Extraterrestrial Visitors
Extraterrestrial Visitors
| 13 December 1983 (USA)
Extraterrestrial Visitors Trailers

After a meteor-like object lands in the woods, poachers unearth a cave filled with alien eggs. As they attempt to destroy the eggs, one of them is killed by an unseen creature, leaving one egg intact. A young boy named Tommy finds the remaining egg and brings it home to hatch. As more murders occur around town, Tommy learns that his new pet alien, who he names Trumpy, possesses telekinetic powers.

Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Anders Twetman The Pod People is kind of like a movie shake, as if someone took three entirely different movies (or is it five?), and threw them into a blender. The first part is about a couple of hunters stumbling around in the fog and not shooting any of the deer they see; the second part is about a lame rock band going camping in the same foggy woods; the third part is about a strange kid called Tommy, who keeps a veritable zoo in his bedroom.Eventually one of the rock band comes across the hunters and gets hurt, so the gang take her to house where Tommy lives with his mom and uncle where they spend most of the time discussing how to get help. Parallel to this story, Tommy has found an egg that hatches into an elephant faced alien creature that makes toys levitate and what not. Meanwhile the hunters have come across another elephant snout alien, but this one is less benevolent, and starts killing people. So we have tree stories going on at the same time, one E.T. type "friendly (seriously creepy looking) alien and kid" story, one "teenagers stuck in the woods" type thing and one "hunters become the hunted" monster flick. It all sort of comes together in the end, with the teenagers and Tommys drunk uncle going to kill the alien, while Tommy is trying to protect his pet.What I'm trying to get across here is that its all very, very confusing, and the tone and feel of the whole thing gets very muddled. Questions like, "what is going on?" and "what movie are we in?" kept popping up in my head throughout. That most of the movie is shot in a thick cloud of fog, and the lack of distinction between day and night, winter or summer doesn't exactly help either.
Hayjohowe Pod Peopl, a.k.a extraterrestrial visitors, gives a new approach to sci-fi movies, and sets the stage for movies like E.T. In this movie, we have a young boy, who finds an alien egg. When a creature hatches from the egg, the friendship between the two grow. We come to enjoy Trumpey, the alien who the boy befriends, as he is a kind and curious character, and fun to watch. But at the same time, another alien identical to Trumpey is terrorizing the family, and a group of campers, killing them off one by one. The boy refuses to accept that his new friend is the monster responsible. So he and Trumpey run off, before Trumpey can be killed. When the boy is attacked by the other alien, Trumpey comes to his rescue, and convinces his fellow monster to let the boy try to help him. But when the boys uncle attacks them both, the other alien kills him, only to be shot and killed himself. It is then that the boy realizes that there is nothing he can do to protect Trumpey, so he sends him off into the woods. The ending is very touching, because we get to hear the sadness in the boys voice because he has to say goodbye to his new friend. We also know exactly what Trumpey is thinking, even without dialog. The movie provides a new approach to alien films, and i'm forced to think of E.T. while I watch it, because of their similarities. Overall it's a good movie, but not amazing.
JeanFrancoisTheriault I just finished watching The Extraterrestrial Visitors from director Juan Piquer Simon who made the great slasher flick Pieces. I got this little obscure sci-fi film from a Mill Creek Entertainment box set i just purchased, titled, Sci-Fi Invasion 50 movie pack....which by the way makes it worth every penny for b-movie film buffs on a budget..lol...sometimes the only way to get to see these movies...and cheaply. Anyways, i popped the disc into the DVD player and as soon as i saw the director's name appear on the credits, i knew i was in for a treat...I loved the horror film Pieces, one of my all time favorites! Now, Juan Piquer Simon delves into the sci-fi genre this time, and despite all the bad reviews on here, i actually enjoyed this little film. Now, it is a low budget b-movie! do not expect a Hollywood blockbuster here. If you like that kind of stuff great! it is bad, bad dubbing and laughable at times, but i really liked the beginning with the eerie atmosphere....really starts off like a horror film. it has a bad alien that kills people and a good alien...this is more like a kids movie at that point, but only briefly as it always continues with the killer alien...So, i liked the atmosphere throughout the whole film...not a bad chiller. Overall, i had a lot of fun!
FairlyAnonymous Hopefully you got the joke on my summary up there. Either way this is one of those movies that is horribly bad, but it is so bad that MST3K makes it hilarious, and the movie is hilarious even without MST3K.This movie has nothing to do with the title. Actually the movie was going to be more of a horror movie, notice the original poster of the movie is more horrifying. But at the last minute E.T. came out so they tried to make the movie about a kid and his trumpet alien. Prepare to be amazed.OK the plot seems to be broken up into several movies which is really annoying (MST3K notes this) there is a plot with some poachers, then this leads to the plot with the kid, there are some teenagers, and there are some trees. Either way these poachers find a meteorite where they find eggs and decide to destroy them because naturally when you find something foreign you want to destroy it. Well one egg remains and this annoying kid finds it, so he takes it home. Apparently this kid is some sort of women because his voice is obviously dubbed. Also he seems to have a lot of pets and is some how smart... the movie tricks you into thinking she *cough* I mean he is smart. Then there are some teenagers and all of the girls are... yeah... I will avoid using any bad language here. The teenagers are going on this trip and they stumble across the mother alien who is killing some people in search of her last egg.Long story short Trumpy (the alien) is magical and has this insanely annoying scene where he pretends to be Mary Poppins. Trumpy's mom dies and the story ends with everyone being happy.This movie is very bad, but it is very funny on just how stupid it is. Though it is slightly gross in a sense. You know when you watch a movie that is so stupid that you feel a little sick? This movie gives me that feeling whenever you see Trumpy. So please watch this movie with MST3K if you can... if not you should still watch it.