Family United
Family United
| 13 September 2013 (USA)
Family United Trailers

The director Daniel Sánchez Arévalo ('Azuloscurocasinegro', 'Cousins​​'), he embarks on a new comedy that has as a backdrop the World Cup in South Africa and the setting is a wedding that takes precisely the day of the final. This will be the occasion in which five brothers, all with biblical names, Adam, Daniel, Caleb, Benjamin and Ephraim, gather to celebrate the engagement of Ephraim, the youngest of them, who marries his pregnant girlfriend. Will hours of uncertainty, joy and euphoria back, but it's time to unite for a common good. Can all together to face the situation and erected winners heading?

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
bsuncana I've been trying to find this movie for about a week! I've watched it a few years ago when I was 15 or something and it stuck with me as a cool film but I couldn't remember any specific scene or an actor and I wasn't even sure that it was a Spanish movie. I only remembered the ending and Google couldn't help me at all. I actually scrolled my local movie festival's Facebook page 4 years back and finally found it just when I was about to give up and continue to live my life in darkness and misery! I must admit, the movie isn't an 8, it's really more like a strong 4 or 5, but I am just so happy that I found it!Seriously, it isn't that bad, I'm just pickier than I was 4 years ago. Go watch it! And write its name down somewhere, just in case!
ssalomon-11583 La Gran Familia Española is a Spanish movie that was created in 2013 by Daniel Sánchez Arévalo. It is based around a family of five brothers and their father, who live in country outside Madrid. The family cares a lot about being close to each other and celebrating love. The movie begins with the family watching a movie called Seven Wives for Seven Brothers, which is what they base their lives off. This movie is about a large family that consists seven sons that want to get married and live happily ever after. Throughout La Gran Familia Española, the viewer realizes that this is not the case with this Spanish family. The son's father and mother get a divorce and this causes many problems. The movie is about one day in the life of this family, the wedding of Efrian, the youngest of the five brothers, and his pregnant girlfriend, Carla. This is more than just a wedding, it is held at the family's farm and all their family and friends come, except for their mother. Along with the wedding, the final round of the World Cup is happening and it is an important year for Spain because they end up winning. Throughout the day a series of events occur that show the viewer how the lives of these 5 brothers have changed over the years and how their relationships have evolved. Their father has a heart attack mid-ceremony, the true love of one of the brother's starts seeing one of his other brothers, and Efrian begins questioning his love for his girlfriend. These events are happening throughout the course of one day, on the family farm, with many people there, while everyone is watching the soccer game. I believe this film showcases many important aspects of traditional Spanish culture. It includes the importance of family for people in Spain, the love of soccer as a countrywide sport, and the value of living close to home. While using these details to make this movie a comedy, Arévalo makes it very easy to follow for someone who is not Spanish. The humor is light at times, but also hits home on many important life problems that this family faces. He connects the movie to midlife depression with the character Adan, the young love and misunderstanding of life in the character Efrian, and the need to escape your family and problems in the character of Caleb. Arévalo includes these important life lessons in the humor surrounding a disorganized family wedding. The soundtrack perfectly complements the movie because all the songs are very lighthearted and enjoyable, even when there are important detailed scenes the viewer can hear the music of the celebration in the background. I believe this sends the message that even in such an amazing celebration, there can be problems. I have seen many Spanish movies from all different parts of history, but in my opinion this is one of the best I have seen. It holds the viewer's attention while explaining many details. The actors are perfect for their roles and very accurately depict the types of people they are trying to be. I also enjoy the details the viewer learns about Spain as a country and Madrid as the capital. The Spanish pride and love for their country is very apparent in this film and I believe this movie should be at the top of everyone's must see lists. It is a laugh-out-loud comedy, but will make you cry at the same time. It perfectly shows the inner workings of a large, all male family and the troubles they have, funny and serious. I enjoyed viewing this movie and would see it again in a heartbeat.
kvatter If Garry Marshall were to make a Spanish movie, this would be it. It is filled with those kind of stereo-typed characters that only exist in movies and TV shows. We have the aunt that smokes cigarettes while requiring an oxygen tank (it's supposed to be funny, don't ya know). The slow-adult that spouts words of wisdom that are supposed to makes us all sigh at his deepness unencumbered by thought. There's the little girl who is smarter than her father (isn't she just so precious). Each character is once removed from reality and each is dealing with their own particular problems which are all neatly resolved at the end. All this against the backdrop of a wedding, which itself is against the backdrop of the world cup. It's all cute and entertaining to a degree but really never fully engages you because you always know it's not real and could never be. Like watching a TV sitcom. For example, a wedding procession which occurs early in the film introduces many of the characters by having them dancing down the isle. It is preparing you for what is to come and it will make you squirm.
ma-cortes This is another Spanish comedy romp , it is a bemusing story that contains lots of humor , entertainment and binge . Nice and attractive Dramedy (comedy along with drama) about the close relationships among the members of a particular family . This is an amusing picture about a Spanish family formed by 5 boys (Quim Gutierrez , Antonio De La Torre , Roberto Alamo , Patrick Criado , Miguel Fernández) and their ill father (Héctor Colome) . One of them (Patrick Criado) about get married and they then celebrate a peculiar wedding in a bucolic outdoor . Involving these five brothers are their girlfriends (Verónica Echegui) and friends . Then their father suffers an acute stroke and problems crop out , it results in the celebration is turned upside down . Meanwhile , television is broadcasting football world championship (real scenes taken from 2000 World Cup) . Get ready for the match of your life! This is a slightly funny film with entertaining events , giggles , emotion , plot twists and triangular love stories . The film moves in fits and starts most of which would be desirable , with more traps the viewer resists any kind, and some moments of enjoyment and others quite a few embarrassing . The flick gives a short description about lives of people of middle classes , dealing with a special family under the focus of a classical film ¨Seven brides for seven brothers¨ by Stanley Donen . It's an agreeable , moving film , perfectly acted and concerning the narration about the relationship among five sons , fiancée , bride and sick father . The tale narrated in sensitivity and intelligence and are treated some ethic and moral issues developed in a puerile sense and little ductility . The film attempts to spread optimism about the events of life , with its amusing sides and dark areas . Not trying to be unrealistic and make everything as in a fairytale but giving way to mirth and humor . In addition , the film gives us a nice panorama about a middle-class family , its pity , goodness, sacrifice , fraternity , work , companionship and various situations happen in its existence . This is a typical Spanish comedy from the 2000s with the usual ingredients such as enjoyable humor , social habits and close relationships among people . My feelings are extremely mixed but I must admit there are things I haven't been able to stop thinking about , the first part is played mostly for laughs but the ending part turned into a touching drama plenty of sensibility and fairness . A few of the scenes are amusing , they elicit chuckles but no serious laughter . The movie tries to expand some fine sense about this great family such as brotherhood , help and love , including its funny aspects as well as thought-provoking sides . The roles in this film are all lovable despite being rather pathetic and silly . Sympathetic performances from main cast such as Quim Gutiérrez , Antonio De La Torre , Veronica Echegui and Roberto Alamo playing a mentally-handicapped young . Support cast is pretty well such as Raul Arévalo , Pilar Castro , Sandra Martin and Héctor Colomé . Colorful cinematography by Juan Garlos Gomez ; being filmed on location in San Agustin De Guadalix, Madrid, Somosierra, Madrid, and Oliva, València, Comunitat Valenciana . Special mention to musical score filled with wonderful songs composed and sung by Josh Rouse . Daniel Sánchez Artevalo tries to mix genres ranging from comedy to melodrama in its ending segment with some offbeat touches ; furthermore he takes parts from American films of the fifties , particularly those of Frank Capra plenty of emotional and family feeling in which solidarity triumphs and humor despite the blackness . Daniel Sánchez Arévalo was born on 1970 in Madrid, Madrid . He is a writer, known for ¨Primos¨ , ¨Azuloscurocasinegro¨ (2006), and ¨Gordos¨ (2009)and this ¨La Gran Familia Española¨ or "Family United" (2013) .