don't see this movie! Don't touch this piece of maggot-infested crap! I lost an hour of my life that i'll never get back (thats how much of it I stomached before I tossed it out the window). If you feel the need to see a film that so bad that it actually entertains you, go see "Cool As Ice". Bloodsport 3, however, is not one of those films.