Fantomas vs. Scotland Yard
Fantomas vs. Scotland Yard
| 16 March 1967 (USA)
Fantomas vs. Scotland Yard Trailers

In the third and final episode of the trilogy, Fantômas imposes a head tax on the rich, threatening to kill those who do not comply.

Console best movie i've ever seen.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
gridoon2018 Fantomas goes communist? Well, not exactly. Although he taxes the rich heavily, he does not intend to re-distribute their wealth - he prefers to keep it all for himself! This third and last mid-1960s "Fantomas" film is mostly set in and around a Scottish castle, which automatically means that Inspector Juve will wear a kilt and be scared by fake ghosts. Much of the comedy is long, loud and labored, which is unfortunate, because Louis De Funes does show that he could pull off more subtle comedy, like he does in one scene where he tries to snatch some jewels. There is one exciting action scene - a horse chase - though this time, unlike what happens in the 1964 "Fantomas", Jean Marais' high-flying stunts are obviously doubled. Mylene Demongeot has a little more to do here. The finale leaves the door wide open for another sequel, but it never materialized. ** out of 4.
Cristi_Ciopron The 3rd FANTÔMAS, the Scottish episode, is a Gothic spoof, and the most alluding to what the homonym literary franchise was, and also the most achieved as comedy; anyway, one mustn't exaggerate with the BOND resemblance—the Marais series was conceived to concur BOND, not to spoof or less to imitate it, and what are the resemblances? They're both action movies and both use gadgets. Many other '60s action flicks—especially TV series—used gadgets; it may be that BOND started the fashion—but that's it—a fashion, not a true resemblance, and BOND might be only the most obvious reference. After all, the FANTÔMAS franchise was filmed in 3 yrs., '64—'67, they should have continued.FANTÔMAS CONTRE Scotland YARD is the most delicious and funny of the installments, going beyond the rather innocent slapstick of the first movies; the most effective as comedy—Juve's assistant searching for his gun, Juve watching the imbecile who drives them to the castle …. Now there are, of course, pals, the fox hunt, etc., yet the idea of FCSY seems more comedy and spookiness, and less action than before. They commuted on spooky comedy, and the shape functioned. In a sense, it's simply Funès' movie, Funès' recital, he holds the stage; and, as I mention below, Mrs. Demongeot is awesomely hot, though her role seems smaller than before.By its third installment the '60s FANTÔMAS franchise already got the best of its notion; the Scotland Yard is coupled with a Scottish setting, and in its parodying tone this installment is a bit spooky. I am already pleased to see that, beyond the misunderstandings and preconceptions, there is yet so much room for a healthy consensus, that, accordingly, things get correctly noticed, I see the correct consensus generally predominating, at least in the competent quarters, among connoisseurs—as with the 3rd FANTÔMAS—it is widely known that this episode is the weirdest, etc., and its reputation is correct. It is nonetheless intriguing that, in order to regain the franchise's intended atmosphere, they resorted to a Scottish setting and thus justified it by means of a change of frame, as it were, they got this notion that they truly needed Scotland to justify a slight change of tone. But it's spooky with moderation, with tact, and the first two movies were not deprived of some spookiness.It's true that there's an English policeman, who smokes pipe and looks unkempt, but this is all the Scotland Yard connection; otherwise, the title alludes perhaps to the characters going to Scotland.Mrs. Demongeot seems a bit less provoking, sexually, than in the two previous installments; in fact, she's even hotter, and she handles nicely her action scenes.With this entry, dear pals, fair readers, I arrived at the end of the Marais FANTÔMAS comments and, summarizing a bit, I should say that I enjoyed all three installments, perhaps the last the best, but the 2nd is quite fancy and nice, with the volcano and the parachutes, and those scientists switched, and the travel to Rome; and the 1st is good and energetic, a lot of fun with daddy Funès, nice action, Mme. Demongeot's tits showing through, clearly recommended. I am glad to say I have seen this franchise as a quintuple fan—of FANTÔMAS, of Marais, of Mme. Demongeot, of Funès and also of Hunebelle; it certainly can serve as an introduction to the '60s French action cinema—those flicks with Belmondo and Delon and others …. Marais, Funés, Mme. Demongeot were, in each in his/ her own way, in best shape while filming the three FANTOMAS, the Demongeot babe was 29 in the 1st movie and 32 in Fantômas Contre Scotland Yard, and during that period she also made flicks with André De Toth and Frank Tashlin ….
FrankoFerko Well, I recall this one as sort of a Faydeau farce. The first two ('Fantomas' in 1964 and 'Fantomas Returns' the following year) were authentic French action adventure dramas created in direct competition to the 007 craze then sweeping France. They had James Bondish plots with a great deal of humour by Louis de Fumes. The final, Scotland Yard installment of this 1964-1966 trilogy was light on plot and heavy on comedy.Still, the cinemascope color photography was stunning in all three films. And where else can one see a Scottish castle's tower suddenly turned into a rocket launch pad?
S.F. I´ve seen this movie about three times and I´m convinced that it is better than the two others.But a very good film about "Fantomas" is still missing.Unfortunately there won´t be another one with great Louis De Funès and Jean Marais.
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