Faith of Our Fathers
Faith of Our Fathers
| 01 July 2015 (USA)
Faith of Our Fathers Trailers

With the Vietnam War raging in 1969, two young fathers report for duty. A man of great faith and a doubtful cynic. A quarter-century later, their sons, Wayne and John Paul (David A.R. White and Kevin Downes), meet as strangers. Guided by handwritten letters from their fathers from the battlefield, they embark on an unforgettable journey to The Wall-the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. Along the way, they discover the devastation of war cannot break the love of a father for his son.

Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
Konterr Brilliant and touching
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
petervoicu when i saw first time the movie, i was touched.The movie talks a lot about Jesus and God and its not shy to underline how important it is to have a relationship with Jesus.the bad ratings of this movie are understandable, because all that reviewed this movie, for sure do not care too much about God or Christian faith. so, this is a Christian movie, made for Christians or those that symphatise with the Christian faith.if you don't believe in Jesus, for sure this movie is not for you. this movie is a reminder for us, Christians that the most important thing that we have in a world that every day becomes more antagonizing to God and especially to Christian faith, is our faith.That will get us through
peterchapman-76310 This is a portrayal of US Senator John McCain he might now be a famous politician but during the Vietnam war he was a held as a prisoner of war for several years of the conflict. The film itself is mostly set in his prison in Vietnam or the US Navy School. The film shows McCain being shot down and parachuting into a village, locals help him and then turn him over to authorities.Compared to the real events this film is so tame its just stupid. They chose to remove most of the real violence that are in the book. I guess because they didn't want the film to get an adult rating. I think its just better to read the book.
Steve Pulaski Last year's Fourth of July weekend saw Dinesh D'Souza's "America" gracing American cinemas with its presence, telling us American shame was a byproduct of a false idea of history and questioning where the world would be had American never come into existence. To keep with the tradition of a country that loves making films that simultaneously stroke the nation's ego as well as adhering to the importance of "traditional values," Fourth of July 2015 brings us "Faith of Our Fathers," another link in the chain of abysmal, independent Christian cinema.What makes "Faith of Our Fathers" bad isn't its flag-waving pride for America as a plea for sentimentality (it doesn't use that device as much as you'd like to believe) but it's commitment to painting the most uneven picture with caricatures for characters and circumstances so incredulous they border the line of science-fiction. We are immediately introduced to John Paul George (yes, that's the name of the character we must take seriously, played by Kevin Downes, who looks like Matt Damon's clone) and his fiancée Cynthia ("Full House"'s Candace Cameron Bure). Any time these two characters are on screen together make for a cringe-worthy bout of joking or fighting, but I digress. John Paul is digging through boxes of his late mother's old things and finds pictures and a flag from his late father's tour of duty in Vietnam. He finds the name "Eddie Adams" in the box of things and decides to look him up in hopes he has information about his father, for he knows depressingly little.After several dead-end phone calls, he stumbles upon the right man, who lives in the in the backwoods of Mississippi, and makes the effortless flight out to the land to hopefully meet the man who can tell him what happened to his father and how he died. Upon arriving, John Paul meets Wayne Adams (David A.R. White), Eddie's son, a wily, unpredictable loudmouth who allows John Paul to sleep over. John Paul is awoken in the middle of the night by the sound of Wayne chainsawing the roof off of his beloved 1965 Ford Thunderbird, with Wayne stating he'll give John Paul his own father's letters, which reveal things about his father Stephen, if he (a) pays $500 per letter and (b) takes a trip to The Vietnam Wall with him.What ensues is a terribly contrived, uninteresting bout of roadtrip clichés with shots of John Paul and Wayne's fathers fighting in combat in a group led by Sergeant Mansfield (Stephen Baldwin) interjecting this bumpy ride. The only thing worse than a roadtrip film full of clichés and narrative shortcomings is a roadtrip film that includes both and features two insufferable characters. John Paul's tired old moral soul character is about as empty as it can be and Wayne is a cloying brute who's obnoxiously fake accent and stubborn tendencies make for another character who is immediately unlikable.As with any contemporary Christian film, the elements of God and Jesus need be mentioned in nearly every scene to some degree but none can be proposed in passing or the subject of a simple, heart-to-heart conversation. "Faith of Our Fathers" has to masquerade in its religious beliefs, etching the names of God and Jesus in dreary monologues that continue to affirm the importance of these figures in a way that makes the speaking character condescend to those who do not believe in such a being. This is the fundamental flaw with most contemporary Christian films - their inability to accept that people can indeed be good and moral without the presence of a supreme being.Despite four heads (Downes, White, director Carey Scott, and Harold Uhl) working to pen the screenplay, "Faith of Our Fathers" is still burdened by bogus emotional mawkishness, the kind where somber orchestration cues you in on when to shed tears. It gets even more flashy when Si Robertson of TV's "Duck Dynasty" has to show up as the eclectic manager of a gas station, who peddles beef jerky to all of his customers. This is now the second Christian film to use the "Duck Dynasty" cast as cameos (the first being "God's Not Dead") and each time it has resulted in nothing more than sale and obvious pandering that the audiences for these films still has ostensibly not realized because they keep eating it up whenever such cameos occur.Finally, there's the film's latter act, which is so entirely unbelievable and contrived that it makes some science-fiction films seem probable. It's the kind of "unexpected" reversal that would work really well if it were even a hair realistic or believable, but by then, the film's directors and writers rely on their audience to be baited hook, line, and sinker by the emotional elements that the concluding sequences will simply seem like divine fortune that was meant to be all along. It's a cheap ploy that only worsens an already lackluster film, as we must listen to a sermon about God, his mysterious ways, and how the boys' fathers lived a life that served God and their country, set to uplifting choral music that makes for nothing but overwrought storytelling."Faith of Our Fathers" will most likely be prodded by critics but loved by its audience (choir), who will presumably call the film's detractors uptight secularists that can't appreciate a good, moral film. If my opinion on "Faith of Our Fathers" makes me that, then I'd rather be that than someone who buys into the trite on display with this film.
The_Film_Cricket I have no objection to the output of PureFlix Entertainment. Christian movie goers should have their films on the big screen just as much as fans of horror or comedy or action pictures. The writers and directors of the films put out by PureFlix have set out on a mission, to give a forgotten audience a voice on the big screen. Fine, but for Heaven's sake, PLEASE send these people to film school! Over the last two years I've sat through movie after movie from PureFlix and they all seem to have the same problem: they are dry, limp, dumbbell T.V. movie-style productions featuring bad actors reciting bad dialogue – like a church play put on by people who didn't show up for rehearsal.This should not be construed as a knee-jerk reaction to Christian films. I support Christian films, but a bad movie is a bad movie no matter what it's about. I'm looking squarely at The Book of Esther (2013), Gods Not Dead (2014), Do Your Believe? (2015) and PureFlix's latest head-scratcher Faith of Our Fathers.I actually saw this movie at a special screening back in January when it was called To the Wall. Why the title was changed I don't know. To the Wall isn't any better, but its much easier to remember. Faith of Our Fathers too closely resembles Flags of Our Fathers, the Clint Eastwood movie that you should watch instead. Both movies are ostensibly about soldiers who fought and died in American conflicts. Eastwood's film was about the soldiers at Iwo Jima. The PureFlix film is sort-of about soldiers in Vietnam, but spends an exhaustive amount of time as a goofball road comedy.The story of Faith of our Fathers/To the Wall is, at its heart, about reconnection. It begins with a good-hearted guy named John Paul George (Kevin Downes) – that's actually what people call him – whose father was a soldier in Vietnam who never made it home. What he left for his son was a pack of letters that John Paul George has held onto for all these years. Spurred by a desire to find out what happened to him, John Paul George heads east to get information from a veteran who served with his dad during the war Now, here's what you should know about John Paul George – he's a doofus. I'm not being mean, he walks through this movie with the same expression my dog gives me when I hide the tennis ball behind my back. He does things that no sane human being would do on a road trip, like letting a pair of strangers borrow the car when they ask for help. He trusts quite a few people in this movie that he really shouldn't. I understand the need for a trusting nature but it wouldn't have been out of character for John Paul George to enter this film falling off a turnip truck.John Paul George's plans hit a snag when he meets the son of the man his dad served with. He is Wayne (David A.R. White) a strange individual who seemed to have mimicked his personality on a bad Nick Nolte impression. I'm not kidding, White affects a gravelly voice and a haircut that might be at home on an bad SNL sketch. It's a bad performance – really bad.Naturally, the two don't trust each other. John Paul George is the good-hearted dope, and Wayne is the cynic who lives in a trailer and seems to live for the singular purpose of being mad at the world. Reluctantly, they decide to help each other. They decided to take a road trip to the Vietnam Memorial in Washington D.C. Can two walking clichés share a road trip without driving each other crazy? What do you think? The present-day scenes with Wayne and John Paul George are inter-cut with scenes of Wayne's dad in Vietnam back in 1969 – which look like they were filmed in someone's back yard (I swear the platoon passes the same tree four times!). John Paul George's father is named Steven (Sean McGowan) and writes letters back home to his infant son. His platoon is led by Sergeant Mansfield (Stephen Baldwin) who – not to give too much away – provides the film's most baffling development. He becomes a human connection between John Paul George and his father that I'm pretty sure involved a time machine.No matter who made Faith of Our Fathers/To the Wall and for what purpose, this is a bad movie – really bad, laughably bad. The production values seem borrowed "The Beverly Hillbillies" up to, and including, the moving back projection during the driving scenes. The screenplay is all over the place. Every development is painfully convenient and the story moves back and forth between pathos and slapstick comedy almost at random, dealing with two characters that are so badly written and acted that they seem like Looney Tunes characters.I realize that I could be accused of beating up a film that is not my taste. On the contrary, I've liked religious themed movies in the past. But I like films that are well made and that have a point of view. I also realize that my taste in religious films leans more toward films that challenge me, like The Rapture, The Passion of the Christ, The Last Temptation of Christ and even parts of Heaven is for Real. Even Oh God! had a nice message. But Faith of Our Fathers/To the Wall is an aggravating mess. It wants to be a screwball comedy and a heart-rending message about fathers and sons. Pick one guys, you can't have both.