Faces of Gore
Faces of Gore
| 06 May 1999 (USA)
Faces of Gore Trailers

Join our fiendish host, Dr. Vincent Van Gore, as he leads you into the forbidden world of the dead. Only the nastiest car accidents, suicides and murders are here; faithfully and explicitly documented through actual crime scene investigations by police and emergency response teams from around the world. Everything you see is real; nothing has been faked. There are no boring autopsies or old World War II footage. Only the best and bloodiest corpses killed within the past 10 years are good enough to become the FACES OF GORE! If you cannot handle smashed brains, bug-eyed corpses and char-boiled fetuses, then DO NOT WATCH THIS DVD! Nothing you have ever seen before can prepare you for this breakthrough new horror film by TODD TJERSLAND, the Visionary Overlord of American Horror!

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Laikals The greatest movie ever made..!
BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Titreenp SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
chribren "Faces of Gore" is a so-called 'shockumantary' film, made by Todd Tjersland who also directed the other two films in this same film series.However, this isn't a movie at once, just a collection of nasty, but real videos showing us ugly-looking corpses caused by traffic accidents, suicides and murders. In-between each of the said so-called 'segments', Dr. Vincent van Gore faces the camera and is babbling something about death and so on. And then these nasty videos comes up, with director Todd Tjersland ridiculing every of the videos/corpses throughout.Most of the footages shown here are from Japan, right? THAT'S WRONG, FOLKS! They aren't from Japan. You can tell that by looking carefully on the people's appearance, clothing and whatever, you can even tell that by looking on the writings on said clothing. Most of those footages are either from Thailand, Vietnam or some other Asian countries.Just to conclude it all, there is basically nothing to see, unless you're a gorehound (like me just to admit it) and just want to watch some real gore footages. But if you really want to see this anyway, please DON'T watch it for the sake of entertainment, because there is nothing entertaining with this 'film'.A few other similar so-called 'movies' (or to be more right 'trashumentaries') include the "Traces of Death"-series and the UK-banned film "Terrorists, Killers & Middle-East Wackos".
jewbo23 How do you review this vile piece of trash. It is completely made up of aftermaths of crashes, suicides and murders all taken from police files. There scenes shown are at some points extremely gory and disgusting. Most notably a scene early on of a motorcycle crash where the riders smashed head has wedged its self between a lamp post and a mesh fence.The film is introduced by Dr Vincent van Gore who tells us he is a professor or gorenology. He obviously reads his dumb and pointless introductions to each section from cue cards. The worst part of this film is the narration. It is given with complete disregard for human life and is extremely offensive. At one point a woman who has hung herself is striped off and the narrator comments on her breast size. It seems he may need a little mental help. The film gets extremely boring very fast as when you have seen one of these scenes you have pretty much seen them all. And after half an hour of the same stuff you become pretty tolerant of the gore and blood on screen. If you enjoy these mondo films then there are plenty more better ones out there. This one is just boring.4/10
dasbub I know that the opening spiel said that they made up the stories and changed the names, but come on. Every story apparently takes place in Japan, and all the names are Japanese. Well, even a moron can tell that these are NOT from Japan.The people don't look Japanese, the writing on the uniforms is definitely not Japanese, and the way that the police wrap up bodies in butcher paper and touch bits of internal organs with non-gloved hands suggests these clips originate in a third-world country.I'm no expert on asian languages and alphabets, but I'll hazard an informed guess that these clips are from the area of Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia.Putting all of that aside, the movie is pointless. Many people say it's a gorefest, but I just found it boring. Once you've seen a couple of car accidents and suicides, you've seen them all. Don't waste your time with this cheap ripoff of Faces of Death.
GathofBaal Unlike it's counterpart Traces of Death, this does not contain actual footage of death, but rather is a collection of gruesome "Aftermath" footage, mainly imported from Japan. A showcase of mangled accident and murder victims and suicides, it's very graphic and gory, but the novelty wears off rather quickly. Some humor is added by the goofy narrator, who makes inappropriate comments about the victims, and by the addition of ridiculous "Squishy" sound effects whenever a body is moved. For only the most die hard Real Death fans.