NR | 10 May 2013 (USA)
Sightseers Trailers

Chris wants to show girlfriend Tina his world, but events soon conspire against the couple and their dream caravan holiday takes a very wrong turn.

Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
poetrypants Finally got to watch this highly rated "terrific black comedy". Ironically this couple travel from the W midlands the length of England in this Lottery funded piece and never meet a black character. We've come so far since Nottinghill ... If you want a genuinely original piece about the weird machinations of white people camping go straight to Nuts in May, the master piece by Mike Leigh
rjwright100 I don't understand how this movie is so adored by the critics. It's slow and boring, and none of the characters are even remotely likable. I would like to compliment the acting, but it's impossible to tell where the awful script and meandering direction end and the acting begins. Save yourself some misery and watch something else. ANYTHING else.
Coventry In my country there exists a term that literally translates as "disaster tourists" and it refers to irritating people that deliberate visit places where tragic accidents have occurred or even are occurring at the moment. The protagonist couple in "Sightseers" somehow reminded me of this, except that they give a whole new dimension to the term as it is them causing the tragic accidents deliberately! Tina is a 34-year-old naive and introvert woman who still lives with her dominant mother who blames her for the violent accidental death of their dog Poppy (as a result of a nasty knitting incident). But this is all about to change since Tina met and fell in love with Chris. He's a devoted caravan-tourist and invites Tina for a romantic vacation across all the sightseeing highlights in Yorkshire, including the spectacular tram and pencil museum. Quite early during the trip already, however, Chris turns out to be a sociopath murderer who slays people for banal reasons like littering a national monument site or plain simple pompous behavior. When Tina discovers Chris peculiar habits, she doesn't immediately disapprove but reacts rather open-minded and curious. "Sightseers" isn't a very original movie, as it bears quite a bit of resemblance to many other and older movies, like for example "Very Bad Things" or John Waters' "Serial Mom", but the main difference here is that this is a prototypic British movie and thus are the main characters dry and cynical and the humor in the script pitch black and offensive. The first half of "Sightseers" is fresh, inventive and extremely entertaining, but the film quickly becomes repetitive and predictable. As the climax approaches, the chemistry between the two lead characters has entirely vanished and the dialogs became dull and overlong. The final twist nevertheless still turned a sardonic smile on my face, but it was too late to save the overall film. Even though I'm an avid horror fanatic, I found "Sightseers" unnecessarily gory and gratuitous. In fact, the absolute best thing about the film is inarguably the photography of the beautiful British countryside and the aptly chosen sober soundtrack ("Tainted Love", anyone?). "Sightseers" received a lot of extra – undeserved – attention because it's directed by the new British prodigy Ben Wheatley. He became giant thanks to the supposedly terrific "Kill List" (which I haven't seen yet)
riley kerr Never trust a bearded man with a caravan...The dark comedy darkened throughout the scene with random people intervening on their road trip Some parts of the film did in fact make me laugh however as it was bizarre it wouldn't be one of the films I would advise, and it would be a waste of time. The unrealism was astonishing. Chris Oram who was basically seen as being a psycho (in his own written film) turned his girlfriend Tina also into a psychopath. The film includes a variety of unusual and catastrophic scenes. Who would have guessed that it is she who caused the main death at the end.Every death was an accident...