Experiment in Torture
Experiment in Torture
R | 16 October 2007 (USA)
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Lured by the smell of easy money, beautiful, exotic dancers agree to spend the weekend at the remote mountain getaway of a wealthy voyeur. Once there, the girls are drugged, tied up and slowly tortured to death with everything from a blowtorch to an electric drill by a killer who uses their bodies as a canvas for his sadistic, twisted art.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Greatornot This film was absolutely awful. Sure it was somewhat of a Hostel ripoff. That was not even the problem. The film just went all over the place and was basically incoherent . Horrible acting, horrible camera. I was hoping this would be an upper echelon B-Movie , it was a BO-movie, because it freaking reeked. The film was not even gory. You would think if a film was going to be this bad , at least feed the audience with some good old fashioned gore. The film basically left a stereotype of women being naive,money hungry,stupid and giddy. There was no positive retribution at all as far as the fairer sex is concerned. As evil as some of the male characters were, you at least had males that were noble and wanted to do the right thing, so to speak.I suspect the writer had tons of animosity toward females, by the way the script was played. Boring, uneven and juvenile is not a way to go through film making.
DemonicNightAngel While picking this movie out, I figured it would be decent like many other slasher movies are. However, once you've passed the first five minutes of the movie, you're pretty much bored.All it seems to be is exactly what the description on the back of the DVD says. Strippers getting killed. I have honestly dreamed of better ways to kill a person than they did in this movie. Maybe with a little more imagination, girls who actually wore clothes, a better plot this movie could have gone somewhere. Instead, all you get is a chopped up movie that causes you a lot of questions in the end. Just like in this film, it's showed in todays movies that without any kind of nudity movies just aren't going to go anywhere. I could actually go without a little less nudity, and more gore. Gore is the reason people watch these movies, not how many times they can see ass and breasts.If you intend on actually understanding half of the movie, you'll need captions on because you'll be straining. I was hoping there was possibly a directors cut somewhere on the net, one that was way better than the one you can rent. Although, I'm not exactly sure if I'd want to punish myself once again and go through the torture of having to watch it again. Gouging my eyes out with the DVD sounds like more fun that actually watching it again.Poor quality, poor sound, everything was pretty much poor about this movie.If you actually waste your time watching it, I feel sorry for you.
ats454145 some slutty strippers go to a guys house to sit around and take part in a porno (in which there is no porn) and then 1 or 2 guys drug a girl. then 1 breaks her leg. which heals in the next scene and the other one is broken. and then the cast switches back onto the other leg. and then after all that crap like 2 of the girls are tied up in the basement and some guy walks over and is like. OGABOGA and he apparently had acid on his face. but it looks like crappy halloween store make up. and he is like im going to kill you. and then the camera spins around and u hear a drill and u don't see anything and then a girl is like omg i think i am dead. and then like a girl gets a gun somehow and pow. the guy is dead. This movie sucks so bad. it looks like they filmed it with a camera phone. and also there are more mistakes in this movie that there are in a retarded spelling bee. if you were unlucky enough to have watched this movie, it will be okay. youu need to stay calm and call the suicide hotline because otherwise u will kill yourself thinking omg how can a movie suck so much.
gavin6942 A group of strippers is invited to film a "fetish film" at a large house outside of the city. For some reason, they agree to do this despite never even meeting the man who hires them. After spending the afternoon having fun and the evening playing Truth or Dare, things start to go badly as the girls one by one get sick or injured. Is there any escape? This movie comes to us from first-time writer and director Sean MacArthur, who has no future projects officially scheduled yet. And what a relief that is! This film is such a sloppy and boring piece of film. While it does have some extensive nudity (especially in the beginning strip club scenes) and some gore, it's largely girls sitting around doing pointless things filmed very grainy and with no proper lighting.Even the plot, which is pretty simple, doesn't add up, once we throw in other people who are involved: a bodyguard, a brother and two local drunks. Somehow they all manage to find this house and get mixed up with it. I can't explain how they find it or what the point is. And there's a scene in the opening that has little to do with anything else, really throwing me off.And here's the worst part: the camera seems to enjoy following around the ugliest stripper the most. I don't recall her name, but she has a very manly bone structure and it looks like she has a mustache (though that may be the lighting). The hottest stripper doesn't go along on the trip, and of the hottest one who does, we rarely see her on film. The guy who directed this really went out of his way to screw this up: if you have no substance, at least give us something flashy. This was a waste of film.My recommendation is obviously to not watch this one. It's not enjoyable, not even with friends or alcohol. If you're going to get something off the straight-to-video wall, make it "Flight of the Living Dead" or something. This film joins the ranks of the worst of the worst.
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