Bloodsport: The Dark Kumite
Bloodsport: The Dark Kumite
R | 30 March 1999 (USA)
Bloodsport: The Dark Kumite Trailers

Agent John Keller goes undercover into the tough prison known as Fuego Penal to find out about the corpses of prisoners disappearing without a trace. There he gets involved in a dangerous tournament arranged by a man named Justin Caesar, where the prisoners are forced fight to death.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
a_chinn Pretty awful Eastern European production continuing the Bloodsport franchise that's strayed quite far from the original film. This one starts with a conventional martial arts film plot of a cop being sent to prison trying to avenge his partner's death, where he has to fight in the ring. The story takes a bizarre turn when with the prisoners tied to hospital beds and flanked by lingerie wearing ladies guarding them. This film is really embarrassingly bad and not even all that enjoyable on a so-bad-it's-good level of entertainment. Don't bother with this one.
NemkeSRB I don't know where to start. First it's really boring/pointless/stupid, you name it, to watch same main actor from Bloodsport II and III playing a different character in Bloodsport IV. Then plot... Just OMG... Totally uninteresting, poor acting, the story is awful, there are situations where you ask yourself "WTF is this" and "really?!", like when that policewoman is spilling drink over paper-made rose to find out secret message, also when it comes to shooting scenes in that bar at the start of the movie... I just can't understand how they were able to make such a poor movie, I wouldn't be able to do so even if I give my best. I think that 15 years old kid would make better movie and better plot. I give it 4/10 and that's me being really really generous! Bloodsport I was nice, Bloodsport II was watchable. But III and IV were just terrible!
sveknu I have to be totally honest with you people about this one. This is a movie that everyone should avoid at all costs. It didn't seem possible that the Bloodsport-series could get as low as this, but it did. First of all: The acting has to be the worst I've ever seen. I can't believe that it's possible to act as bad as some of the people in this movie do. The two villain's are especially bad. The movie has a really dark feel to it, and I didn't like that at all. It's filmed in Bulgaria. I guess that was the only thing they could afford, but it looks really, really bad. Good fighting scenes sometimes save a really bad movie, but that doesn't happen here at all. The fighting scenes are in fact really bad, and they're a big waste of Bernhardt's great potential. Oh, did I forget to mention that the plot sucks big time? A VERY, VERY BAD movie indeed.
pillowspam the plot sucked..... it was so simple and rediculous, that who ever wrote it must have stolen it from 3rd grader... i've seen better acting a k-mart commercial.. the fighting scenes were ok....and i stress the word OK because you could easily tell that no contact was made on any kick or punch... i can't believe anyone could have gotten funding for this film. its watching garbage like this that makes me believe i could take a dump, slap the words bloodsport 5 on in and get a budget for another sequel starring Daniel Bernhardt with yet another name and stefanos blah blah whatever as Stavros for the 1000th time.... If you decide to watch this piece of trash, i feel sorry for you, please don't waste 90 minutes of your life like i did.