Falling in Love
Falling in Love
PG-13 | 21 November 1984 (USA)
Falling in Love Trailers

During shopping for Christmas, Frank and Molly run into each other. This fleeting short moment will start to change their lives, when they recognize each other months later in the train home and have a good time together. Although both are married and Frank has two little kids, they meet more and more often, their friendship becoming the most precious thing in their lives.

Micitype Pretty Good
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Pradip Shah I am a hopeless romantic. Maybe that is why I fall in love with the movie characters so easily. It does not necessarily have to be between a man and a woman. It can be between any 2 persons. Father and daughter, brother & sister or what have you.I saw the movie almost 20 years ago on a trans Atlantic flight. May be I am confusing this with another movie but if my memory serves me right, in the end Robert DeNero & Meryl Streep just missed each other at the store & it really broke my heart. I have been trying to lay my hands on it for watching it again for all these years.Just laid my hand on the DVD a couple of days back. The final minute of the movie made my day.In my opinion and what I have always believed is that true love does not necessarily involve sex. It is simply wanting to be close to someone and not seeing but simply accepting the other person as a human as they are.Believe me I will be watching this one at least a few times every year.I would place this as one of my all time favorite love story right along side of Notting Hill & Pretty Woman.
Jackson Booth-Millard This is a really sentimental film about how a first brief meeting, and then another few can start a bigger relationship. Starring Robert De Niro as Frank Raftis, he bumps into Meryl Streep as Molly Gilmore in a book store, and they get their wrapped books mixed up. A few months they meet each other again at the train station, and they become friends. They see each other a few more times after that, and then eventually they realise it is love, but they are both married! It is amazing how only a few meetings turns into obsession, it is obviously when bad things happen to them both, and their marriages, that you wonder if they should be together. Also starring Harvey Keitel as Ed Lasky and Edward Scissorhands' Dianne Wiest as Isabelle. Good!
Nazi_Fighter_David Love is more than an emotion... It's above all, the substance of our being, the gift of oneself...We all want to fall in love… We all want to be caught up out of our ordinary life… Maybe because it is the only true adventure, maybe because that experience makes us feel completely alive... It may only last a moment, an hour, an afternoon, but that doesn't diminish its value, because we are left with memories that we treasure for the rest of our lives...Here, Merryl Streep and DeNiro are the kind of people who are ready to take action on an opportunity… Following a chance meeting in a bookshop, pre-Xmas, the two central characters find themselves inexplicably drawn to each other… But both are married… She has a husband, he has a wife and two lovely kids… Both are meant to be together but they are inexperienced, uptight… And neither really knows what to do with his fear, shyness, hesitation, and confusion… On this thread of plot hangs a nice romantic film where two super stars combined their talent to conquer a dry script…Director Ulu Grosbard makes sure there are plenty of subway stations, trains, hot dogs, coffee, driving rainstorm, two adjacent pay phones, walks through the streets, swelling music, and much more for the lovers to get romantic over… His motion picture is strictly traditional, which makes his sensitive film something fresh and entertaining
Nicholas Rhodes Absolutely brilliant acting on the part of the main protagonists, Streep and de Niro. I don't believe for one single moment you can find love by taking the train - I have been travelling daily for years on public transport and have never encountered anything remotely resembling what happens in the film - but films ARE made to make us dream and this film certainly does. Why, pray, if you want daily reality, then you watch a documentary.These two characters and the actors that portray them are ideally suited to the script and film. They're both pretty reserved, shy and respect the contract of marriage, but something inexorably brings them together. You watch, thinking "this cannot last" but somehow it does. One or other of the characters takes the right initiative at the right moment. Truly unbelievable when you look at stark reality but oh boy is it fun to watch on the screen.The same story played out by ordinary actors would be a total flop, but with Streep and De Niro, success is guaranteed right the way thru ! A must for all those who have never found true love but secretly harbour the hope of finding it one day .....................