Breaking Up
Breaking Up
R | 17 October 1997 (USA)
Breaking Up Trailers

An aloof, struggling food photographer thinks he has found true love with a fiery grade-school teacher. At first, the relationship is all wine and roses, but as they realize they have little in common besides great sex, the romance wanes, and they struggle through a succession of break-ups and reunions as they try to work things out.

GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
farid98 Geat movie. Salma and Russell really shine together, and the dialog is amazingly good and really hits the spot. The two main characters spend a lot of time talking about relationships, but it never gets cheesy - quite the opposite. Its real, its insightful, and it vividly portrays the complex emotions that go into relationships and the conflicting feelings that make them so exasperating and yet so irresistible.And of course Salma is absolutely a treat to the eyes. If you've been in love, and if you've ever felt the pain of parting - even temporarily - you'll just fall in love with this move. A must see.
theprovinces I flipped through this film (shot in 1995) one day on cable, since I'm not a big fan of either of the stars, but a couple days later(it was on again) felt compelled to watch and found it engaging, if disturbingly credible and real. It's probably the kind of movie that will appeal to those who've experienced similar situations -- the break-up that lasts longer than the relationship. I think Greenwald (director) and the writer Michael Christofer have a very good grip on understanding the emotional highs and lows of a relationship that's turbulent: There's much to admire about the person, but ultimately something isn't right, hence the many (failed) attempts at breaking up. **Potential Spoiler** Still, there are those who might view this (as some other commentators have) as more of a "true love" type of story -- I believe (paraphrasing here) someone said something about they know they're each others true love. I disagree. I think there is a super strong physical and emotional bond that draws them together (even in the final scene) but perhaps they've realized that what they had wasn't strong enough to sustain a long-term commitment in a family situation.I wouldn't recommend this movie for everyone. If you can't relate to it, it might be annoying and repetitive, but if you've gone through the multiple break-up situation, the desperate attempts to "make it work" when it's hopeless, the being drawn back to each other, the whispery breathy phone calls after weeks of separation, the hopefulness that "this time it will be different" (and it never is), you will definitely "get" this movie more. There are comedic moments and **SPOILER** but it ends in a non-Hollywood way and much of what they go through is fairly devasting (or seemingly so at the moment).
lostein While someone must have thought this an interesting premise - watch a couple fall apart, rather than come together - its an experiment that didn't work. Without seeing why these 2 people were together in the first place, their constant arguing leaves you wondering what all the fuss is about. However, with that said, for those interested in seeing early films of Russell Crowe, this is a small goldmine. He doesn't get beat up, he doesn't die, and he actually has some love/sex scenes. Crowe also gets to show a little of his comic side, which has been under used since coming to the US to make films. So, while the script would have been better left on the film school floor, or at least left in the computer for more work, this film has definite goodies to recommend it. Any film with Russell in a bathtub can't be all bad....
Mickey Knox (some spoilers) Boy and girl together. Girl leaves boy. Girl comes back. Girl and boy make love. Girl breaks up with boy. Boy begs girl to come back. Girl comes back. Boy and girl make love. Boy breaks up with girl. Girl begs boy to come back. Boy comes back. Boy and girl make love. Girl breaks up with boy. Boy asks girl to marry him. Girl accepts. (!!??!!) Boy and girl in front of the minister. Boy faints. Girl breaks up with boy. Forever.This is BREAKING UP. Good points: for the actors, Salma Hayek and Russel Crowe - very convincing in difficult roles. And also the idea of making a movie only with 2 actors. Bad points: the rest. Especially the story, most of the times pathetic and unbelieveble. Vote: 5